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Cleaning up the mess I've mad of my champions...

Cleaning up the mess I've mad of my champions...

16 март 2021, 21:1616.03.21

Cleaning up the mess I've mad of my champions...

I definitely haven’t developed my champs the way I should have, so I am trying to make some corrections. I spent too much time leveling up as many champions as possible, I haven’t been really plotting out my gear, and I am trying to get on the right track…

I am stuck in a few places:

Ice Golem 15

Spider 8

Dragon 12

Fire Knight 10

Doom Tower (can’t get past Nether spider)


-I can use some advice on how to better build teams for those dungeons

-Who are the best candidates for my next rank 6 (have enough for one right now)

-Should I concentrate on gear or masteries first?

-Who should save up my books for?

some general notes:

my primary attackers are Turvold and Coldheart 

my primary healer is Flesh-Tearer

I use Broadmaw for reviving and speed (I have him geared with a shield set)

I've recently been experimenting with Drokgul, Ursala and Reinbeast who all have been working well for me


16 март 2021, 21:2216.03.21
16 март 2021, 21:23(отредактировано)

You Funny ,, HAHAHAHAHA ,, I have Two 60s at an Account  Power Level of 830,000

My Bag and Storage are Both FULL at  130 Heros each ....... So 260 Heros ...............

Time to Decide to FOOD a Ton of them 

So I am of the Opinion that Any hero that is Not in the GOD , A or B list 

is Going into the Food Bag , I see no reason whatever to Keep Heros 

that Both Ayumilove AND HellHades both agree are F and Cs 

With a Few Minor Exceptions ,,


16 март 2021, 22:0916.03.21

Focus on gear. Zelotah (not flesh-tearer, though could actually pair well together if FT goes right after zelotah) should be primaty healer/shield.  If you are not using in dragon/golem start now.  Don't go all HP, DEF is more important actually.  The sheild will be big enough without maxing HP.  You are probably slow, apothecary can help there.  You have amazing champs... not sure where to start in terms of who to level.  Your gear is obviously spread way too thin.  FOCUS on 1 thing Dragon 20.

ursula is way better than broadmaw

16 март 2021, 22:4516.03.21

Keeping Skullcrown in the vault is just a crime... between her, Sinesha and Fahrakin, you have one hell of a blender arena team, all it needs is an AOE decrease defense - Warmaiden will do the job if need be. Of course those first three would also be good in other parts of the game. But yeah, you have way too many good options and probably no gear to put on them. I agree with Trips - dragon first. Bring Fahrakin, you'll need him for CB as well. 

16 март 2021, 23:5916.03.21

also  get  that  royal  guard  levelled  up  as  a  priority  as  both  him  and  cold  heart  will  carry  you  through  spider  and  dragon  all  the  way  to  20.

17 март 2021, 00:3617.03.21

This is a list of things I look for when building a Dragon Team:

Critical Skills for Dragon:

1. Crowd Control - AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears / Turn Meter Reduction

2. AOE Damage Dealer

3. Revive

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies

5. Poison

Bonus Skills for Dragon:

6. Turn Meter Filling

7. Decrease Defense

8. Decrease Attack

9. Heals

10. Shields

Step 1 - Crowd Control

When I look at your Roster, I feel you are missing the mark.

I am looking for a hero who does Crowd Control on an AOE with 100% Chance.

You have Pynxiel who does Random Hit Freezes.

You have Crimson Helm who does Random Hit Provokes.

It feels like they are not good enough for the Job.

You are lacking Crowd Control.

Step 2 - AOE Damage Dealer

When I look at your Roster, I see 4 potientally good AOE heroes.

3 of the AOE heroes are still low level.

- Elhain

- Lua

- Skullcrown

- Royal Guard

Elhain seems to be the only one which you have built up.

You would probably have to run her on your Dragon team.

Step 3 - Revive

When I look at your Roster, I see 3 good hero.

I see my Boy - Broad Maw.

I see my Girl - Reliquary Tender

I see my Girl - Ursula the Mourner

I would probably go with R.Tender for Dragon.

R.Tender does Remove Debuffs from Allies + Healing which is another good set of Skills for Dragon.

Step 4 - Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies

R.Tender is able to provide this with her Revive.

You was able to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

The good old Double Whammy!

Step 5 - Poison

When I look at your Roster, I see 3 good heroes.

- Juliana

- Fayne

- Anax

Juliana is the right Affinity for Dragon 20.

You would probably run her.


After Finishing the Top 5 Critical Skills for Dragon, You have following heroes:

- Elhain

- R.Tender

- Juliana

You are still missing 2 heroes from the team.

We will search for heroes in the Bonus Skills Area.


Step 6 - Turn Meter Filling 

You have Apothecary.

Apothecary is great for Turn Meter Filling + Healing

Step 7 - Decrease Defense

You don't have one built.

Step 8 - Decrease Attack

You don't have one built.

Step 9 - Heals

You have R.Tender + Apothecary both doing this Job.

This Role is filled

Step 10 - Shields

You have my Man Zelotah.

I love Zelotah - You can run him in a Shield Set.

He is Super Awesome


It seems to me like your winning team at the moment is going to be:

- Elhain

- R.Tender

- Juliana

- Apothecary

- Zelotah

Assuming you have built them correctly.

I think they should help you win.

17 март 2021, 17:3217.03.21

Thanks everyone, this has been helpful