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 suggestion for imroving Classic Aarena

suggestion for imroving Classic Aarena

5 сент. 2020, 13:0505.09.20

suggestion for imroving Classic Aarena


Here I try to suggest improvements for the arena:


As far as I can remember, I started playing raid sometime early 2019. I eventually reached gold 1 or gold 2 in arena. After a bit, around the time when we had the new quest system for tormin or frosting (forgot what it was called; where you got the bears), I quit raids as I got bored. When I came back to raids, a few months ago, I found myself being able to climb to maximum silver 3.

Problem No. 1:

The problem with arena is that behind it locked a major account progression mechanism. This in itself is not a problem, what makes it a problem is if players can’t progress in arena. The account progression mechanism I am speaking of is not missions, which generally seem to be the main point highlighted by even content creators. I feel the great hall is a much more important mechanism which allows for account progression than one character (Arbiter). Furthermore, the issue although highlighted is not restricted to new players, but extends deep into midgame players. We have to remember with arena becoming so much harder, definition of beginner and mid game player has also evolved. I consider myself as mid game player and will obviously face arena missions as road blocks once I get to the relevant ones; although as expressed earlier my concern is more for the great hall.

Now with the background to the problem out the way, let me highlight the problem with my personal example. It has been around 2 months I have been back to the game and over these 2 months (roughly) I have only managed to accumulate around 400-500 silver medals for the great hall. With a simple calculation, at this rate it would take a staggering 17.1 months to max out one section in the great hall (considering we are able to use silver medals to upgrade the gold medal parts of great hall). With such slow progress, how long can layers be expect to carry on playing? One month? Maybe two? What makes it worse, the current system will not allow progress to higher arena tiers for majority of the average players. See problem no. 2 as to why.

Problem No. 2:

With the current situation, of course the problem is not going to get better. As mine, or anyones account progress, so will others who are in same arena tier. Thus although our accounts may be progressing, one can expect our progression in the arena to be stagnant due to everyone progressing at the same average rate.


I agree with Valkyries post that removing the arena missions or addressing them specifically is not the solution to the problem. Arena is bigger than just the missions.

Plarium can use examples from other games, and see how they evolved their arena as the player base and power grew. Once such example I can think of is Clash Royale; Ash maybe you can help here? I am sure plarium would be able to evaluate their system and since I am unable to dig deep into Clash Royales system atm, here are my suggestion on improving arena:

•    Rebalance the points needed for all tiers. For example: B1 (900p), Bronze 2 (910p), B3 (930p), B4 (970p), S1 (1000p), S2 (1010p), S3 (1030p), S4 (1070P) and G1 would start at 1100p. In this way, majority of player who climb past the beginner stage would be in gold and able have their account progressing (such as in the great hall) in an observable rate.

•    Rebalance the progression from tier to tier by increasing the amount of points gained for a win and decreasing the amount lost for a loss. Since this will eventually also become bottlenecked, this system may need constant balancing.

I think Clash Royale probably used a combination of these two ideas to address their arena. Of course, these suggestion are a rough guide, and would need fine-tuning by plarium.

I hope these ideas are helpful. I look forwards to your thoughts.

5 сент. 2020, 13:2205.09.20
Lowering the requirements for each arena tier is not a bad idea. This will make arena easier for players
5 сент. 2020, 13:5205.09.20
What is wrong with you guys. What incentitive do we have to get purple or gold characters, spend months making them 6 star fully ascended and booked fighters, to have a blue 3 star with single ascention wipe your team. There is no drive to improve anymore. There is nothing but sadness as I look at arena this 4th month in a row attempting to get to silver, and have a bunch of 4 star unascended blue toons stand in my way! Toons put together by lvl 31 players. And forcing daily 5 arena battles is not helping either, some times it takes days of waiting to get 2 or 3 good battles and wins, but daily you go backwards 3 to 4 times forced to fight in arena fo make the daily quests. This you forced on us is absurd.
6 сент. 2020, 03:2406.09.20
6 сент. 2020, 03:31(отредактировано)

The real issue is that as more players come and play the game, and higher ranks get higher and higher equip and hero requirements, less and less people % wise will be able to complete gold, since it’s limited by number. 

A much easier long term approach is needed, that requires zero rebalancing, and that is removing the cap of number of players that can climb to gold, and make a reset every few months with everyone starting from bronze again (or a few ranks below). This will encourage a level playing field, and strong players will climb quickly. Weaker players will have a chance to reach gold, since it’s not capped and stacked full of strong players.

You could also introduce a cap only by % of total player base on Platinum so as to not make it so exclusive to a number of players.

This is a similar approach used by Hearthstone and MTGA, except they do not cap the highest tier of PVP at all. Dota also does a percentile/bellcurve type approach where the population is divided by ELO %, not by number ceiling.

TL;DR: don’t cap the number of players in gold tier.

6 сент. 2020, 15:5506.09.20

To my understanding, unlike platinum tier, there is no limit on the number of players in Gold tier, but instead it is an indirest effect of the points required (2000p) to be in gold tier. I feel the number of players in Gold T is flexible and is dependent upon the total number of player within the game, such that the more the total number players in the game, the more that will be in Gold tier. This is because with greater number of players, there is greater number of points to be distributed. So for somone to gain points to be in Gold tier, another individual must losse points.

Thus my initial suggestion to increase points gained for win and decreasing points lost for a loss, indirectly increases capacity of higher tiers because it pushes everyone to higher tiers. But ofcourse this may eventually hit a brick wall like the current system and will need to be evaluated. I feel Plarium can use stats to monitor this and proactively take actions to prevent hitting this wall that prevents progress.

My second other point to decrease requirements to be in each tier, e.g. Gold 1 at 1100 points, also helps to indirectly increase capacity.
6 сент. 2020, 16:1906.09.20

H3lp3r said:

To my understanding, unlike platinum tier, there is no limit on the number of players in Gold tier, but instead it is an indirest effect of the points required (2000p) to be in gold tier. I feel the number of players in Gold T is flexible and is dependent upon the total number of player within the game, such that the more the total number players in the game, the more that will be in Gold tier. This is because with greater number of players, there is greater number of points to be distributed. So for somone to gain points to be in Gold tier, another individual must losse points.

Thus my initial suggestion to increase points gained for win and decreasing points lost for a loss, indirectly increases capacity of higher tiers because it pushes everyone to higher tiers. But ofcourse this may eventually hit a brick wall like the current system and will need to be evaluated. I feel Plarium can use stats to monitor this and proactively take actions to prevent hitting this wall that prevents progress.

My second other point to decrease requirements to be in each tier, e.g. Gold 1 at 1100 points, also helps to indirectly increase capacity.

I have said this also, the points gathered in classic arena are zero sum! When I win 9 points, the opponent lose also 9 points, when I win 11 points my opponent also lose 11 points, thus even though in theory there's unlimited spot for people in gold, the system in which how points are distributed will make sure there's a limited people in gold proportional to the whole population of players.

In theory this is not something bad, but this system eventually create a virtual cap on the ladder, a point of which every time someone wants to get into gold, another person must be taken down to silver.

And we have come to the point in which this problem have reached to bronze. All of these veteran accounts that cannot move anywhere because to reach a higher position, they need to outpace the growth of the accounts above them.

That is why the arena are going to get harder as time goes by, everyone will grow but they cannot go anywhere because the point system prevent them from going anywhere in the ladder.

6 сент. 2020, 17:3506.09.20

arena is allmost perfect now. only improve can be 1-4 plat tiers. Devs allready replied about arena i support them 100% 

become better
6 сент. 2020, 17:4006.09.20
Making the tiers bigger across the board makes the most sense.  It's not fair for the newer accounts to compete against the 1+ year accounts.  People complain about competing against legos, but really it's the gear that is the biggest difference maker.
8 сент. 2020, 12:4508.09.20

Arena has come to a point where it simply annyoing. 98% of Arena results are determined by speed. In tag team arena for example you just have to have 300+ speed even in Silver to have a remote chance of winning something. The only champ breaking through this endless speed competition is Tormin. Even a shield set on someone like Koronar ist not enough in most cases to counter speed teams with skullcrown and a ally join attack champ. It's gone to a point where it has become ridicolous. This has nothing to do with orogonal intention of clever synergistiv effects of various champions with different mechanics anymore. Probly speed should be CAPPED (270 sounds like a reasonable value).

There are teams in tag team arena Silver that have in each group >200k power and every group contains overpowered champs like Lilitu or Siphi, all fully developed, which makes it nearly impossible to land debuffs.

Lilitu and Siphi have been OP since their implementation and have skill sets comprising that of 2 or 3 "ordinary" legendaries. Perhaps it's time for an adjustment of these two. And yes, I would stay with this opinion even if I had them. Two of my best legendaries where already adjusted (Rotos, Tormin),

Kind regards


8 сент. 2020, 13:0308.09.20

Trips said:

Making the tiers bigger across the board makes the most sense.  It's not fair for the newer accounts to compete against the 1+ year accounts.  People complain about competing against legos, but really it's the gear that is the biggest difference maker.

I honestly think that expanding the tier is just like remedying the symptoms, after a while the problem will just come back again, and again and again.

If we go to your analogy of a ponzi scheme, it's just like adding a bonus to the members if they stay longer. It will fall again...

They need to permanently remove the virtual "cap" on the ladder, they need to make it so the system can generate more points than provided by the 1000 points per people joining in the arena.