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Skullcrown in Swift Parry set

Skullcrown in Swift Parry set

20 окт. 2020, 22:5820.10.20

Skullcrown in Swift Parry set

What happens when Skullcrown receives a hit that reduces her HP from more than 20% to 0?

Passive: Places an Unkillable buff every time her HP drops below 20%.

Set bonus: 50% chance of Unkillable when hit with fatal hit.

Does passive proc first, and the hit is not considered fatal anymore, so that set bonus can proc later?

Do they proc simultaneously wasting a bonus?

Also interested what happens when that hit has "Removes all buffs" in it.

21 окт. 2020, 09:3821.10.20

Interesting issue. This does require testing and while I have Skullcrown and Swift Parry set, I m hesitant on wasting resources to try it out.

I m leaning towards it working properly, for example Foli or whoever with block revive nuking getting Skullcrown to 1HP and activating her passive obviously doesnt put block revive on her. There must be a "fatality" check and if Swift Parry uses the same check then its working as intended. Further reinforcing this theory is the fact that Swift Parry set effect has no cooldown.

As for your final inquire, Rae goes through Skullcrown passive and kills her, safe to assume he does the same with Swift Parry Unkillable too.
21 окт. 2020, 10:0421.10.20

This is just an assumption, so please take it with a grain of salt,

From what I see I think gears take precedence, so in the case of both proci-ing at the same time, it would be the art being used, and the skill being saved (not used and the cooldown counter doesn't start)

As for with remove buff at the fatal hit, what happens is

1. The hit checks if target has a buff

2. Target has no buff, proceed to hit as normal

3. The hit is fatal

4. Swift Parry or Skullcrown's passive kicks in put the unkillable buff

5. Next champion turn

So the hit doesn't remove the unkillable because at the time of the hit, there's no unkillable buff to remove.

21 окт. 2020, 17:0921.10.20

I think its not a good idea.

Not sure why you would want her in Swift Parry.

22 окт. 2020, 03:5222.10.20
Swift Parry doesn't have a cool down?  It is just 50% chance, so in theory, you could be protected with unkillable for the whole battle when you are about to die.
22 окт. 2020, 14:0722.10.20

T3 God said:

Swift Parry doesn't have a cool down?  It is just 50% chance, so in theory, you could be protected with unkillable for the whole battle when you are about to die.


For some reason I thought that Swift Parry can only proc once per battle (stage).

Can it proc every turn?
22 окт. 2020, 20:4522.10.20
22 окт. 2020, 20:53(отредактировано)

Skullcrown does an Unkillable with her own Passive.

Most people who fight against a Skullcrown are aware of the Skullcrown Passive Ability to put up Unkillable.

Thus, They will have in there possession the necessary resources to handle the situation.

They will anticipate the Unkillable Buff and have someone to remove it or ignore it.

It will defeat the purpose of using the Swift Parry Set.

You are better off using Swift Parry on a hero which doesn't have Unkillable Passive.

It will catch the enemy by total surprise.

Just to give you an example.

I use Rotos vs. Skullcrown.

Rotos A3 ignores all Unkillable Buffs.

Obviously, It will not matter if your Skullcrown Passive triggers or Swift Parry set triggers.

I will be using Rotos which will counter both.

Lets give another example:

Lets say you are using another damage dealer like Trunda.

Well against Trunda - I like to use my Foli or Brakkus.

Than if your Trunda is in Swift Parry Set.

It would come to me as a total shock because I didn't anticipate your Trunda with Unkillable Buff.

My Foli or Brakkus wouldn't be able to bypass your Unkillable.

Than your Trunda may survive and do big nuke on me killing my team.

It would be a horrible turn of events for me.

That is the sort of thing which you should consider when using your Swift Parry set.

That is why I think using Swift Parry set on Skullcrown is bad idea.

22 окт. 2020, 21:2322.10.20

Skullcrown can use crit damage set.

Skullcrown can use speed set.

Swift parry set is strictly better then crit damage and speed sets.

Imaging having 2, 3, 4 swift parry sets.

It's not present, it's future.

I want to learn mechanics to make informed decisions.

I want to know if enemy Skullcrown can have unkillable 2 turns in a row.

I want to know if any champion can have unkillable 2 turns in a row.

I want to learn mechanics without spending a million silver if possible.

This is why I ask questions.

Thank you for your thoughts, but unfortunately there is still no answer in this thread.

Even to a more simple question: can swift parry set proc every turn or once per battle?

23 окт. 2020, 03:1523.10.20
SunnyRay said:

Skullcrown can use crit damage set.

Skullcrown can use speed set.

Swift parry set is strictly better then crit damage and speed sets.

Imaging having 2, 3, 4 swift parry sets.

It's not present, it's future.

I want to learn mechanics to make informed decisions.

I want to know if enemy Skullcrown can have unkillable 2 turns in a row.

I want to know if any champion can have unkillable 2 turns in a row.

I want to learn mechanics without spending a million silver if possible.

This is why I ask questions.

Thank you for your thoughts, but unfortunately there is still no answer in this thread.

Even to a more simple question: can swift parry set proc every turn or once per battle?

Yes it can.  Just 50% chance.  If you are lucky, you can be hitting that good half of the 50% and be unkillable every turn, because there is not cool down stated on it.
23 окт. 2020, 07:0523.10.20

T3 God said:

Yes it can.  Just 50% chance.  If you are lucky, you can be hitting that good half of the 50% and be unkillable every turn, because there is not cool down stated on it.

Just to be sure. Did you see it giving more than 1 unkillable in a single battle stage?

24 окт. 2020, 03:4824.10.20
24 окт. 2020, 03:53(отредактировано)

SunnyRay said:

T3 God said:

Yes it can.  Just 50% chance.  If you are lucky, you can be hitting that good half of the 50% and be unkillable every turn, because there is not cool down stated on it.

Just to be sure. Did you see it giving more than 1 unkillable in a single battle stage?

No.  But the description did not say anything about a cooldown, so therefore there is no cooldown.  If there is a cooldown, Plarium needs to update it.

( This is where a moderator comes in and say "there is a hidden cooldown" )
24 окт. 2020, 10:5124.10.20

T3 God said:

SunnyRay said:

T3 God said:

Yes it can.  Just 50% chance.  If you are lucky, you can be hitting that good half of the 50% and be unkillable every turn, because there is not cool down stated on it.

Just to be sure. Did you see it giving more than 1 unkillable in a single battle stage?

No.  But the description did not say anything about a cooldown, so therefore there is no cooldown.  If there is a cooldown, Plarium needs to update it.

( This is where a moderator comes in and say "there is a hidden cooldown" )

It may be that it has no cooldown because it only procs once.

I saw it proc once on Arena enemies for a couple of times, but never twice. It doesn't prove it can't, though. 

On the other hand, someone seeing it proc twice would be a proof.
1 май 2021, 16:5501.05.21

Interesting issue. This does require testing and while I have Skullcrown and Swift Parry set, I m hesitant on wasting resources to try it out.

I m leaning towards it working properly, for example Foli or whoever with block revive nuking getting Skullcrown to 1HP and activating her passive obviously doesnt put block revive on her. There must be a "fatality" check and if Swift Parry uses the same check then its working as intended. Further reinforcing this theory is the fact that Swift Parry set effect has no cooldown.

As for your final inquire, Rae goes through Skullcrown passive and kills her, safe to assume he does the same with Swift Parry Unkillable too.

Any chance you got further on this topic as to test or see or get results?