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Another team advice request

Another team advice request

30 нояб. 2020, 19:4630.11.20

Another team advice request

Who should I be using for clan boss and the dungeons?  Current plan is to 6 star sir nicholas next. Right now my clan boss team has been sir nic, elhain, warmaiden, apoth, and coldheart.  Fire Knight I'm stuck on stage 12 and don't really have a team built for it.  Elhain (I know bad starting choice) has been my campaing farmer, but I'm slowly bringing bellower up to do that job.  Ignore that lvl 20 monk.  He's food, didn't realize he was 5 star when i clicked him. I JUST pulled fellhound, golden reaper, and psylar today




30 нояб. 2020, 20:0130.11.20

Elhain isn't a bad starting choice, just slightly less good than Kael. But you do want to replace her on CB asap, as well as your Coldheart who isn't much good there. You'll want to level, book and build your Frozen Banshee, the best rare poisoner and one of the best overall - though only for CB and perhaps Dragon and only after you've booked her. Aothar is another good poisoner who can be good in both of those places as well - has a bit more non-poison utility, but he's an epic and much lower priority for skill books. 

You also need a good decrease attack option for CB, but I don't really see any good picks - Golden Reaper has it, but isn't ideal (though a good champ otherwise). Same for Runic Warder. 

Definitely agree to 6* Sir Nic next. Building Bellower as campaign farmer never seemed like a high priority to me, but that depends of course on your available time - only you know what it's worth to you to shave a good number of seconds off your farming time. Anyway, he can also be useful elsewhere, provided he has a stun set with good stats. 

Seeker is an excellent champion who'll be very useful both for arena and for dungeons. Seer is a future investment - she'll become great eventually, but not yet. Paragon, the void rare, can be a gamechanger in a few specific situations including high level Spider, but the recommendation is to *not* level him (though book him, once you've done the higher priority champs like Frozen Banshee). 

30 нояб. 2020, 20:1330.11.20

Coldheart and Psylar? Nice, these two will be the core of your Spider team.

30 нояб. 2020, 23:1630.11.20

Elhain isn't a bad starting choice, just slightly less good than Kael. But you do want to replace her on CB asap, as well as your Coldheart who isn't much good there. You'll want to level, book and build your Frozen Banshee, the best rare poisoner and one of the best overall - though only for CB and perhaps Dragon and only after you've booked her. Aothar is another good poisoner who can be good in both of those places as well - has a bit more non-poison utility, but he's an epic and much lower priority for skill books. 

You also need a good decrease attack option for CB, but I don't really see any good picks - Golden Reaper has it, but isn't ideal (though a good champ otherwise). Same for Runic Warder. 

Definitely agree to 6* Sir Nic next. Building Bellower as campaign farmer never seemed like a high priority to me, but that depends of course on your available time - only you know what it's worth to you to shave a good number of seconds off your farming time. Anyway, he can also be useful elsewhere, provided he has a stun set with good stats. 

Seeker is an excellent champion who'll be very useful both for arena and for dungeons. Seer is a future investment - she'll become great eventually, but not yet. Paragon, the void rare, can be a gamechanger in a few specific situations including high level Spider, but the recommendation is to *not* level him (though book him, once you've done the higher priority champs like Frozen Banshee). 

Thanks for all the information. I was only going to use Bellower in campaign because elhain overwhelmingly puts out the most damage for me right now in every dungeon and clan boss.  I guess I'll leave her in cb until I can get FB booked out though. And replace Coldheart with Aothar. I was thinking Seeker was . Was actually about to use his dupe for food. Thanks for the save 

2 дек. 2020, 01:3502.12.20

Step 1 - You want the following Debuffs on the Clan Boss:

- Attack Down 50%

- Defense Down 60%

- Weaken 25%

- Poison 5%

- Poison Sensitivty (Optional)

- HP Burn (Optional)

Based on the above information, Your Clan Boss team might have the following:

- Attack Down 50% -------> ?

- Defense Down 60% -----> Warmaiden

- Weaken 25% ------------> ?

- Poison 5% --------------> Frozen Banshee or Aothar

- Poison Sensitivity -------> Frozen Banshee

- HP Burn -----------------> Kallia or Wretch

Clearly, I don't know the moves of every single 1 of your 100 champions by heart.

I do know some of the more famous heroes people tend to use, but I don't know them all.

I am also not going to go search up every single 1 of these heroes to figure out what they do.

The job of searching through these 100 heroes rest on your shoulders.

You are going to have to search through your heroes to figure out which ones can do Attack Down.

You are going to have to search through your heroes to figure out which ones can do Weaken.

Once, you figure out which heroes do Attack Down + Weaken.

You can post a list of them here.

We can go through them to see if any of them are worth the trouble of building.

Once, the Debuff situation is figured out.

We will go to step 2.

Step 2 - How do you plan on keeping your Debuffs on the Clan Boss consistently: 

- Counter Attack Buff

- Speed Buff

- Turn Meter Filling

- Rally with Allies

Based on the above information, Your Clan Boss team might have the following:

- Team Counter Attack Buff ---> Don't have

- Team Speed Buff -------------> Apothecary

- Team Turn Meter Filling -----> Apothecary, Seeker, High Khatun or Golden Reaper

- Rally with Allies --------------> ?

Once again, You will probably have to go searching through your heroes.

I don't see any Rally heroes which jump out at me.

All we are doing is making a list.

We are going through seeing how many heroes check the right boxes on the list.

If they do what we need them to do, We might be able to use them to make a Clan Boss team.

If they don't do what we need them to do, We might have to look for other options.

Once, the Debuff Consistency situation is figured out.

We will go to step 3.

Step 3 - How do you plan on keeping your team alive: The Clan Boss Hurts

- Unkillable

- Block Damage

- Healing

- Shields

- Leech Debuff

- Lifesteal Artifacts

Based on the above information, Your Clan Boss team might have the following:

- Unkillable ------------> Sir Nic

- Block Damage -------> ?

- Healing --------------> War Priest

- Shields ---------------> Sir Nic

- Leech Debuff --------> ?

- Lifesteal Artifacts ----> ?

Once again, You will probably have to go searching through your heroes.

You will have to search for heroes which can do some of the above things.

You will have to search your Artifacts to see how many Lifesteal gear sets you own.

The Clan Boss Rams up damage till your team is dead.

The faster your team dies the less over all damage you can often put out.

A team which survives 10 turns doesn't usually do more damage vs. team which survived 50 turns.


The final thing I want to say is how close are you to getting Rhazin?