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Elegaius, worth the effort?

Elegaius, worth the effort?

1 нояб. 2020, 16:5901.11.20

Elegaius, worth the effort?

Can't see him in any situational team.  Other than adding to one's collection of lego heroes, don't see his utility.  Am I missing something?

1 нояб. 2020, 17:1601.11.20

You can use him for arena, he'd also be very useful for locking out the multiple Valkyries in FW (and maybe NM campaign). 

It depends on your priorities, really. I'd say he's definitely worth the effort if you have the time and resources to do it.

2 нояб. 2020, 02:2302.11.20

The utility seems to target opponent set ups in Faction Wars (and most possibly the upcoming Doom Tower)

So currently I think that's about it for now, if you need a spot on your Undead Faction or just generally want to prepare for Doom Tower then go for it, if not... Well maybe you can use the time to replenish your resources.

I personally am right now just trying to strengthen my Dragon's Den team, while trying to get some of the bonuses from the events/tournaments, not going out of my way to get all 100 shard.

2 нояб. 2020, 02:5102.11.20

He is great in arena and his kit is similar to Sethalia.

Decrease turnmeter is highly underrated. 

If you run speed team in arena, he allows your nuker to be a little slower as he decreases turnmeter and at the same time removing enemy buffs. 

Decrease turnmeter skill allows your slow champions to move next without getting frozen by Tormin. 

In dungeons, if your team has decrease turnmeter champion, you will notice that you will survive the waves more easily if you happen relying on revivers in your runs. 

2 нояб. 2020, 05:4502.11.20

Do not invest on champs that you are hardly to use. He is nice to have. 

P/S: casting debuff is nothing relate to Tormin. whatever you did to enemies won't trigger (enemy) Tormin passive skill. 

2 нояб. 2020, 21:0502.11.20

I think Elegaius is going to be insane.

I feel like Elegaius will be a game changer for my account.

Again, I am not speaking on the behalf of others.

I can only tell you about my own account.

Maybe, Players think this hero is useless.

I don't know what there account looks like.

I don't know there situation.

I only know about my account.

I only know about my situation.

I feel like Elegaius is going to have a major impact on my account.

I have been playing the game for over a year.

I have not pulled any heroes which remove enemy buffs.

The game only has a small selection of heroes which can remove enemy buffs.

- Gurgoh the Augur

- Prince Kymar

- Rae

- Sethallia

- Madam Serris

- Seer

We are talking about 4 Legendary heroes who can Remove Enemy Buffs.

We are talking about 2 Void Epic heroes who can Remove Enemy Buffs.

I haven't pulled any of these heroes from a Shard.

I have tried countless times to pull just 1 of these heroes from a Shard.

I can't pull any of them.

Here is a screen shot of my Arena team:


Now let me give you an example of any enemy team:


This team has a Krisk ------> Puts up Shields

This team has a Valkyrie ---> Puts up Shields

Now you might say there is no way for you to win because your team power is to low.

The problem is there are hundreds of teams in arena which have a Krisk & Valkyrie.

Dozens of teams can have a Krisk on a team with the same team power as me.

It doesn't change anything.

The point is the enemy team will have a Shield or Immunity buff on there champions.

How can I remove it? The simple answer is I can't.

6 heroes out of 400 which can successfully remove enemy buffs.

I haven't pulled any of them.

Now image the following situation:


Lets say I take out my Apothecary.

Lets say I add in Elegaius into Apothecary spot.

Apothecary is giving my team Speed Buff + 15% Extra Turn Meter.

Elegaius is giving my team Enemy Buff Removal + 20% Enemy Turn Meter Reduction.

It's a bold swap - it defintally has its risks.

Apothecary does Turn Meter Fill 100% guarantee.

Elegaius does Enemy Turn Meter Reduction it isn't a guarantee.

The enemy team could resist my Turn Meter Reduction move.

There is plenty of risk here!

Apothecary only needs Speed + Rare Tomes.

Elegaius will need Speed + Accuracy + Legendary Tomes.

I will have to book Elegaius A3 move to get 100% chance.

It will take Legendary tomes.

There is certaintly alot of cons in this situation.


- Can you image all the shields getting removed

- Stag Knight decreasing the enemy defense


Carnage - Destruction - It's going to be Disgusting for my opponent team.

Now ask yourself the question - Does that not seem game changing?

It's going to be huge impact on my account.

Over a year playing this game - Day in - Day out - having to deal with these Shield Arena teams.

Never having a chance to get revenge.

The day has finally come!

Youtubers can say Elegaius is horrible.

Youtuber can rank Elegaius at the bottom of there tier list.

Players in the game can say Elegaius is situational

Players in the game can say Elegaius is garbage.

I don't care!

I am going for this Champion!

I have 40 Fragments out of 100.

All people like to do is talk smack.

Wait until they get into Arena, They are going to get silenced so fast.

All there words are going to disappear when they get buff stripped + turn meter reduced.

I am not the only one who can see this happening!

I am not the only one who is in this position.

I am sure hundreds of other people are in a similar position as me.

You might say well he is good in Arena, but bad every where esle.

My account has beat everything esle.

The only thing I haven't completed in the game is Faction Wars.

I am trying to improve my Faction War teams.

I am trying to improve my Arena teams.

Elegaius could be the key hero for me to improve both.

3 нояб. 2020, 00:1403.11.20

You just remind me someone said he would build a 'garbage' champ to max to prove something and we never see him since. 

3 нояб. 2020, 01:0503.11.20

i don't think i will, way too much grinding that takes away my other priorities. Last time i tried the shard thing i got stuck at 70. 

3 нояб. 2020, 02:0403.11.20

@Player J:

So I already got Sethalia, and she's on the queue list on my Legendary to be built after I am finished with Scyl.

My question: what is the main difference between the 2? Do they occupy the same "role"? 

3 нояб. 2020, 03:0403.11.20

its a pointless trap. You need to run dragon lair about 70x just for 5x shards. 

Not to name the other excessive things you need to do to get enough shards. 

The rewards could at least be better to face such an impossible task.

It is actually kind of pointless when you think of it, because the shards are nothing, even a rare tome would be better. 

3 нояб. 2020, 15:3003.11.20

@Player J:

So I already got Sethalia, and she's on the queue list on my Legendary to be built after I am finished with Scyl.

My question: what is the main difference between the 2? Do they occupy the same "role"? 

The answer to your question would be: YES.

Sethalia & Elegaius would do the same role.

The example I previously gain was the below picture:


If you was to put Sethalia in the above empty slot, She would function the same.

I would want Sethalia to remove enemy shields + immunity buffs.

The reason I want Elegaius is to remove enemy shields + immunity buffs

This is why I feel like people undervalue or misjudge Elegaius.

Sethalia is considered to be a Top Tier Arena Buff Stripping Champion.

Elegaius is doing the same thing and they say Elegaius is Medicore or Niche at best.

It makes no logical sense.

You are seeing what I am seeing.

I feel like Elegaius is going to be sitting right next to Sethalia.

They both will be Top Tier Arena Buff Stripping Champion's.


@lee.ozz.0213 - Here are the questions you should ask yourself.

Do you need Elegaius for 3 vs. 3 Arena?

Do you need Elegaius for Faction Wars?

Lets be honest here, You have Sethalia for the Buff Stripping.

You don't need Elegaius for Classical Arena.

You only need 1 Buff stripping champion for Classical Arena.

You are already own a Top Tier Buff stripping Champion.

Classical Arena - your set up is probably already set in stone.

The Tricky Part for you will be in Tag Arena or Faction Wars.

Tag Arena - Your Sethalia can only go on 1 team.

Will you need Elegaius for team 2?

Only you know the answer to this question.

Faction Wars - Have you beat Undead Hordes Stage 21?

Will you need Elegaius to help you win?

Again only you can answer these questions.

Stage 21 Undead Hordes:

Wave 1 = 2x Martyrs

Wave 2 = 3x Valkyries + 1x Warcaster + 1x Errol

Elegaius A1 skill has Block Cooldowns it can help lock out the Errol from his Big moves. 

Elegaius A2 skill be so clutch vs. for the Martyrs + Valkyries.

Elegaius A3 skill can remove the Warcaster Block Damage Buff

The Undead Final Boss ignores Defense. 

Elegaius is Health Based Champion which is perfect because he can survive the hit.

Elegaius has a passive which is a safety measure which keeps him alive with 1 HP.

Everything he has works perfectly against Stage 21.

It is the Hardest Stage to clear for the Undeads.


Right Now, Elegaius is up for grabs.

It is extremely hard to get these heroes from shards.

The Mercy System is a joke.

We can see how many absurd shards it would take to get a Legendary.

Than what is the chances of it being Elegaius vs. 100 other Legendaries.

Let me put this out there.

I skipped the Maulie Fusion.

People said Maulie was medicore.

The Dwarf Faction Crypt wasn't in the game, yet.

I didn't feel like leveling a bunch of heroes.

I skipped the Maulie Fusion.

1 Week Later, Everyone is using Maulie.

Arena is infested with Maulie who is suppose to be medicore champion.

The Dwarf Faction comes out and she is the only Ressurrection hero.

The Resurrection in like the whole faction who can help carry you.

The Games monitors all the data from players in Arena.

Than see how popular Maulie is they start doing events.

You can pull a Maulie from this weekends 10x Shard Event.

You pull your shards and you get nothing.

Than they do these taunting events where you are group with 100 people.

You can win a hero by being 1st place vs. all these mega whales.

It feels really bad, man

I could of got Maulie.

I had all the resources.

I had the money.

I had the time.

I skipped it.

It took me forever to get a Maulie.

I pulled 1 from the Dwarf Event.

It was torture.

You have to put all of this into your consideration.

You should really think about this.

3 нояб. 2020, 17:0403.11.20

@Player J

I honestly don't need Elegaius for 3v3 since I don't really like 3v3, it takes too long and not fun, so I keep a single lvl 1 champ on each team and just auto my way to finish it the Advance Quesr.

As for Faction Wars, I think I will need him for this, but I am still so far from finishing any of the faction, I think I am just banking on there will be a re-do on the event sometimes in the future. Or that there will be new heroes that is better than Elegaius when I do get close to finishing the Undead Faction Wars

3 нояб. 2020, 22:3803.11.20

I'm going to fuse her as well. I never miss an opportunity for a free lego. So far I'm up to 70 shards and I'm currently in 2nd in the dragon tourney. I have several artifacts leveled to 15 in anticipation of the artifact enhancement event that starts tomorrow. I'll level each of them once and bingo! Collect my shards. I realize it takes a ton of energy to collect all the frags but that's of little concern to me so yeah, I'll take a free lego. 

3 нояб. 2020, 23:3603.11.20
3 нояб. 2020, 23:38(отредактировано)


It sounds like your mind is made up.

If you think your account doesn't need Elegaius, I recommend saving your resources.

The game will do Future Fusion Events.

Maybe, they will add a hero in the future which can help you.

The only thing I will add is to at least particate in some of these Events.

I wouldn't avoid them completely.

For Example:

The Game has Ice Golem Tournment going on.

You have no interest in Elegaius, but you can always use better gear from the Ice Golem.

If you farm Ice Golem while the event is on, you can get extra rewards.

- Silver

- Gems

- Energy

The rewards might not be the greatest rewards, but most people have trash gear.

Most people need to farm the Dungeons thousand upon thousands of times.

The Event gives you an excuse to farm better gear + get free rewards.

When the event ends, You can go back to doing what ever esle you was planning on doing.

3 нояб. 2020, 23:5403.11.20

@Player J  yeah, actually using the time to upgrade my dungeons team, been to cozy in stage 13-14.

To be honest, I have a huge backlog on heroes that I need to rank up and ascend and book, I still have Scyll, Roschard and Sethalia (with Rhazin ready to be summoned) on the legendary, 

tons of epics like Gorgorab, Ultimate Galek, Tuhak, Skytouched Shaman, Fayne, Faceless, Lightsworn, and a couple more.

Even some rares that just got sidelined because I prioritize more on Epics, Apothecary still at 5*, just got Frozen Banshee, and the new guy Dilgol...

4 нояб. 2020, 19:3704.11.20

Yeah - The game has a Training Event going on.

Ranking up hero's while getting free rewards is fine too.