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Champions - Which should I work on?

Champions - Which should I work on?

12 дек. 2020, 09:2312.12.20

Champions - Which should I work on?

I am trying to level up some champions and need help to understand which champion I should keep and which one's should I use to fuse and level up other champions.

should i discard all rare and use them to level up the epic champions for example?

the only legendary champion is Trunda and she is almost maxed out, need to upgrade the great hall bonus . which champions should I discard?


12 дек. 2020, 10:5312.12.20

Pretty much anything with a white, green or blue border can go. Use them to rank up your other champs.

There are a small handful of decent rare champs (blue border) - From your screenshot, I am seeing Elhain, Apothecary and Painkeeper. I wouldnt waste a second on any other of those rare champs. Some may disagree with me, but thats my opinion.

Ultimate Galek definitely worth working on - will probably take you to spider 20 with the right support. Something like Seeker would be ideal, but Doompriest will probably work almost as well.

Of the others, theres nobody that really jumps out at me as amazing - there's one of two I dont recognize or know very well - some say Spider is good. For now, I'd be working on the guys I mentioned above.

As far as rare champs are concerned, Coldheart is definitely well worth looking out for, but 99% of them can be used as rank up food, or saved for possible fusions. Have a look around online to see which rares are generally considered useful.

12 дек. 2020, 12:3612.12.20

Yeah, I definitely don't agree with Boo's reply. If you were already endgame with plenty of epics and some legendaries, then okay, the number of rares that you should still keep would indeed be quite small. A lot of people have the practice of keeping at least 1 copy of each rare in case they are used in future fusions - but that's not absolutely necessary since you could still get the rares from the events/tournaments at that time, and anyway Plarium has made clear that they will only rarely use existing rares in fusions anymore. 

But you're a long way from endgame obviously, having only 1 level 60 champ. There are still plenty of places where you may need some rares who are not super great, but offer some skill that you don't have yet on any epic or legendary. For instance, Coffin Smasher and Gravechill Killer are both strong candidates to use on your Clan Boss team right now, even if you will end up replacing them later. Athel is one of your best options for Fire Knight (and better than Elhain overall, really). 

And now of course there is the Doom Tower, which adds additional skill requirements that can suddenly make people look towards champions they never had much use for before. For instance, any champion with Shield skills or Destroy Max HP skills is now a lot more important, like your Valerie. 

As for the epics in your vault, I would add High Khatun, Ghrush and Zelotah (another Shield option) as champions you should be using. 

12 дек. 2020, 18:0212.12.20

Zelotah, doompriest, spider. The 1st 2 don't need books. The 3rd needs lots. Apothecary and coffinsmasher. 

Zelotah will carry you everywhere and you won't need lifesteal on anyone, even in CB. Spiders dungeon aura alone is great, but the kit is fantastic despite long cooldowns even after books. But you will be faster than the dungeon waves so it won't matter. Stop building elhains lol. 1 is more than enough. 

12 дек. 2020, 19:0012.12.20

Doompriest, HK, PK, Valerie, Ghrush, Zelotah, UG, Spider, Coffin Smasher, and Gravechill are all good champs.

I think Apo should be top priority, you'll be using him everyw for a very long time.

Then you should work on your clan boss and arena teams: warmaster, giant slayer, for clan boss and helmsmasher for arena nuking and campaign farming are game changing masteries (well you don't have to work too much on arena, you do have trunda)

12 дек. 2020, 22:0612.12.20

athel and apothecary  60 level

play free not spent money in this game

12 дек. 2020, 22:4012.12.20
12 дек. 2020, 22:40(отредактировано)

You need to work on your Clan Boss team.

Do you have any Poison heroes?

What have you been using for your current Clan Boss team?

12 дек. 2020, 23:3412.12.20

I save all rares for fusion.  And they have value in Faction Wars until you build an army of epic and lego.  

13 дек. 2020, 22:5113.12.20
Player J

You need to work on your Clan Boss team.

Do you have any Poison heroes?

What have you been using for your current Clan Boss team?

Which champions do I need for clan boss team?

14 дек. 2020, 03:0214.12.20

The Champions people use can vary from person to person.

It all comes down to the heroes you pulled from shards.

These are skills you often want for Clan Boss.  

Critical Skills for Clan Boss:

1. Decrease Attack

2. Decrease Defense

3. Weaken

4. Poison / HP Burn

5. Team Turn Meter Filling / Team Counter Attack

Bonus Skills for Clan Boss:

6. Healer

7. Shielder

8. Debuff Extender

9. Increase Defense

10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs

11. Ally Protection

14 дек. 2020, 15:5414.12.20

Keep Apothecary for sure. Max out his speed and HP. Hes useful in a lot of places