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Keep Countix Lix as a permanent prize! Do not remove the 150 shard goal after this weekend!

Keep Countix Lix as a permanent prize! Do not remove the 150 shard goal after this weekend!

12 март 2021, 18:2612.03.21

Keep Countix Lix as a permanent prize! Do not remove the 150 shard goal after this weekend!

I was Plarium would keep the 150 shard goal for Countix Lix a permanent one so every player that plays Raid could finally get a decent gauranteed legendary. I think this would helpt he community a lot, and was hoping the shard pull limit stays permanent for everyone until they reach 150 on their accounts!

Thanks! And thoughts?

12 март 2021, 18:3312.03.21

not gonna happen.  the whole point of this event is to get people to spend $$$

We all get Scyl who is more than decent

12 март 2021, 18:5112.03.21

someone check my math... assuming you haven't been stockpiling ancient shards, and didn't use your stash last week during the summoning boost:

(3 max) Special Ancient Packs:   $120  (75 shards)

(2 max) Great deal mix pack:  $50  (10 shards)

these packs also provide 1400 gems = (approx 14 shards)

pile of gems & handful of gems = $110 = 4550 gems = 55 shards

so cheapest route to get this champ would be $280

12 март 2021, 18:5712.03.21

Wouldn't mind this or atleast a permanent 150 shard champ of some kind. It should keep the shards you have accumilated toward the goal and maybe switch champs every so often.

I have nowhere near 150 and will be nowhere near 150 by the end of the event, so yeah, would make sense for non-whales imo. And especially for newer players.

12 март 2021, 19:0412.03.21
Mad Pink

someone check my math... assuming you haven't been stockpiling ancient shards, and didn't use your stash last week during the summoning boost:

(3 max) Special Ancient Packs:   $120  (75 shards)

(2 max) Great deal mix pack:  $50  (10 shards)

these packs also provide 1400 gems = (approx 14 shards)

pile of gems & handful of gems = $110 = 4550 gems = 55 shards

so cheapest route to get this champ would be $280

Seems  about  right...  many,  many  will  be  paying  that  and  lots  more  too  if  they  want  Vizir.  

12 март 2021, 19:4612.03.21

That's a ridiculous idea. Why should Plarium give out top tier legendaries like Lix for basically free like you're suggesting?

Legendaries would lose value.

Now you know they'll make an event like this again so better keep the shards stockpiled for the next one.

15 март 2021, 10:1015.03.21

105 ancient shards opened this weekend result: 0 legendary, 4 epic the rest in food, not terrible. 

15 март 2021, 10:2315.03.21

That would be one way to fix the issue. Not gonna happen tho.

15 март 2021, 13:4715.03.21

my advice for you: save 150 blue shards and wait till next event. 

I do not guarantee 100% it will happen again but if it's easy money for developer, why not ?