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Noob here... who do i 6star next?

Noob here... who do i 6star next?

18 март 2021, 14:5518.03.21

Noob here... who do i 6star next?

Strangely, my first and second 6stars were very straight forward... Kael became my farmer, and Lyssandra is just to OP to not make her a 6star.  However... now I am trying to figure out who I should invest in next.  I seem to have a pretty good selection of champions, so I could go in virtually any direction. My priority is a really well rounded team, so I can focus Nightmare, Dragon, and Clan Boss for gear.

Here is who I have:

Rector Drath, Seducer, Coldheart, Athel, Elhain, Grappler, spirithost, Slayer, Warpriest, Steelskull, Grizzled Jarl, Deathless, Bloodgorged, Corpse Collector, Jizoh, Galek, Vergumkaar, Frozen Banshee, Doompriest, Marked, and Skullcrusher are all immediately available.  I can work on anyone pictured, if there is a standout that I am not seeing.

Additionally, i have saved up 800 gems so that whoever gets the six star treatment will also get fully scrolled up.

Who would you recommend I increase to 6?


18 март 2021, 14:5918.03.21

Skullcrusher for sure

18 март 2021, 15:1418.03.21

rector drath

18 март 2021, 15:2218.03.21

Do not 5star another hero until half of your 5s are 6s... ration is ass-backwards to be blunt.  You need gear.  Dragon20 is only priority.  So...

1. 12.3

2. Dragon Team

3. Skullcrusher

4. Arena Team

18 март 2021, 15:2518.03.21

Great choice, a lot of them are worth lvl 60: Frozen Banshee, Coldheart, Rector Drath, Skullcrusher.

But I think my next champ would be one you did not mention, but I can see him in your roster: Dhukk the Pierced. He needs his Lunatic Outburst skill booked to 100% chance and needs 100% critchance to work well, but he is a fantastic and versatile champ that can be used everywhere.

You need a champ with AoE def debuff anyway. I don't see that at the champs you mentioned. Dhukk is your man, and, same move as the famous Stag Knight, he has an AoE atk debuff as bonus on the same skill. And Dhukk's damage is def based and his def at lvl 60 is enormous, so beside his real unkillable buff on his A3 he is hard to kill overall.

18 март 2021, 15:2618.03.21

Do not 5star another hero until half of your 5s are 6s... ration is ass-backwards to be blunt.  You need gear.  Dragon20 is only priority.  So...

1. 12.3

2. Dragon Team

3. Skullcrusher

4. Arena Team

Thank you for your opinion.  I am already farming 12.6.  I have cleared the first three difficulties with three stars across the board using just Kael and Lyssandra.  While i appreciate your insight, please remember that you have over a year more experience in the game, and as such, you are able to know if my 5stars are even worth leveling to 50... which is why i am here.  To be blunt, thanks for the advice, but you dont have to be an ass to do it.

18 март 2021, 15:2818.03.21

Great choice, a lot of them are worth lvl 60: Frozen Banshee, Coldheart, Rector Drath, Skullcrusher.

But I think my next champ would be one you did not mention, but I can see him in your roster: Dhukk the Pierced. He needs his Lunatic Outburst skill booked to 100% chance and needs 100% critchance to work well, but he is a fantastic and versatile champ that can be used everywhere.

You need a champ with AoE def debuff anyway. I don't see that at the champs you mentioned. Dhukk is your man, and, same move as the famous Stag Knight, he has an AoE atk debuff as bonus on the same skill. And Dhukk's damage is def based and his def at lvl 60 is enormous, so beside his real unkillable buff on his A3 he is hard to kill overall.

Thank you!  I appreciate the insight!   I liked him, but i worried that I dont get books fast enough to make him exceptional.  Guess i need to rethink that logic.

Thanks again!

18 март 2021, 15:5918.03.21

I wouldn't recommend focusing on 3 different things.

It can be very overwhelming to do several different things at once.

It is better to focus on 1 thing at a time.

You focus on 1 thing ---> Complete it ---> Than move on to next thing.

Most times the first step is to work on a Campaign Farmer which can Solo 12-3 or 12-6 Brutal.

It seems to me like you have done this with Kael.

The next step people work on is Clan Boss because they like to help there Clan.

It makes people feel good that they are contributing to the team to take down a CB mode.

Obviously, if you don't have a Clan, you would skip this step because it doesn't apply to you.

However, I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are in a Clan.

You have already upgraded your Poison hero which is Kael.

Kael will automatically play a part in your CB team.

The next hero to upgrade will be your Attack Down Champion.

It seems to me like your using Reactor Darth as your Attack Down Hero.

So my recommendation would be to upgrade Reactor Darth to 6 star.

18 март 2021, 16:0518.03.21
Player J

I wouldn't recommend focusing on 3 different things.

It can be very overwhelming to do several different things at once.

It is better to focus on 1 thing at a time.

You focus on 1 thing ---> Complete it ---> Than move on to next thing.

Most times the first step is to work on a Campaign Farmer which can Solo 12-3 or 12-6 Brutal.

It seems to me like you have done this with Kael.

The next step people work on is Clan Boss because they like to help there Clan.

It makes people feel good that they are contributing to the team to take down a CB mode.

Obviously, if you don't have a Clan, you would skip this step because it doesn't apply to you.

However, I am going to go out on a limb and assume you are in a Clan.

You have already upgraded your Poison hero which is Kael.

Kael will automatically play a part in your CB team.

The next hero to upgrade will be your Attack Down Champion.

It seems to me like your using Reactor Darth as your Attack Down Hero.

So my recommendation would be to upgrade Reactor Darth to 6 star.

This is an excellent breakdown. That makes a lot of sense.... all of it. Thank you!  You are right, I SHOULD be focusing on one thing at a time, I had not thought of it that way.  So then, my next one to focus on is the Clan Boss.  Currently, I am pulling down 3mil in NORMAL on CB.  I am lucky enough that my guild usually clears Easy, Normal, and Hard each day, but to be honest, i dont follow the higher levels, because I am not there yet.  At what poin should I change over to dragon, so I can start pursuing Dragon20?

Thank you again!

18 март 2021, 16:5218.03.21

J is 100% correct about focusing on 1 thing, but that one thing can also serve 2 purposes.  So when you pick the next thing to focus on.  Does upgrading champion XYZ help me in CB and Dragon20?  Or simply, if choosing between A & B, and both will likely (things could change with 2x shard pulls...) be on CB which is more versatile and/or less likely to become a vault guardian / fw hero (examples: Elhain, Athel, Galek, Jizoh).

I think your progress in Dragon will help your progresss in CB more than vice versa, but anything that does both is a bonus.  The CB team I see is:

Kael (will be replaced by FB)

Skullcrusher (booked)


Doompriest (doesn't need books) or Grizz Jarl (needs books) or Steelskull (booked A2)


It may appear I left out the important dec defense & weaken, but for an early CB team maximum poison and sustain is more important.  This team won't need lifesteal gear or CR/CD, just accuracy on debuffers.

After all that Dhukk may be the best option for Dragon, and help in Arena....lol.  You have great champs, so 1st world problems so to speak...

One last peice of advice, don't spend any energy in NM campaign farming gear.  Stick to dragon.

Good luck.

18 март 2021, 17:1618.03.21

Without any def debuff champ your progress in dungeons and arena is nearly stopped at some point, and we are not talking about dungeon lvl 20 here. I really suggest to make Dhukk lvl 60 first.

He could even be in the Clanboss team Trips mentioned instead of Doompriest for a couple of weeks (it will take some time to get them all to lvl 60 anyway). She can remove stun, ok, and some passive heal - but the latter is not really necessary when Rector Drath and Vogoth are in the team. Dhukk brings def debuff and an additional atk debuff, Rector has only a chance of 50% and could fail.

18 март 2021, 18:0018.03.21

Thank you everyone!  This has given me some excellent options, but even better, i now have a better ideas which champions I should be developing.  I appreciate your time!