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Suggestion for new accessory

Suggestion for new accessory

12 март 2021, 19:1012.03.21

Suggestion for new accessory

I don't know if something like this has already been suggested and discounted then I apologise. 

I'm proposing a new talisman accessory to alter a champions base stats. Basically you'd have the option to suppress the value of   attribute and allocate it to another. The idea being that you can tweak and balance a team easier or boost an attribute if your short (possibly for crit). Not all stats scale equally so I would suggest that a single tali-point might equal 20 health/defence and possibly 15 attack or 2 speed etc. So,  if you took off 2 points in speed then you might get to add 20 points to your health. 

Like artifacts in the game if a talisman dropped it would be allocated the attributes it affects at random an the rarity dictates to number and the degree that the attributes could be altered. 

For example 

A common option to suppress 1 attribute only 

An uncommon would have 2 attributes with which you could suppress 1 and raise the other.

A rare would have 3 attributes with 2 turns to alter the attributes. So you could take 2 off 1 and add to the others or vica versa 

Etc etc

This was really difficult to type on my phone for some reason. Hope it makes sense. 

Any thoughts?

12 март 2021, 19:2212.03.21

I  like  the  idea  of  changing  a  stat,  but  i'd  be  thinking  more  about  changing  the  sub  stats  on  gear.  WoW  had  this  at  one  time,  it  was  called  reforming.  At  a  cost  you  could  take  a  small  value  of  an  unwanted  stat  and  put  it  into  a  desirable  stat.  Say..

10  resillience  could  be  reforged  into  +4  accuracy  as  long  as  both  stats  were  on  the  original  piece.  That  would  help  loads.