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Need Help!

Need Help!

13 март 2021, 04:1013.03.21

Need Help!

Hi Guys

Noob here, cant seem to get past Bronze 3 in Arena and I am stuck on most dungeons around level 13.  I can 1 shot Normal CB with my team (Athel, Kael, Saito, Achak Wendarin and Klodd Beast Feeder) but I need some help on what teams or what Champs in general are good out of my list.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!






13 март 2021, 09:1113.03.21

And not so much champion i copied from my buil search for him but if u have him he is pretty solid i think i solo d  a few 3rd room doom towers and lived

13 март 2021, 12:0013.03.21
13 март 2021, 12:01(отредактировано)

You levelled up some really... let's say "unusual" champs. I'm not even sure who they ARE. Is that a lvl 50 Interceptor between Athel and Lodric? I also recognize a lvl 50 Sorceress. You should really stop levelling trash!

You should lvl up your Stag Knight. He is a good champ. His A2 attacks all enemies and gives atk and def debuff at the same time. You don't have a good decrease def champ. Saito does this only single target, and Sorceress only 3 times random with a very low chance to land the debuff.

Another good champ is just sitting in your Vault: Reliquary Tender. She combines debuff cleansing (what is usefull in dungeons: poison from Spiderlings, freeze from Ice Golem, a bunch of debuffs from Dragon) with revive, what is nice to have if something went wrong, the revive saves the day.

How long do you play allready? You introduced yourself as a noob, so I hope you did not get High Khatun als log-in reward so far (day 30). I really hope you did not use her as food. High Khatun and Stag Knight together will help your Arena team a lot.

1. High Khatun in speed-gear --> speed buff and turnmeter filling

2. Stag Knight in accuracy gear --> AoE def debuff

3. Athel in damage gear --> Atk buff to herself, extraround, AoE attack

4. Saito in damage gear --> taking out any surviver

13 март 2021, 18:3313.03.21

@craig Thanks! Will check through links, I just hate watching videos sometimes to hear things repeated over and over so I prefer reading material instead.  All the links I push on Ayumi redirects me to some shopping website so I thought it was sketchy.

@Skadi I leveled what I felt was good from their descriptions, do you have any recommendations on where to read more about the champions? Raidwiki doesnt seem to work too well and Ayumi is full of redirect links.  I have been playing for 28 days already, spent about 300 bucks in Gift cards I got over the last few Christmas gifts.  I did not get High Khatun yet, I will level Reliquary some more! I am already working on Stag Knight, Doom Priest, RearGuard General at the moment.

13 март 2021, 19:0813.03.21

@craig Thanks! Will check through links, I just hate watching videos sometimes to hear things repeated over and over so I prefer reading material instead.  All the links I push on Ayumi redirects me to some shopping website so I thought it was sketchy.

@Skadi I leveled what I felt was good from their descriptions, do you have any recommendations on where to read more about the champions? Raidwiki doesnt seem to work too well and Ayumi is full of redirect links.  I have been playing for 28 days already, spent about 300 bucks in Gift cards I got over the last few Christmas gifts.  I did not get High Khatun yet, I will level Reliquary some more! I am already working on Stag Knight, Doom Priest, RearGuard General at the moment.

I can use Ayumi's site without beeing redirected to shopping websites. I don't know why you have that problems. 

Another good site about Raid is Hell Hades

And there are a lot of youtube videos about Raid, they often give ratings to the different champions, too. I like the videos from Ash and the "I built champion xy, so you don't have to" videos from mAd capper. He made such a vid about Exemplar, by the way. :)

The ratings on sites like Ayumi or Hell Hades will give you some orientation wich champs are good and wich are trash. In the end nothing can substitute your own thoughts about that.

If Exemplar* works for you, it's all fine. If the teams with her are stuck in dungeons (or wherever you use her) you should replace her.

* wich I confused with Interceptor in my previous post. There are more than 400 champs in the game, hard to identify everybody just with the small pictures on a roster.

13 март 2021, 19:1313.03.21

@Skadi I leveled her to 50 for Faction wars, I do not have enough champs for that so I tend to just level everything Epic to 4*-5* for farming materials. Thanks for the link I will do some reading on my champs before really leveling anything else!  But so far from what I can see though my champ selection sucks 😂

14 март 2021, 01:0914.03.21

@Skadi I leveled her to 50 for Faction wars, I do not have enough champs for that so I tend to just level everything Epic to 4*-5* for farming materials. Thanks for the link I will do some reading on my champs before really leveling anything else!  But so far from what I can see though my champ selection sucks 😂

It looks like you branched out into too many champions too early, whether due to faction wars or some other reason. You could have had more 60s by now, considering how many 40s and 50s you have - and if many of those 40s and 50s have gear on them, you may also have spread your good gear over too many champions, instead of focusing it on a core group for dungeon progress. 

That being said, you're still doing very nicely for being at 28 days and Saito, Kael, Achak are useful level 60s at least - Athel and Jingle maybe didn't need to be 60, but aren't terrible choices either, you could use Jinglehunter as arena lead with Diabolist, Stag Knight and Kael, that could be quite strong. Just using Jingle instead of HK in the team Skaid mentioned could also work in theory, but it requires Jingle to be very fast AND have perfect crit rate AND solid accuracy to make absolutely sure he lands that AOE turn meter reduction on the opposing team - you probably don't have the gear to make that happen. 

And it seems you do have gear issues in general, if your terribly slow Saito is any indication. For high priority champions like that, having speed as main stat on the boots is pretty much non-negotiable. If you can get that in a crit damage set, like your current boots, great, but if not, so be it, the speed main stat is more important than the set bonus. And then you'll need enough accuracy on everybody who needs to be putting debuffs, as well. 

14 март 2021, 21:1814.03.21

@L9753 thanks for the info! I have been doing some reading and now I am faring Brutal for 5* speed boots so I can 16 them.  Seems like thats one of my biggest problems and sticking to sets when i should be doing stats.  I will go through my champs since I did a bunch of pulls these days!