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Add a possibility to reset Great Hall bonuses.

Add a possibility to reset Great Hall bonuses.

18 сент. 2020, 02:0318.09.20

Add a possibility to reset Great Hall bonuses.

Even if it would cost 1000 or 1500 gems, considering you add more and more new champions of different affinities, GH bonuses reset would be more than viable ingame option as much as masteries re-spec is.
18 сент. 2020, 02:2618.09.20

First of all, I think it would be a mess.

Why? Because I believe plarium does not keep track of what medals being used for what upgrades.

For example, I use a mixture of Bronze and silver medals for some of my Bronze upgrades, some Bronze upgrades are even using full silver medals. If there's a reset, there can't be anyway to determine what and how many medals have been used in total, because as I say, I believe Plarium did not keep records on what medals are being used for what upgrades on each account.

Second, is the indirect consequence because of that, that is more than likely Plarium will reset the GH by giving the bronze medal for bronze upgrade, silver medals for silver upgrades and so on, regardless of what medals were used for said upgrades.

That will be another reason why people will want to use same type of medals for the upgrades, meaning high level players will more likely to go down again to farm low tier medals for their unfinished low tier GH upgrade, THUS AN EVEN WORSE experience in the arena for low tier players

So TLDR, this is a bad idea.

18 сент. 2020, 02:3518.09.20
18 сент. 2020, 02:37(отредактировано)

It's better if Plarium give an option to buy medals, at the end you will need all towers lvl 10 anyway. 

Before 2020, one usual player could make one level 10 tower in one month, only by daily token. Nowadays, 2020, it would take 2+month for all new players, this is the time Plarium could sell medals for more cash.
18 сент. 2020, 11:3918.09.20
Or at least make lvl 10 GH bonus upgradeable also by silver medals, not only golden, 'cause with your broken arena I'll never get my "absolutely free" Arbiter.
18 сент. 2020, 11:5418.09.20
Popocatepepetl said:

Or at least make lvl 10 GH bonus upgradeable also by silver medals, not only golden, 'cause with your broken arena I'll never get my "absolutely free" Arbiter.
But you must reach Gold IV before lvl 10 mission, that is impossible to most new players in 2020 and later. 
18 сент. 2020, 12:0018.09.20

@OZZLEE, Let me guess, selling yet ANOTHER resource in "absolutely free" game is much better idea? ;) If everyone whines about my advice to make arena medals upgredeable like "all would sit in bronze and farm bronze medals to convert them not even touching gold tier" than what's THAT wrong with making GH bonus reset available at least in the next update? And yes, with all necessary counters of spent medals. At least new players won't quit this totally broken dump in a couple of days. As for me, I play for a year and a half, absolutely free of course, withoug any " "s, and if only arena wasn't broken as hell I'd got my Arbiter two or even three months ago. I was always in gold 3-4, now I am in silver 2-3 with absolutely same team. It isn't normal by any means.

18 сент. 2020, 12:2118.09.20
@INDENT14, I've already written several topics about making arena progress available for all players, new and old. I don't mean "let me in da pluteenoom fufree guyzz", just retutn arena as it was till june and july 2020.
18 сент. 2020, 12:4818.09.20

Popocatepepetl said:

@OZZLEE, Let me guess, selling yet ANOTHER resource in "absolutely free" game is much better idea? ;) If everyone whines about my advice to make arena medals upgredeable like "all would sit in bronze and farm bronze medals to convert them not even touching gold tier" than what's THAT wrong with making GH bonus reset available at least in the next update? And yes, with all necessary counters of spent medals. At least new players won't quit this totally broken dump in a couple of days. As for me, I play for a year and a half, absolutely free of course, withoug any " "s, and if only arena wasn't broken as hell I'd got my Arbiter two or even three months ago. I was always in gold 3-4, now I am in silver 2-3 with absolutely same team. It isn't normal by any means.

I never said that... who said about selling anything?

I'm just pointing out why your idea would cause more problem than providing any actual solution to the Arena fiasco.

And I have point out what the actual problem is in Arena


The only solution from Plarium is to overhaul their points system, 

or if the fanbase want to TAKE MATTER INTO THEIR OWN HANDS, they need to pump clone accounts into arena, creating points for people to grab in arena, to put it simply, MORE ACCOUNTS = MORE POINTS AVAILABLE = MORE SPOT IN GOLD = EASIER TO GET TO GOLD

18 сент. 2020, 12:5618.09.20

Popocatepepetl said:

@INDENT14, I've already written several topics about making arena progress available for all players, new and old. I don't mean "let me in da pluteenoom fufree guyzz", just retutn arena as it was till june and july 2020.


Your post is how Plarium fix arena or how new players reach Gold without any S-rank epic and legos ? 
18 сент. 2020, 22:3818.09.20
19 сент. 2020, 20:2919.09.20

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your feedback, Player J is right. The main reason why we will never reset the Great Hall is because we have to max it asap.
19 сент. 2020, 20:3519.09.20

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your feedback, Player J is right. The main reason why we will never reset the Great Hall is because we have to max it asap.

Which I won't be able to do in any forseeable future, since Plarium flushed my Arena team down the toilet with the Rotos nerf, and I am about to drop from high Gold III to Silver, preventing me from gaining gold medals at all.

Much fun...
19 сент. 2020, 21:2419.09.20
Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your feedback, Player J is right. The main reason why we will never reset the Great Hall is because we have to max it asap.