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20 min and counting, I think the longest battle>>>

20 min and counting, I think the longest battle>>>

15 фев. 2021, 03:3915.02.21

20 min and counting, I think the longest battle>>>


15 фев. 2021, 03:5315.02.21

I had to leave the battle she must be exhausted 


15 фев. 2021, 11:2015.02.21
15 фев. 2021, 11:22(отредактировано)

Ya there are a Few heros when Geared / Masteried  Fully Booked just right

are just STUPID BRUTAL REDICULOUS .............. 

They just keep throwing Shields and Heals and you cant beat them down ....

I just Drop it once i see the pattern emerge ,, 

Beat them down to 50% or 25% and pooft Shields heals full HP 

Beat them down ,, Rinse Repeat 

BUT, then again , your Hero was set up the same way too right ....... 


Time to leave

IE Spirit Keep Boss will do that to a person LOL

15 фев. 2021, 11:5515.02.21
15 фев. 2021, 11:57(отредактировано)

Champs that heal themself with active skills can be countered, because there are so many ways to prevent that with effects that are usefull in Arena anyway, like stun or blocking cooldown skills.

But I really hate Vergis. The only way (exept raw damage) to beat his passive generated shield would be block buffs. Is there any valuable arena champ with block buffs?

Btw. Spirit Keep boss can be done easily with the same guy that beats any boss exept Dragon: Armiger (or Elf Guard, Soulbond Bowyer, Coldheart). Spirit Keep boss never get's a turn and never heals.

15 фев. 2021, 15:2615.02.21

Champs that heal themself with active skills can be countered, because there are so many ways to prevent that with effects that are usefull in Arena anyway, like stun or blocking cooldown skills.

But I really hate Vergis. The only way (exept raw damage) to beat his passive generated shield would be block buffs. Is there any valuable arena champ with block buffs?

Btw. Spirit Keep boss can be done easily with the same guy that beats any boss exept Dragon: Armiger (or Elf Guard, Soulbond Bowyer, Coldheart). Spirit Keep boss never get's a turn and never heals.

Lydia, Norog, Harvest Jack, Mortu, Fenax, Roshcard, Hope, Warcaster, Umbral Enchantress, Basileus Roanas, Kantra, and Luria are all useful in arena.

There is also one other way to beat Vergis' passive, which is to use champions whose damage is too low to trigger it in the first place (admittedly, it's a pain to pull off and creates issues with his heal buffs, but it is doable). Harvest Jack is pretty good against him since he can a) steal buffs, b) block buffs, c) replace continuous heal with poison, and d) has a fairly low damage output split up between 3 seperate hits, so he's often below the 10% threshhold.