Trips said:
Getting kael to 6 was smart choice. Leveling galek and athel to 5 is redundancy. do not 6star them.
ZELOTAH (doesn't really need books)
These 3 are your priority. Farm, farm, farm.
I think zelotah at 6star will help dungeon progress most. Madame obviously for arena, but will help elsewhere too. Apo is just great for everyone early through end.
Post your roster if you want further advice. Dragon and CB should be priority. Do you have a speed lead 4 arena?
Levelling some champions to *5/50 is not reduncancy, it is making sure you can get some Faction Wars glyphs to enchant your gear. Plus some nice rewards for the stars earned there. You seem to me to be underestimating the importance of the glyphs.
*4/1 food champions are fairly easy to grind for, so *5/50 is actually quite doable. Partially self-sustainable too, since Uncommon and Rare food champions drop in the Campaign too, saving energy, especially on the rares who start at *3/1. You can get three food champions to *3/30 every day without any issues on auto. Even if you do not get enough rare food, every other day, you can easily get nine *3/1 food champions from your Uncommons on auto, allowing you to create a single *4/1 food champion.
I do agree with your champion priority for the OP. I would suggest getting Warmaiden to *5/50 and waiting for the free High Khatun to speed lead the Arena team.
Edit: I hate typing on a tablet. *grumble*grumble*grumble*