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Why start a new event the evertyhing is lagging as hell?

Why start a new event the evertyhing is lagging as hell?

17 сент. 2020, 16:0517.09.20

Why start a new event the evertyhing is lagging as hell?

I expect a playerbase full of complaints about lost this and that if you havent fixed the server issue before the fragment event.

Do yourself a favour and postpone the event if you have solved the issues before tomorrow.
18 сент. 2020, 12:1218.09.20

Yep, the game's unplayable right now.

An hour ago, I noticed that the Fire Knight tourney was starting in 10 minutes.

Now, no FK tourney in sight. So perhaps Plarium are aware of the issue and are rolling things back. I guess an official statement will be issued at some point...

18 сент. 2020, 12:3218.09.20
jesus  i thought i was the  only one fire knight is gone
18 сент. 2020, 15:0718.09.20

Just seen the first poor fellow who summon ancients shard x10 and complaining about losing all champs and too many shards.

Why force high player activity during such and unstable period is beyond me.

You get frustrated to get behind. Each click that hits the server takes forever. And do you even dare to summon at this point??
18 сент. 2020, 19:1818.09.20
Bumping this topic.  The game is unplayable on mobile or PC.
18 сент. 2020, 19:3818.09.20

Exactly the topic I was looking for.

The game is basically unplayable, I stored bunch of energy waiting to collect and do the Tournaments/Events.

Now I've been stuck at the loading screen for the past 5 mins. This is also not the first time experiencing difficulty to log in.

Should not have rushed the Fragment Summon right after you released the big patch, lots of latency issues nowadays.

I don't even wanna risk of doing anything right now because Energy/Key/Tokens/Shards used during a lag might NOT be restored

You guys should consider extending the ongoing Tournament/Event duration, this is unfair to everyone.

19 сент. 2020, 05:3719.09.20
I SURE AGREE !! And they put to much on one time and can not handle even the basic . Frustration from a to z! 
19 сент. 2020, 09:4819.09.20

Server down again for another maintenance. I've lost count of how many were there in two days.

It's hard to believe a company that made 8 million revenue in 1 month has a server quality like this...

C'mon. Fix the stability issue, and maybe next time don't stuff every release/event at the same time.

19 сент. 2020, 13:0319.09.20
19 сент. 2020, 13:05(отредактировано)
To high server I/O on weak server is the main reason im guessing. More load balancers and or maybe time for plarium to start using  aws/azure for better automated resource allocation in times of high activity...