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Recommendations for Spider 15 and Beyond - Other Than a Can of Raid

Recommendations for Spider 15 and Beyond - Other Than a Can of Raid

27 окт. 2020, 01:4727.10.20

Recommendations for Spider 15 and Beyond - Other Than a Can of Raid

First off here is my roster.

Current team for 14:

Rhazin, Tyrant, Scyl, Apo, Fu Shan

I have also used Alure, Altan , Jarl, Kael, Umbral, and Rae which was supposed to be great but realized can’t use with Tyrant 

Working on Arminger as Clan member suggested so I’m leveling up now and will put some gear on him soon.

Tons of other Rares in vault but don’t think they are useable.

Thanks in advance!

27 окт. 2020, 13:2627.10.20

Fushan lead, Apoth, Tyrant, Rhazin and Skaarg.  Should take care of all stages all the way up to 20 and have them on farm reasonnably fast. Focus on Defense for Tyrant , Acc on him Rhazin, and skaarg should be above 200 and all around speeds above 170-180 

27 окт. 2020, 15:4327.10.20

Thanks Rufus

I can understand how each one of those champs would help, except Skaarg. I did see somewhere that he was good for Spider, but just pulled him 2 weeks ago so not familar with him. 

What does Skaarg bring to help in Spider? Is it the extra HP Burn?

Oh Apo, Ty and Rhaz have masteries, working on Fu's, and Apo is the only one booked from your list. None of my Legendaries are booked. Saving them for right lego.

27 окт. 2020, 16:0027.10.20

I would say if you want to do Spider (16-20) fast and secure, you do need Royal Guard and/or Coldheart, each of them could do 1+ mil damage in 1 hit. 

The longer the battle the harder to player. You do need high ACC but increase high DEF to fight long battle with Spider is not a good idea. 

27 окт. 2020, 16:0327.10.20

I would say haave characters with lots of Hp, and characters that can attack all enimies.  Lots of Crit is also nice.

27 окт. 2020, 17:3527.10.20

Skaarg brings both AoE burn and AoE true Fear which can help control the spiderlings, he will be useful against Force stages where tyrant will have a tendency to miss the AoE Burn. As suggested above Coldhearts and Royal guards are great in spider ( but I see you don't have either )  another great champion for Spiders 20 to replace skaarg with ( he won't be helpful in there ) is Umbral enchantress, she can provoke all teh spiderlings and give some breathing room to the rest of your team. 

27 окт. 2020, 20:1527.10.20

Thanks, Spider 15 is Force so Ty is not that helpful like you mentioned. Plus lvl 19 being Force will also be difficult.

 I will need to read up on the true fear debuff. I think Madame has that, and hate her in Arena.

I have Umbral still at 50, with only 17K HP, 2K Def, 190 Sp, and 321 Acc. She is in my Arena team, (Fu Shan- lead, Apo- boost, Um- provoke, Rae- nuke/CC) and have her with low HP so she is targeted. Haven't 6* her as my accuracy is high, and didn't think I would need th Accuracy banner too much.

If I use her in Spider 20 will probably need to increase her HP some, and maybe 6* her. That sound right?

27 окт. 2020, 22:0827.10.20

Do you have to Auto Stage 15 for Arbiter missions? 

Or can you Manuel Stage 15?

28 окт. 2020, 15:2928.10.20

Yes, I am about 17 missions away from auto lvl 15 Spider 10 times, then later on its auto 17, and finally lvl 20. I am able to auto all others at lvl 20, just stuck on Spider lvl 14 now. 

I am not able to do do Spider 15 manually.

I was happy when I pulled Luria for her AOE freeze, but nobody seemd to keen on her for Spider.

31 окт. 2020, 00:3731.10.20
31 окт. 2020, 00:45(отредактировано)

I have gone over your roster several times.

I have tried thinking of different team composition's which other people have used.

Every time I try to recreate the teams with your roster you seem to be missing 1 or 2 heroes.

It is a very difficult situation.

Tyrant is an amazing hero against Spider Stage 20.

Tyrant is the perfect affinity for it.

However, Tyrant is negative affinity against Spider Stage 15.

You own Skaarg.

A few people have told you to try Skaarg.

I don't own Skaarg.

I have never used Skaarg.

The people I have talked to have never used Skaarg.

I have read Skaarg moves.

Skaarg can do an HP burn, but it seems he only does it under specific condition's.

I am not entirely sure how the skill works.

I also don't know how Skaarg AI works.

This hero is a total mystery to me.

If I was you, I would contact people who own Skaarg so you can get insight on him.

Best Case Scenerio: Skaarg helps you win

Worst Case Scenerio: Skaarg doesn't help you win and you used up a few chickens on him.

If you ask around, You might be able to talk with people who own a Max Skaarg.

They might be able to save you some chickens.

31 окт. 2020, 02:1731.10.20

If I remember it correctly, I auto spider 15 with Shieldguard in lifesteal set. He basically solo that dungeon. 

But I do not recommend you build him just for this dungeon. I build this guy as a farmer so I already have him 6 star at very early game.  He basically carry me at spider dungeon up to 15.

2 нояб. 2020, 20:0802.11.20

Thanks guys for the extra input, sorry was off forum during weekend.

Reason being, I pulled Frankie (Miscreated Monster) from 10X Ancient shard, and was busy ranking/leveling him up. He is at 52 now and been geared, but not booked. I'm sure this is important for him.  He should help my Spider team some, right?

The other champ I pulled was Soulbound Bowyer, so being Spirit she may also help.

Today I tried the following team and have been able to auto 15, with fastest time of 2:40.

Fu Shan as lead, Rhaz, Tyrant, Scyl, and Apo. 

Apo is taking all the hits from spiderings, but he heals himself and Scyl revives him when he dies.

Maybe with these additional champs moving on to lvls 16-20 should be easier.

Thanks again for any ideas.

3 нояб. 2020, 00:2503.11.20

Monster should allow you to 20

3 нояб. 2020, 00:5703.11.20

Hey Trip, glad to see you here!

He did get me 2 auto wins on 15, but was only about 40 something after 6*, then I started losing. I stopped and then tried that team above, and was able to clear Spider 15 Mission this afternoon. 

Running campaign now to get him to 60. 

Is he someone I should my Epic books on? I'm sure the answer is yes, but you know I always wanted to make sure I'm not wasting resources. I have 35.

3 нояб. 2020, 15:4303.11.20

A Friend told me he uses Tyrant + Miscreated Monster to Duo Stage 20.

He runs those 2 Heroes + 3 Food champions.

He uses Spider Stage 20 like Campaign to level up heroes. lol

Yeah, I think Stage 20 isn't going to be a problem for you.

I think the biggest challenge you might have will be Stage 19.

Stage 19 will be the hardest, but the good news is you only need to beat it 1 time.

If you beat it 1 time, You never have to go back to it.

3 нояб. 2020, 16:2403.11.20

Thanks J, 

That makes me feel good to know I have those two champs. 

MM is almost to 60, and just 6* Armiger for the "Ascend a Spirit Champ to lvl 6" Arbiter Mission. 

Those 2 and Tyrant, plus Rhaz and Fu Shan should get me through 19.

3 нояб. 2020, 20:4403.11.20

spiders 20 was friggin nuts for me but levelling miscreated monster to 60 and switching in scyl with my sinesha spider tank strag got me through 

rhazin spider tank for lev 20 will do a heap of work just work on a turn meter controller i didnt see CH in your line up from a quick check armiger could be useful for that but might not be enough to control the boss turn meter 

from what ive watched over the last few days rhazin will handle the spiderlings easily and mm massive shield was epic for carrying me 

good luck 

9 нояб. 2020, 17:2709.11.20

Apo lead, Mm, Tyrant, Rhazin and scyl should keep you safe. Apo with def gloves, res chest and banner and rhazin can tank for you up to spider 20. Scyl and MM for CC. Tyrant for dmg. MM and Tyrant can def Duo spider 20 with good enough gear but Tyrants HP burn needs to be booked out then and MM needs to be booked. MM needs around 70k health, 200 speed and 200 acc. Tyrant 3-4k defence, decent health and 200 acc and youre good to go.

9 нояб. 2020, 17:5609.11.20

This should give you an idea of the dmg Tyrant can put out if you go the hp burn route and not the tm/nuke route.


10 нояб. 2020, 22:3710.11.20

O,O  those are my eyes bugging out..lol

Thankfully I can have more than 2 champs, but thanks for the snapshot!

My MM lacks speed, at 150, but HP is at 74K and Acc is at 243. He is booksed. Maybe I can change his Acc set to speed and loose the 40 acc and increase speed

My Tyrant has 50K HP, 172 Sp and 268 Acc, he is not booked.

Gonna try suggestions above later this week. Armiger is at 60 and putting gear on him now.

Combinations of Apo, Tyrant, MM, Armiger, Scyl, Rhaz, Fu Shan

Quick update, I pulled Suzerain Katonn during 2X sacred and his A1 and A2 look perfect for Spider 19.  What you guys think?  

Just at lvl 41, so he is not ready for anything yet. I have been focusing on ascending 4 affinities to 6* Missions, but may need to get him to 6* if other champs don't pan out for Spider 19.

Thanks again for your help!!

12 нояб. 2020, 19:2212.11.20

Just want to give a final update on this post:

Yesterday I was able to clear Spider 19 manually, and 20 on auto. 

For 19 I used Tyrant lead, MM, Scyl, Rhaz and Armiger

For 20 I used Apo lead, Tyrant, MM, Scyl and Armiger (switched out Armiger for Rae, and it also worked on auto)

Will give the Tyrant/MM duo a try just to see how far I get.

Will get to Spider 20 Mission tomorow. Today I will complete CB 75M Mission. 

Thank you and my Clan mate Trip for all your help!!