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Frostbringer improvement suggestions

Frostbringer improvement suggestions

18 март 2021, 18:5918.03.21

Frostbringer improvement suggestions

A1 could use a rework and just be an AOE, ditch the heal reduction or just bake it in, this way she would be much more in line with other epics. A2 needs to have the condition on the heal reduction removed, unless you give us a 100% chance to land, this is just a long cool down 3 hitter. Reducing it's cool down by 1 more or adding another book to reduce it by one more time would fix it. A3 is fine, but would love another book to reduce it to 3 turn CD to match other speed champs, and give Sacred Order a viable option at the epic level, or make the speed last for 3 turns instead of 2 would also fix it. I adore this champion and would like to see any improvements to make them a better option for early players and faction wars. 
