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What is a critical hit?

What is a critical hit?

31 авг. 2020, 23:3631.08.20

What is a critical hit?

In many artifact descriptions, the term "critical hit" is used.  What does that mean, that the target dies? The description implies that a critical hit is more than a normal hit, but to what extent?
1 сент. 2020, 01:1801.09.20
1 сент. 2020, 01:19(отредактировано)

I could explain "Critical Hit" to you, but Hunter might have already answered your question!

HUNTER IS THE MAN! - Watch the Full Video

If your still confused after watching the video, You can tell me what is confusing you.

I can explain further.

1 сент. 2020, 09:2601.09.20
1 сент. 2020, 09:50(отредактировано)

I appreciate the reply.  What I gather about critical hit is that there is no expectation of any specific result, merely that it does more damage than other hit types.  I can't say that I follow that discussion very well, it assumes you also understand other things he mentioned. 

Basically I just play the game on auto and whatever happens, happens.  Most of those u-tube videos are full of people all with L60 6 star champs and artifacts, etc.  I have been playing 3 years and have yet to ever get a Legendary champ, people must be spending fortunes to get stuff.  No matter what color shard I acquire across the game, If "rare" is one of the choices that is all I ever get, except for some epics, but never a legendary.  So pretty much all the discussions are useless for me.  My dungeons are maxxed out at L7 or 8 at this point, when they say that it is good to hit the dragon lair at L20 or so, yeah right.  I have one champ ehlain that I am working at 6 stars in ascension, up to L53, when I look in the arena at all the L60 champs I wonder how that happens and am mystified.  Also how do you get those super powerful champs?  I see no way to pick and choose which ones you can ever get.

It is also laughable to me (in a frustrating way) how these guys say things like, all you gotta do is have your champs at 100% 200% 300% crit rates.  I am lucky to have some at maybe 60 or 70%, but most are under 50%.  No matter have many artifacts I use with crit rate as one of the attributes it still does not stack up that much, and when you focus only on crit rate many other things suffer like speed.  I just do not see how to get the power up for my champs.  I would like to see someone discuss the Raid game for someone with 3 star and 4 star stuff, under L50.  Best I can do for champs is L:40 Kael, L50 Athel, also L60 on ehlain.

I also would like to see a discussion on what parameters most affect the champs power.

But, I spend no money on the game, just running the stuff on freebies.

1 сент. 2020, 12:3201.09.20

Not trying to be condescending, but do you really don't understand the concept of "critical hit"? Since it's like a basic knowledge in RPG games.

And getting 100%+ crit rate is not that hard even for an F2P, I'm an F2P and I have like 3 or 4 champs that have 100%+ crit rate.

Just upgrade your artifacts and hope the rolls get to your crit rate substat
1 сент. 2020, 16:5101.09.20


It is also laughable to me (in a frustrating way) how these guys say things like, all you gotta do is have your champs at 100% 200% 300% crit rates.  I am lucky to have some at maybe 60 or 70%, but most are under 50%.  No matter have many artifacts I use with crit rate as one of the attributes it still does not stack up that much, and when you focus only on crit rate many other things suffer like speed.  I just do not see how to get the power up for my champs.  I would like to see someone discuss the Raid game for someone with 3 star and 4 star stuff, under L50.  Best I can do for champs is L:40 Kael, L50 Athel, also L60 on ehlain.

I didn't even think the game had existed for three years already... but you've only played very little, then? No offense, but somehow after three years you've made less progress than many players after 1 month, if you only have a single level 60 champion. Progress in this game requires leveling champions fast by farming campaign - if you had a full team of level 60 champions, I don't say you'd automatically be running stage 20 in dungeons, but probably at least 13 or so, which would also get you decent enough gear for further progress. 

If you are at such very low dungeon levels, it's no wonder you don't have any decent gear and don't manage to get your crit rate close to 100 percent. But progress in dungeon will require more level 60 champs first. And I would recommend to look at others than Kael and Athel - you already have Elhain at 60, Kael and Athel are good but a similar type of champion, you should work on debuffers and support champions which synergize better with Elhain. 
1 сент. 2020, 20:1101.09.20

Lady Gaga - Post your Roster

Maybe, we can help you develop your account faster.
2 сент. 2020, 08:3702.09.20

OzzLee said:

Not trying to be condescending, but do you really don't understand the concept of "critical hit"? Since it's like a basic knowledge in RPG games.

And getting 100%+ crit rate is not that hard even for an F2P, I'm an F2P and I have like 3 or 4 champs that have 100%+ crit rate.

Just upgrade your artifacts and hope the rolls get to your crit rate substat

Critical hit is not defined in the game that I can see.  Most Plarium games have in game help screens that explain lots more that Raids does.  Critical hit does not seem to haver a specific definition, if you have it let's hear it.  I understand about matching up the colors (affinity), but when the champs have a 25% chance of getting a critical hit, I do not see how I would ever know that or could do anything about it.  Sorry, not familiar with what RPG games are, although it is possible that I may have played one without realizing it

I have not seen a 100% crit rate, but I have 100% in some other parameters. I understand it is desirable to get, but if it requires L16 upgrades that is just way more than I care to manage, Small fortunes in silver, etc.  L12 is about my limit, and some of those take 25 tries or so.  Upgrades are probably the biggest ripoff in the game I can see.

What would be nice is to get a champ like the Monster, MM.  Many seem to have it but it has not come by my screen, oh well.

2 сент. 2020, 08:4802.09.20
2 сент. 2020, 09:00(отредактировано)

Player J said:

Lady Gaga - Post your Roster

Maybe, we can help you develop your account faster.

Thanks for trying to be helpful.

My list of champs, if that is what you mean are as follows, in no particular order:

(I recently upgraded my Kael to 5 stars, had to throw away some others to get it.)

elhain, seducer, preserver, sentinel, athel (2), galek, apothecary (2),warpriest (2),  hexweaver, shaman, masoleum mage, zargala, alika, spirithost, hexia, kael, jizoh, paragon, coldheart, warmaiden (2), valerie (5), excruciator, hope, lemure

I have finally started getting 1 Million points on individual clan boss hits.  I am working toward my first L60 champ.

There have been many other champs that have come and gone, often I did not understand enough about the stats and skills of them, but I do not think I missed out on anything that good.  I tried joining some clans to learn more but unfortunately their chat rooms were woefully silent.

My latest project is to try to save up 800 gems so I can try one of the full load of masteries, just looking to see what that would do.

2 сент. 2020, 10:4102.09.20

The First thing you want to do before anything else is to establish a Campaign Farmer.

A Campaign Farmer should be a hero who is strong enough to beat the Campaign Stages Solo.

Based on the heroes you have, I would make Kael as your Campaign Farmer.

Level 50 Kael should be able to beat Hard Mode Campaign - Chapter 12 Stage 3 by himself.

You can use green & white heroes to tag along with your Kael to leach experience from the fight.

Than you can use those green & white heroes as sacrifice food to rank up your good hero's.

The Second thing you want to do is make your first 6 star to farm Brutal Campaign.

I think Kael would be your best option at the moment.

I would use Rare Tomes on Kael ---> I think he is worth being fully booked.

I would use 800 gems on Kael ------> I think he is worth being fully mastered.

Kael can be your starting point to get best experience + best silver pay outs in the game.

Most people like to farm on Brutal 12-3.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is overpowered.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is to energy expensive.

I wouldn't even worry about it - What I would do is try to reach Brutal.

Once, you get all of the above stuff done, You can begin phase 3 which is creating a Clan Boss team.

The game builds on itself - It is like a Domino Effect.

Soon as you get best experience pay outs -----> you level up your heroes faster

Soon as you get best silver pay outs ------------> you upgrade your gear faster

All of the above things funnel into your Clan Boss team.

This all helps make your Clan Boss team better.

Once, your Clan Boss team is better.

You get better rewards.

You get Ancient Shards - Void Shards - Sacred Shards.

You get Rare Tomes - Epic Tomes - Legendary Tomes.

You get Immortal Gears - Cruel Gears

Than you can begin using certain heroes in your Clan Boss team to help you in Dungeons or Arena.

Your Clan Boss team begins to branch out.

Your able to use them in certain dungeons.

Hopefully, my information here today can help you see how everything comes together.

All you got to do is get the wheels in motion.

Again there is no rush - This is a grindy type of game.

You have to pace yourself.

You have to have patience.

You will get there!

Just Remember - Rome wasn't built in 1 day!

2 сент. 2020, 14:4302.09.20


Critical hit is not defined in the game that I can see.  Most Plarium games have in game help screens that explain lots more that Raids does.  Critical hit does not seem to haver a specific definition, if you have it let's hear it.  I understand about matching up the colors (affinity), but when the champs have a 25% chance of getting a critical hit, I do not see how I would ever know that or could do anything about it.  Sorry, not familiar with what RPG games are, although it is possible that I may have played one without realizing it

I have not seen a 100% crit rate, but I have 100% in some other parameters. I understand it is desirable to get, but if it requires L16 upgrades that is just way more than I care to manage, Small fortunes in silver, etc.  L12 is about my limit, and some of those take 25 tries or so.  Upgrades are probably the biggest ripoff in the game I can see.

What would be nice is to get a champ like the Monster, MM.  Many seem to have it but it has not come by my screen, oh well.

okay, I'll try to explain it as best I can, feel free to ask again if there's part of my explanation that is still in need of more elaboration.

Basically critical hit is a hit that caused more damage than normal, In most RPG games critical hit is something that is like a rarity and when it does happen it's something that could increase your damage to the enemy significantly

now in Raid, every champion no matter what level has a 15% chance of turning a hit into critical hit. And the damage when a critical hit occurs also standard on every champion is an extra 50% damage.

This is represented in Raid in the stat as crit rate 15% and crit damage 50%

These stats can be upgraded through artifacts that has a crit rate / crit damage stat and'or substat. And since there's 9 slot of equipment in this game (6 artifacts and 3 accesories) for each champion, it is possible to push these stats above 100%

Another way to upgrade these stats is through masteries, they're like extra abilities you can add to your champions by either "buying" them with 800 gems or get them for "free" by fighting Minotaur in the dungeons

Now as for lv 16 artifact upgrade, it's not necessary if you only have just started the game, but overtime as you accumulate more silver, it becomes a necessity. And having a full set of lv 16 equipment really increase the survivability and damage output of your champions.

My general rule of thumb is to prepare at the very least 2 million silver to upgrade a 5* or 6* from lv 1 to lv 16.

as for getting those coveted champs, sure it's nice, but what I like about Raid is that most champions (not all) can be used as effective as long as you gear them and set their masteries right. I also don't have those like  Miscreated Monster or Madame Serris, heck I almost play this game for 6 months and still haven't got a single legendary champions. At this rate, my first legendary is going to be Scyl which is a freebie at the end of the 6th month daily login. But I get by...

well that's it from me, feel free to ask more, I see that J has reply to you as well, he'll help you out in the more technical aspect of the game, and he's really good!

2 сент. 2020, 17:5202.09.20

Player J said:

The First thing you want to do before anything else is to establish a Campaign Farmer.

A Campaign Farmer should be a hero who is strong enough to beat the Campaign Stages Solo.

Based on the heroes you have, I would make Kael as your Campaign Farmer.

Level 50 Kael should be able to beat Hard Mode Campaign - Chapter 12 Stage 3 by himself.

You can use green & white heroes to tag along with your Kael to leach experience from the fight.

Than you can use those green & white heroes as sacrifice food to rank up your good hero's.

The Second thing you want to do is make your first 6 star to farm Brutal Campaign.

I think Kael would be your best option at the moment.

I would use Rare Tomes on Kael ---> I think he is worth being fully booked.

I would use 800 gems on Kael ------> I think he is worth being fully mastered.

Kael can be your starting point to get best experience + best silver pay outs in the game.

Most people like to farm on Brutal 12-3.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is overpowered.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is to energy expensive.

I wouldn't even worry about it - What I would do is try to reach Brutal.

Once, you get all of the above stuff done, You can begin phase 3 which is creating a Clan Boss team.

The game builds on itself - It is like a Domino Effect.

Soon as you get best experience pay outs -----> you level up your heroes faster

Soon as you get best silver pay outs ------------> you upgrade your gear faster

All of the above things funnel into your Clan Boss team.

This all helps make your Clan Boss team better.

Once, your Clan Boss team is better.

You get better rewards.

You get Ancient Shards - Void Shards - Sacred Shards.

You get Rare Tomes - Epic Tomes - Legendary Tomes.

You get Immortal Gears - Cruel Gears

Than you can begin using certain heroes in your Clan Boss team to help you in Dungeons or Arena.

Your Clan Boss team begins to branch out.

Your able to use them in certain dungeons.

Hopefully, my information here today can help you see how everything comes together.

All you got to do is get the wheels in motion.

Again there is no rush - This is a grindy type of game.

You have to pace yourself.

You have to have patience.

You will get there!

Just Remember - Rome wasn't built in 1 day

Yes, these are all good common sense tips that I have had applied from time to time.  With what I have I can get through all the 12 campaign levels on brutal.  The big thing is to be able to do it and get the 3 stars per round, which involves using only 2 champs or less. I can do all the 3 stars on "hard". For 3 stars on brutal I am up to stage 7. So when you are using just 2 champs per round, you have space to upgrade farm two open spots. I find it very difficult to get by with just one champ cuz they can always be frozen, bombed, or stunned, etc, in which case they get whacked by the others.  I have no use for those "curing" artifacts so those make for good sellers.  But this all takes lots of energy over and over again.  If I do nothing else I can gather 240 energy per daily payouts which is good for 30 campaigns, hardly much of a game builder, especially when you are digging in other fields for artifacts.

Right now my Elhain is at L57, she has been with me from day 1 and I have to see her through, lol. She does pretty good job but I have yet to find the right champ to pair her with on the brutals. I have tried many, one or the other gets whacked as I go up in level.  (Need 2/2 survivors to get the 3 stars).

Agree that Kael is the next best bet, but the reality of it is that I would have to eliminate most of the other 5 stars I have to make a 6 star,  That also involves throwing away a small fortune in artifacts that goes with those champs. So making a 6* Kael would decimate my little group.  But I am sort of starting a pile of upgrade food for just that sort of thing, collecting all my L2 or 3 champs to turn into 4 stars and after doing many of those a 5* and a 6*.  These would all be expendable except for occasionally I would land either a good new one or duplicate old one.  The sheer boredom of imagining all that is awful.  That is partly why I left the game for over 6 months.

I see green blue red purple heroes, but what are the white ones??

Thanks for the tips on Nightmare level, I just want to collect all the prizes to get on brutal level.

Yes, there are just so many choices in the game it is hard to pick what to do, have to get focused on a goal and stick with it.  I definitely want to do the gems on masteries (hope I pick the right ones), and build up the skills with tomes. I have all the ehlain skills and ascensions complete.  I think doing the Minotaur manually to higher levels would be its own nightmare.  It is an experiment for me  but I am almost up to 800 gems to try on ehlain, firing for effect. Looks like one of the best use of gems to me.

My clan boss action has been steadily gaining in strength, with still no L60 champ though.  I have experimented a lot with different champs and read the clan boss review stats. I can see what others are using with getting higher hits but I have no idea how to ever get those champs.  If shards were the way I would have had them by now.  Today I got 2 free ancient shards which can range from rare to legendary, but I only got 2 rares (for 40k silver) which were junk so they go into my "junk" level upgrade pile. Supposedly there is a legendary champ coming to me in the daily payouts but from the index it is definitely not one of the better ones, but it is "yellow".

It would be nicer if the game chat rooms were more friendly about passing knowledge and tips along but it seems you try to ask a question, and they punish you for your ignorance and bite your head off.

But I understand the basic mechanics of the game, just have to keep at it.  All Plarium games are based on the principle of MORE, MORE, MORE.  Do MORE, get MORE, lol.  Most other games I play involve raiding other clans, castles or bases for casualties and plunder, so this one is a bit different.  But the animation is fun, so I stick with it.

Thanks again for your time and help.  When I am deep into Kael-ville (now L42)  I will check back with you again.

2 сент. 2020, 18:2002.09.20

OzzLee said:


Critical hit is not defined in the game that I can see.  Most Plarium games have in game help screens that explain lots more that Raids does.  Critical hit does not seem to haver a specific definition, if you have it let's hear it.  I understand about matching up the colors (affinity), but when the champs have a 25% chance of getting a critical hit, I do not see how I would ever know that or could do anything about it.  Sorry, not familiar with what RPG games are, although it is possible that I may have played one without realizing it

I have not seen a 100% crit rate, but I have 100% in some other parameters. I understand it is desirable to get, but if it requires L16 upgrades that is just way more than I care to manage, Small fortunes in silver, etc.  L12 is about my limit, and some of those take 25 tries or so.  Upgrades are probably the biggest ripoff in the game I can see.

What would be nice is to get a champ like the Monster, MM.  Many seem to have it but it has not come by my screen, oh well.

okay, I'll try to explain it as best I can, feel free to ask again if there's part of my explanation that is still in need of more elaboration.

Basically critical hit is a hit that caused more damage than normal, In most RPG games critical hit is something that is like a rarity and when it does happen it's something that could increase your damage to the enemy significantly

now in Raid, every champion no matter what level has a 15% chance of turning a hit into critical hit. And the damage when a critical hit occurs also standard on every champion is an extra 50% damage.

This is represented in Raid in the stat as crit rate 15% and crit damage 50%

These stats can be upgraded through artifacts that has a crit rate / crit damage stat and'or substat. And since there's 9 slot of equipment in this game (6 artifacts and 3 accesories) for each champion, it is possible to push these stats above 100%

Another way to upgrade these stats is through masteries, they're like extra abilities you can add to your champions by either "buying" them with 800 gems or get them for "free" by fighting Minotaur in the dungeons

Now as for lv 16 artifact upgrade, it's not necessary if you only have just started the game, but overtime as you accumulate more silver, it becomes a necessity. And having a full set of lv 16 equipment really increase the survivability and damage output of your champions.

My general rule of thumb is to prepare at the very least 2 million silver to upgrade a 5* or 6* from lv 1 to lv 16.

as for getting those coveted champs, sure it's nice, but what I like about Raid is that most champions (not all) can be used as effective as long as you gear them and set their masteries right. I also don't have those like  Miscreated Monster or Madame Serris, heck I almost play this game for 6 months and still haven't got a single legendary champions. At this rate, my first legendary is going to be Scyl which is a freebie at the end of the 6th month daily login. But I get by...

well that's it from me, feel free to ask more, I see that J has reply to you as well, he'll help you out in the more technical aspect of the game, and he's really good!

Thanks for the reply, yes, I am also waiting for that freebie Scyl.  By peeking at it in the Index, can't say I am excited.  I got one legendary Kahuna (?) as a freebie one time, can't say I was impressed. Even I was beating that one in the arena over and over again, so I ended up dumping it.  So far all the freebie champs I have gotten from the game have been disappointing. There are about a dozen good champs that I see in the arena, I once embarked on an attempt to do the combining option, where you combine lots of champs to get to a good one but that became way too costly and time consuming. So I am making the best of what I have, just have to get better at selections.  I have wasted so many upgrades on artifacts and skills only to dump most of them out.  Now I will do as much as I can to level up a good prospect and apply the artifacts only if I think they are worth it and also have the right ones.  There are all sorts of fancy artifacts which I have tried but I think it best now to stick with the basic recommended ones in the champion list (offense, defense, speed, etc).  There are also divine versions you can use if you get them.

Just to do a challenge where they want you to upgrade 2 artifacts to L16, I took the simplest 1* shield up to L16, cost about 250k silver, most of that after L12.  When in doubt, I pick a champ I just like in terms of character, skills and performance, the way they jump around, etc.  Just even now learning what some of the skills mean and how they work, things like increase or deplete your turn meter. 

The most closely guarded secret in the game, although I am sure somebody knows, is how and which stats most effect the power rating of the champs.  I waste lots of time throwing the wrong stuff at the stats.

Yes, working on my pile of free 800 gems to hit the masteries big time, we will see how that first one goes, hope I select the good ones to use.


2 сент. 2020, 20:1002.09.20


RPG stands for Role Player Game, where each champion/character plays a specifci role on your team based on their skills.

Critical Hit:  Every time each champion attacks, they have a specific chance to land a critical hit, which is their Critical Rate.  Whether they do or not is up to luck/RNG.  If they do land a crit, they do more damage:  Their Regular Damage + Their Critical Damage Percentage.  Having a Critical Rate of 100% or more guarantees a crit (as long as there is no debuff reducing your crit rate).  The easiest way to get this is with crit rate gloves.  L16 6* crit rate gloves have 60% crit rate all by themselves.  

Critical Damage:  Baseline ranges from 50% to 63% depending on type, level & ascension. No limit to how high you can take it other than the stats on your gear.  I have a few champions with over 200% crit damage, so with 100% crti rate and 200% crit damage, they do triple the damage that they would do on a normal (non-critical) hit.  Normal Damage (100%) + Critical Damage (200%) = 300%

Player J:  Player J gave you solid instruction.  That is not stuff that you try from time to time.  What he described is the only way to progress in this game.  Grinding/Farming can be boring.  If you don't want to grind/farm, but want to succeed in RAID, then you will have to pay, and pay a lot.  If you don't want to grind/farm, you should not be playing RAID.  There are lots of other games out there.  Maybe this one isn't your thing?                        
2 сент. 2020, 21:5602.09.20

WileyMan said:


RPG stands for Role Player Game, where each champion/character plays a specifci role on your team based on their skills.

Critical Hit:  Every time each champion attacks, they have a specific chance to land a critical hit, which is their Critical Rate.  Whether they do or not is up to luck/RNG.  If they do land a crit, they do more damage:  Their Regular Damage + Their Critical Damage Percentage.  Having a Critical Rate of 100% or more guarantees a crit (as long as there is no debuff reducing your crit rate).  The easiest way to get this is with crit rate gloves.  L16 6* crit rate gloves have 60% crit rate all by themselves.  

Critical Damage:  Baseline ranges from 50% to 63% depending on type, level & ascension. No limit to how high you can take it other than the stats on your gear.  I have a few champions with over 200% crit damage, so with 100% crti rate and 200% crit damage, they do triple the damage that they would do on a normal (non-critical) hit.  Normal Damage (100%) + Critical Damage (200%) = 300%

Player J:  Player J gave you solid instruction.  That is not stuff that you try from time to time.  What he described is the only way to progress in this game.  Grinding/Farming can be boring.  If you don't want to grind/farm, but want to succeed in RAID, then you will have to pay, and pay a lot.  If you don't want to grind/farm, you should not be playing RAID.  There are lots of other games out there.  Maybe this one isn't your thing?                        

Ok, thanks for the input.  There are many aspects to the game, more to do than just farming.  Boring can happen by just vain repetition. Boring is helped by just gathering more knowledge and experience, which is what I am trying to get. That is what I hope a forum is for.  I realize there are lots of statistical parts to the game, I was mainly interested in the outcome, like what causes other champs to get knocked over.  But it is fine to talk about wonderfully powerful champs and artifacts but they are beyond the means of many people who are not big coiners or willing to spend lots of their life on these game boards.  

What qualifies a game to be "your thing"? Regardless of the absolute scores I have, in many areas I see progress, maybe not to your standards but  nevertheless what I do keeps me going.  If not I can quit for 6 months and take a breather, come back and get bunch of free stuff for returning lol.

3 сент. 2020, 00:1403.09.20

OzzLee said:


Critical hit is not defined in the game that I can see.  Most Plarium games have in game help screens that explain lots more that Raids does.  Critical hit does not seem to haver a specific definition, if you have it let's hear it.  I understand about matching up the colors (affinity), but when the champs have a 25% chance of getting a critical hit, I do not see how I would ever know that or could do anything about it.  Sorry, not familiar with what RPG games are, although it is possible that I may have played one without realizing it

I have not seen a 100% crit rate, but I have 100% in some other parameters. I understand it is desirable to get, but if it requires L16 upgrades that is just way more than I care to manage, Small fortunes in silver, etc.  L12 is about my limit, and some of those take 25 tries or so.  Upgrades are probably the biggest ripoff in the game I can see.

What would be nice is to get a champ like the Monster, MM.  Many seem to have it but it has not come by my screen, oh well.

okay, I'll try to explain it as best I can, feel free to ask again if there's part of my explanation that is still in need of more elaboration.

I got very lucky in the last 2x shard pull.  I got Draco and Prince Kymer.  Draco is L53 now.  I use him in CB and he does as much damage as Kael.  A big part of this game is LUCK.  I hope the next 2x brings you a God class Legendary. 

Basically critical hit is a hit that caused more damage than normal, In most RPG games critical hit is something that is like a rarity and when it does happen it's something that could increase your damage to the enemy significantly

now in Raid, every champion no matter what level has a 15% chance of turning a hit into critical hit. And the damage when a critical hit occurs also standard on every champion is an extra 50% damage.

This is represented in Raid in the stat as crit rate 15% and crit damage 50%

These stats can be upgraded through artifacts that has a crit rate / crit damage stat and'or substat. And since there's 9 slot of equipment in this game (6 artifacts and 3 accesories) for each champion, it is possible to push these stats above 100%

Another way to upgrade these stats is through masteries, they're like extra abilities you can add to your champions by either "buying" them with 800 gems or get them for "free" by fighting Minotaur in the dungeons

Now as for lv 16 artifact upgrade, it's not necessary if you only have just started the game, but overtime as you accumulate more silver, it becomes a necessity. And having a full set of lv 16 equipment really increase the survivability and damage output of your champions.

My general rule of thumb is to prepare at the very least 2 million silver to upgrade a 5* or 6* from lv 1 to lv 16.

as for getting those coveted champs, sure it's nice, but what I like about Raid is that most champions (not all) can be used as effective as long as you gear them and set their masteries right. I also don't have those like  Miscreated Monster or Madame Serris, heck I almost play this game for 6 months and still haven't got a single legendary champions. At this rate, my first legendary is going to be Scyl which is a freebie at the end of the 6th month daily login. But I get by...

well that's it from me, feel free to ask more, I see that J has reply to you as well, he'll help you out in the more technical aspect of the game, and he's really good!

3 сент. 2020, 00:2103.09.20

Player J said:

The First thing you want to do before anything else is to establish a Campaign Farmer.

A Campaign Farmer should be a hero who is strong enough to beat the Campaign Stages Solo.

Based on the heroes you have, I would make Kael as your Campaign Farmer.

Level 50 Kael should be able to beat Hard Mode Campaign - Chapter 12 Stage 3 by himself.

You can use green & white heroes to tag along with your Kael to leach experience from the fight.

Than you can use those green & white heroes as sacrifice food to rank up your good hero's.

The Second thing you want to do is make your first 6 star to farm Brutal Campaign.

I think Kael would be your best option at the moment.

I would use Rare Tomes on Kael ---> I think he is worth being fully booked.

I would use 800 gems on Kael ------> I think he is worth being fully mastered.

Kael can be your starting point to get best experience + best silver pay outs in the game.

Most people like to farm on Brutal 12-3.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is overpowered.

Nightmare Campaign Mode is to energy expensive.

I wouldn't even worry about it - What I would do is try to reach Brutal.

Once, you get all of the above stuff done, You can begin phase 3 which is creating a Clan Boss team.

The game builds on itself - It is like a Domino Effect.

Soon as you get best experience pay outs -----> you level up your heroes faster

Soon as you get best silver pay outs ------------> you upgrade your gear faster

All of the above things funnel into your Clan Boss team.

This all helps make your Clan Boss team better.

Once, your Clan Boss team is better.

You get better rewards.

You get Ancient Shards - Void Shards - Sacred Shards.

You get Rare Tomes - Epic Tomes - Legendary Tomes.

You get Immortal Gears - Cruel Gears

Than you can begin using certain heroes in your Clan Boss team to help you in Dungeons or Arena.

Your Clan Boss team begins to branch out.

Your able to use them in certain dungeons.

Hopefully, my information here today can help you see how everything comes together.

All you got to do is get the wheels in motion.

Again there is no rush - This is a grindy type of game.

You have to pace yourself.

You have to have patience.

You will get there!

Just Remember - Rome wasn't built in 1 day!

Thanks for posting the priority list again.  I realized I lost my focus.  I have been trying to do too much at once.  I have completed 1 and 2.  I am going to substitute Dragon for CB for #3.  I need 6* gear because I am stuck on D12. 

I have a CB team that is good enough to play the first 3 levels of CB for my clan. 

You should post the priority list about once a month for the newbs.  If I had stuck to it, I would be farther along in the game. 

5 апр. 2021, 20:1305.04.21

Player J said: The First thing you want to do...

GREAT STUFF.  Most of this I figured out already, although I farm 12.6 (not 12.3), and I find silver and experience points are a better payout at HARD rather than Brutal.  It takes more time, but given the cost, the payout is better.  I guess it depends on what your time is worth. ;-) 

As for Nightmare, this gives you the chance to get 6 star items. IF you're looking to upgrade your 5 star Defence shield, playing 3.3 on Nightmare might get you one. 6 star items don't drop very often, so it can get expensive in terms of energy cost.  

6 star items are significantly better then 5 star.  

Another suggestion: Pay attention to substats!

If you have a hero that needs HP, getting an artifact with a substat of HP% bonus can really help build the heroes stats up.  If your hero needs more attack, but all your substats are in other areas, even a star item isn't going to help much. 

Getting Legendary Heros: 

Save your shards for special events. There was one this last weekend which gave twice the chance for Legendary heroes. It was still only an 1% change for Void shards, but that's better than the typical 0.5%.  This is expecially true for the Legendary shards. Double the chance here is 12%.  Plus, if you save them up, you'll have several chances. 

I've only been playing for 3 months and I JUST got my first legendary. 

5 апр. 2021, 22:3005.04.21


A few of the things you said are preference.

A few of the things you said are questionable.

A few of the things you said are not right.

A few of the things you said are right.

I am to tired today to dissect everything your saying, but its ok.

I think you created your post with good intentions.

6 апр. 2021, 00:3006.04.21

Everything I said is just my opinion on the topic.  I haven't played enough to be an expert with any regard.   ;-) 

Mostly, I just wanted to say Thanks @PlayerJ 

6 апр. 2021, 02:3006.04.21
6 апр. 2021, 02:31(отредактировано)

Some foolish advice; a critical hit is a hit DMG multiplied by the Critical Damage stat. Now, this is not 100% guaranteed the case. Remember Abbilities have secret multipliers which are taken into account to calculate the final damage done by your abbilities. When damage is finally calculated, there is a roll for a Critical Hit based on your champ's Critical Rate. And it can go up to 100%. However, it can't go past 100%. 

There's another secret calculator in there, the "weak/normal/strong" hit calculation. It'll dictate the total damage to be inflicted by the hit, before a roll for critical is made. I believe the "weak" and "strong" hits aren't granted a critical roll, because there is a new set which turns "weak" hits into Critical Hits automatically. 

Anyways, your Critical Hit is that one strike which got a chance to use the Critical Damage multiplier. Which is where things get nastier, as the multiplier can go past 100%. 

For example, I had this Bloodfeather with with 100% Crit Rate because all her As have a +20% Crit Rate. Then, her Crit DMG was 154% after Mastery. She would hit everything with anything between 5K up to 22K. Apply affinities+DEF+Masteries for the variability. Except in Weak shots were the damage would go down between 1K up to 5K.  

8 апр. 2021, 04:2408.04.21

Everything I said is just my opinion on the topic.  I haven't played enough to be an expert with any regard.   ;-) 

Mostly, I just wanted to say Thanks @PlayerJ 

Your Welcome