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Wherefore art thou Warmaiden?

Wherefore art thou Warmaiden?

20 янв. 2021, 00:3020.01.21

Wherefore art thou Warmaiden?

Been playing for pretty close to a year now. No clue like most what I was doing at first.  Paid little to no attention to what champs I was aquiring through  campaign....Litteraly fed my  "unfed" champs to the champs I wanted to keep  not having a clue what farming was .  I just used them to level up champs till i found out you needed them for ranks also...

Eventually I started paying a little attention to the content creators.  There was that guy with the accent..Not sure he seemed kinda cranky at first but you can tell he really knew what he was talking about. so much that  I HAD NOT A CLUE what he was talking about. LOL   So I searched on.   Found this other guy...very upbeat and excited!!  So excited that he kinda went over material really fast and I found it hard to follow. Like a constant download into my brain which was melting.  Kept looking...um not sure about the guy with the  octopus on his head 😫 what?   Couple others   some laid back.....way back.lol...Don't get me wrong very knowledable people all... I just couldn't follow them at that time.  So I just tried to follow the champs they were using...but they all had these high level champs.  I had really no one other then the champs that dropped in campaign..but like NO one was using these?  So what was I to do?

At this point I kind realized  what I needed to to do to level up , I was starting to understand the farming of food.   So thats what I did.  I'd run the campaign the highest I could get to ...then run Stage 3 of that level over and over again to rank up the food.  I was stuck not being able to get past Stage 10 for a long time....so I was stuck Farming 9 -3  and hey that was fine....cause I was getting 2* champs dropping left and right...I was also getting Beserker and Warmaiden on the regular...Got 2 or 3 every few runs...

Then came the era of the Warmaiden,    Suddenly the content creators were like Slapping the roof of the Car (Warmaiden) meme....... "This bad boy can fit so much Def Down  in it!"      and there was that  Beserker, Spirithost, WM  Arena team  that caught on for a moment but  also seemed to fizzle.

Yeah its a long story I know...and the point is ..The Warmaiden tap was leaking a plenty till the content creators Sold her like the latest Iphone....but  now the tap is dry..... Why was the tap turned off?  

Is this related to level?  is it related to how many times she has already dropped for me?   When I say she dropped plenty...she was like Incubus for me.

 I screwed up at the time  I know....cause I didn't know about feeding champs for skills...or I would have maxed my WM....I don't want to waste books when she should be dropping plenty. 

20 янв. 2021, 01:3120.01.21

So long story short if I'm getting this right is: you're not seeing her drop from the campaign as much as you're used to and you're curious if there is a reason?

If so all I can say is it's probably a case of a "watched pot not boiling". 

When I was trying to get her to fuse relic keeper, I probably put 1200 energy in before I got one. Then when I was just trying to max out the campaign stars I'd get 2 or 3 in a row. That's the nature of random drops. 

Sorry if that's not much help, but at the least you can know they haven't lowered her drop rate, at least officially according to anything they put out.

20 янв. 2021, 04:1820.01.21

She went from common.....skipped rare...and became non existent, as a resident conspircy theorist ...I feel like this was a tweak due to her sudden surge in popularity.

20 янв. 2021, 07:3720.01.21

Warmaiden has been early game meta ever since, it's not a relatively recent thing. It's just like @AverageAmerican says- you feel like you get more if you're not exactly watching out for it. 

Maybe just bring along some food champs while you're looking for one. That way, you're more efficient with your energy. Good luck!

22 янв. 2021, 15:5022.01.21

This isn't  a watch pot scenario here.... I imagine this happens to a lot of people.  I get it is the RNG . Im just wondering what triggers  it, was her loot table maybe adjusted even inadvertantly?

I just feel like its a strange coincidence, and you can go back and see all the tube guides and when they were created...there was a cocophany of praise for her all at the same time. I know shes been around awhile and nothing has changed in her to make he suddenly viable.  The Tube community has a tendency to be an echo chamber as well.....all basically putting out the same info at the same time...and eventually coming around to revisit it as well. 

She's was  dropping for me regular..had i known what I was doing at the time I would have been able to max 3 WM's  skills fully with the amount she was dropping for me...and it suddenly stopped. My own fool fault for not knowing any better..I mean i should  just use the books and be done with it already.

I stopped farming 9 altogether for her cause she just was not dropping...I've inefficiently wasted Tons of energy trying to farm her and yes i brought food with me.....as I mention I wasn't aware before, fully aware now.

2 фев. 2021, 11:4502.02.21

This isn't  a watch pot scenario here.... I imagine this happens to a lot of people.  I get it is the RNG . Im just wondering what triggers  it, was her loot table maybe adjusted even inadvertantly?

I just feel like its a strange coincidence, and you can go back and see all the tube guides and when they were created...there was a cocophany of praise for her all at the same time. I know shes been around awhile and nothing has changed in her to make he suddenly viable.  The Tube community has a tendency to be an echo chamber as well.....all basically putting out the same info at the same time...and eventually coming around to revisit it as well. 

She's was  dropping for me regular..had i known what I was doing at the time I would have been able to max 3 WM's  skills fully with the amount she was dropping for me...and it suddenly stopped. My own fool fault for not knowing any better..I mean i should  just use the books and be done with it already.

I stopped farming 9 altogether for her cause she just was not dropping...I've inefficiently wasted Tons of energy trying to farm her and yes i brought food with me.....as I mention I wasn't aware before, fully aware now.

You say you, "get it is the RNG" and then follow up with, "wondering what triggers it, was her loot table maybe adjusted even inadvertantly?".

I don't think you do get it.  You've had bad luck.  It happens.  I wonder how many Berserkers you pulled while trying for Warmaiden.  That's the more irritating part to me.

17 март 2021, 00:0217.03.21
17 март 2021, 00:02(отредактировано)

You say you, "get it is the RNG" and then follow up with, "wondering what triggers it, was her loot table maybe adjusted even inadvertantly?".

I don't think you do get it.  You've had bad luck.  It happens.  I wonder how many Berserkers you pulled while trying for Warmaiden.  That's the more irritating part to me.

Well no..something  def changes ...RNG rules sure always in effect I know..but if the loot table is messed with that will effect the RNG outcome..

Either way I decided I just wasn't giving up I spend almost the entire month of feb on that  Map almost exclusively, only alternating between 3 and 6 , I don't think it should take a month to farm a farmable character like that. 

I also had the same issue with trying to farm Diabolist right after now that only took 2 weeks.

Another thing i noticed is I got more drops during the 2x events  I know the events are for shards but Most def saw more repeat drops of the same champs during those events.