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Plarium, please comment on Arena

Plarium, please comment on Arena

10 июль 2020, 02:2910.07.20
bill said:

I think it was something in the 1.15 patch

Before I could just about get into Gold IV but not usually stay there long but felt pretty safe in the Gold tier

I do admit I was taking every opportunity I could,

  • fighting the lvl 1 uncommon champs defense teams (these seem to have pretty much disappeared now)
  • the odd magic refresh, when you would get 10 very weak opponents (anyone else ever get these? these are gone now too)
From Gold IV I went down quickly and am now struggling in Silver II / III

To be honest my opponents don't seem to be getting any easier now than they were in Gold IV

I just get obliterated by everyone

I only ever get a list of opponents I cannot beat

I used to enjoy the Arena now I dread playing it 5 times a day

My great hall feels like its never getting upgraded and the Arbiter missions now seem an impossibility

There is something very very wrong with the arena at the moment

I know I am not alone

The "odd magic refresh " I remember. I think I rode that to gold4...lol. I think that month or so where that "glitch" in our favor (funny nobody complaining then lol, I certainly didn't!) Pushed many of us up way higher. Luckily I got a couple new heroes that helped me stay there. And the food defense u only see at top of gold4 from platinum droppers lol.
10 июль 2020, 02:3610.07.20
maitken87 said:

It is possible to progress in the area, yes it is probably slower than it should be.

However, do listen to the advice given by people here. 

I was struggling in bronze 3 getting Increasingly frustrated 2-3 weeks ago. Trips and someone else (forgive me I forget the name) gave me some advice.

Now with a bit of a team rejigging and a bit of grinding in different area am now bouncing around silver 1/2 and have passed the area challenge I was stuck on and confidently pushing the next missions. 

So just wanted to say thanks Trips and others that try to help. 

Congrats on silver! 
10 июль 2020, 04:4510.07.20
10 июль 2020, 04:46(отредактировано)

Please Plarium, eliminate the requirement of the Mission of the Arbiter to reach the Gold4, the Arena is unbearable to arrive in Gold4! At least lower the requirement to get only the Gold Arena (Gold1) pls

10 июль 2020, 05:0310.07.20
10 июль 2020, 11:31(отредактировано)

Trips said:

Can someone translate this into English please?

Someone tell him to put his neurons in contact, you know the trick that helps understanding / thinking, but not too fast and not too much for faith: risk of neuronal sprain

Here I help you, would find you the catch, because here also the guy is: null @ Trips because no lead speed


10 июль 2020, 05:5110.07.20

GreenKnight said:


I would like to shed some light on the current state of things on the Classic Arena. We do see a rise in difficulty in Arena and understand the current situation, but the present change wasn't the result of some massive bug but a result of players' activity in the game.

 Currently, we see a couple of obvious causes of this problem:

 1. Increase in arena activity as a result of tournaments. Which caused a rise in competitiveness and push for some of Gold IV players into the lower tier and, as a result, made promotion to gold tier itself harder. The chain reaction of this change made silver more competitive than ever. Everyone becomes better and stronger with time, and going through Arena helps us realize the weak points of our teams and improve. Our development team is working on flattening the curve of the difficulty spike.

 2. The other thing is that inactive on the Arena players are getting to Bronze before they leave Arena for inactivity, so we will decrease the time-span before inactive players are removed from the Arena.

Also, we are aware of the increasing difficulty of the Arena related quests.

 There can be, and most likely are, some other reasons in recent difficulty spike, and we are working on identifying them, and applying practical solutions. Any change to the Arena will significantly affect it. Our development team is working on solutions that will improve our current balance and matchmaking.

We are truly grateful for all of your responses and suggestions on the mater. They provide invaluable inside and help us improve our game.

I will keep you posted on any developments on the matter.

Have a good one.

Wait so let me get this straight.......the mod that posted before that said he got a response from the devs saying that matchmaking is working as intended and that inacvite teams are being removed and not d-ranked was lying to us? 

Because everything you just said completely goes against what they said.

Honestly the only reason i see for such a spike in how hard arena is, is to push more people to spend money trying to get a head because arena doesn't magically change over night unless something was changed server side. I do not fault the devs for looking for ways to try and generate more money from the game, but to do it in the way they did is not cool. 

Yes tournaments will push more arena activity but that will be for everyone that is active enough to do them, so everyone will be getting stronger not just a few people. So that really isn't anything more then the slightest possibility. 

10 июль 2020, 07:0310.07.20

LordVika said:

Wait so let me get this straight.......the mod that posted before that said he got a response from the devs saying that matchmaking is working as intended and that inacvite teams are being removed and not d-ranked was lying to us? 

Because everything you just said completely goes against what they said.

Honestly the only reason i see for such a spike in how hard arena is, is to push more people to spend money trying to get a head because arena doesn't magically change over night unless something was changed server side. I do not fault the devs for looking for ways to try and generate more money from the game, but to do it in the way they did is not cool. 

Yes tournaments will push more arena activity but that will be for everyone that is active enough to do them, so everyone will be getting stronger not just a few people. So that really isn't anything more then the slightest possibility. 

What are you on about? This absolutely doesn't contradict what Lxzy wrote earlier, though I guess it does contradict your conspiracy theories. The system works 'as intended' in the sense that there are no bugs and it works the way it's described in the in-game info screens - meaning accounts will be dropped a tier lower if they fight less than 20 battles in a week and are fully taken out of the arena after 30 days of zero arena matches. But the devs are acknowledging that this is now resulting in a far too difficult experience, especially for new players, and are looking at fixes, including reducing the 30 days period. 

It's credible enough what they're saying, that nothing was changed from their side, but it's all a massive chain reaction from increased competition in gold IV. As others have said, ultimately the most viable solution, in addition to reducing the 30 days period, is probably to increase the size of the tiers or just add additional tiers, so the really endgame min-maxed teams can all stay in the top tiers and stay out of the way of early and mid-game players. Though even so, it will remain difficult for new players since these past weeks/months, everybody all the way down to bronze 1 has been forced to optimize their arena teams as much as possible. 
10 июль 2020, 08:0810.07.20

Of it does working as intended and Plarium doesn't want to change the system much, then Plarium now have a couple of homework to do.

The thing is with what happens right now, I don't think it will incentivise people to pay, but rather the current system would incentivise people to artificially lower their ranks.

Why? For one arena coins are a limited resources, and as other limited resources, player would naturally want to maximize their use of said resources.

Now 1 silver medal is equal to 2 bronze medal.

Bronze 3 and 4 reward players with 2 Bronze Medal per win, and silver 1 rewards player with 1 silver medal.

For anyone who still upgrade their bronze level Grand Hall, to maximize the use of their Arena coins, it would be prudent of them to use them in Bronze 3 or 4,  because it would be easier for them to look for easier match up, thus ensuring they got the medals for their use of their Arena coins

This would explain why Bronze 3 becomes such a huge spike in difficulty when trying to find an equal match. Bronze 3 is where high level player started to come out in Arena.

Same goes with gold medals and silver medals.

One way to fix this is either add more medals player can win in silver 1 and up OR increase the "exchange" rate. Say make it 1 silver medal equals to 4 bronze medal and so on.

10 июль 2020, 12:5810.07.20

So, "working as intended", after the mess implemented from version 1.15. 2 plus months of players complaining & you couldn't even look into it, in the first couple of weeks..? After spiralling from G4 to Silver 2 within a couple of weeks ('cos, you know, ...unlucky rng with my summons), I got lucky (finally!). Last week, the day I was going to delete the game, I won a void shard from the ultimate chest from nightmare, CB...lo & behold, out popped a Siphi! Woohoo, right...let me tell you, she is so op-ed, just in those few days, I managed to climb rapidly, finishing in G1 by Monday! Think about this... Friday, Silver 2, Monday, finished in G1! By Monday, my Siphi as still only lvl 52, fully ascended at 6 stars, no masteries, no super duper artifacts, that were maxed out...yup, this is probably what's wrong with arena...many of us, have been playing the game with what we've been unlucky enough to summon...but for the longest time, it was fine, because we just needed to find the right synergy in the style we played...some, played the tanky slow game of survivability, whilst the majority, coached by the speedofreak youtubers, killed it for most of us. I'm posting this, because it will give Plarium some idea as to what may be going on...not because I care anymore about whether they make any changes to their "intended" game play. How Plarium could leave the players in such a state, after numerous complaints of the same issue about the arena situation, truly, beggars belief! So, yesterday, even though I was close to G2, I was buying new refreshes & buying arena token (no biggie no real money was spent, just used up about 300 freebie gems) to finally get to G2 & stay there. 

Here is your arena problem, Plarium... too much extreme speed based teams...& too many op-ed teams, seriously. Most of the defence teams I met from Silver 2, right up to G2, right now, only consists of 2-3 legendaries with 1 or 2 epics...the only rare ever making an appearance is Apothecary, yes, of course, for the speed boost. Every single person here will tell you, that invariably, if your ram doesn't go first, you're more than likely, going to lose without even getting a single turn, finishing with 0 damage dealt on your enemy...lol, between Plarium & the youtubers encouraging 300+ speed on everything, their killing arena. I'm guessing, they can even see this disparity themselves, which is why, they haven't gotten any closer to creating any kind of clan wars. & back on youtube content provider land...we should all, apparently, support the "cheating" going on in platinum arena...my reaction to this is, "who, the hell cares🙄". Platinum arena only affects a handful of raid players, but... we're supposed to care about it, whilst we can't even finish the arbiter missions..?! Give me a fricking break! This present issue with arena "classic" for the majority of us just humbly minding our own business, trying to get through our arbiter missions, better be at the top of Plarium's list of things to fix...not the boy racers platinum nonsense! I don't really care about whales knocking each other of the top, that's their prerogative. Yes, this is a very angry post...but I have every reason to be angry. I get that players improve in a game, but post version 1.15, arena has been a nightmare for the majority of us...so, Plarium, get your finger out, we've known, something as wrong, but my goodness, the information coming out from your side, Plarium, has been slow & sparse but nothing with any clarity. I've lasted this long, playing, but I hate arena missions & tasks & events so much, I don't really play the game much...the most being yesterday's experiment moving up from G1 to G2. Sorry, for the explosive & very angry post...like some of you here, I don't think, there should only be one type of strategy in playing arena...what drew me to the game, weren't the op-ed champions, it was finding the right synergy between the champions you own & using them to counter opponents...not, overkill speed manouvers that leave you as an onlooker waiting for the seconds to see 'Defeat' on the screen. Once again, sorry for the angry post...have a nice day 🙂.

10 июль 2020, 13:2110.07.20
L9753 said:

LordVika said:

Wait so let me get this straight.......the mod that posted before that said he got a response from the devs saying that matchmaking is working as intended and that inacvite teams are being removed and not d-ranked was lying to us? 

Because everything you just said completely goes against what they said.

Honestly the only reason i see for such a spike in how hard arena is, is to push more people to spend money trying to get a head because arena doesn't magically change over night unless something was changed server side. I do not fault the devs for looking for ways to try and generate more money from the game, but to do it in the way they did is not cool. 

Yes tournaments will push more arena activity but that will be for everyone that is active enough to do them, so everyone will be getting stronger not just a few people. So that really isn't anything more then the slightest possibility. 

What are you on about? This absolutely doesn't contradict what Lxzy wrote earlier, though I guess it does contradict your conspiracy theories. The system works 'as intended' in the sense that there are no bugs and it works the way it's described in the in-game info screens - meaning accounts will be dropped a tier lower if they fight less than 20 battles in a week and are fully taken out of the arena after 30 days of zero arena matches. But the devs are acknowledging that this is now resulting in a far too difficult experience, especially for new players, and are looking at fixes, including reducing the 30 days period. 

It's credible enough what they're saying, that nothing was changed from their side, but it's all a massive chain reaction from increased competition in gold IV. As others have said, ultimately the most viable solution, in addition to reducing the 30 days period, is probably to increase the size of the tiers or just add additional tiers, so the really endgame min-maxed teams can all stay in the top tiers and stay out of the way of early and mid-game players. Though even so, it will remain difficult for new players since these past weeks/months, everybody all the way down to bronze 1 has been forced to optimize their arena teams as much as possible. 
well said
10 июль 2020, 14:1410.07.20
10 июль 2020, 14:15(отредактировано)

I started playing after the patch that people say changed arena, so I can't speak to drastic changes.

My perspective is just one of frustration. I can steadily progress in every other area of the game while arena is getting harder and harder by the day. 

Even last week I was able to hit Silver 1 and even got a few medals on lucky matchups. Now I'm treading water just staying in Bronze 4. Most of the time I can't find a single match in a refresh that isn't massively overpowered compared to me.

I even encountered a team today that I would have slaughtered had I gotten a single turn. Whoever put that team together MUST have had higher level champs that could farm some awesome gear and fully upgrade it because even though the champs were mostly 5* and not ascended, they had SO much speed and accuracy that I never even got a turn. That doesn't happen organically. Kudos to them for taking advantage of what I consider a very broken mechanic in terms of speed massively outweighing everything else.

Personally I think the speed meta is terrible gameplay. It really isn't dynamic or fun, but the power level disparity in matchmaking is the biggest problem, regardless of the reasons behind it. 

Maybe if it was somewhat static it wouldn't be as frustrating. Sure, it takes time and planning to build a competitive team, but at least the path forward to progress would be fairly clear. Unfortunately it is a moving goal post. I get better, my opponent choices get MUCH better at a lower and lower rank. 

This IS broken, even if the mechanics are working properly. 

It WILL drive players away if something doesn't change soon.

10 июль 2020, 15:1210.07.20
10 июль 2020, 15:32(отредактировано)

Rauthma said:

I started playing after the patch that people say changed arena, so I can't speak to drastic changes.

My perspective is just one of frustration. I can steadily progress in every other area of the game while arena is getting harder and harder by the day. 

Even last week I was able to hit Silver 1 and even got a few medals on lucky matchups. Now I'm treading water just staying in Bronze 4. Most of the time I can't find a single match in a refresh that isn't massively overpowered compared to me.

I even encountered a team today that I would have slaughtered had I gotten a single turn. Whoever put that team together MUST have had higher level champs that could farm some awesome gear and fully upgrade it because even though the champs were mostly 5* and not ascended, they had SO much speed and accuracy that I never even got a turn. That doesn't happen organically. Kudos to them for taking advantage of what I consider a very broken mechanic in terms of speed massively outweighing everything else.

Personally I think the speed meta is terrible gameplay. It really isn't dynamic or fun, but the power level disparity in matchmaking is the biggest problem, regardless of the reasons behind it. 

Maybe if it was somewhat static it wouldn't be as frustrating. Sure, it takes time and planning to build a competitive team, but at least the path forward to progress would be fairly clear. Unfortunately it is a moving goal post. I get better, my opponent choices get MUCH better at a lower and lower rank. 

This IS broken, even if the mechanics are working properly. 

It WILL drive players away if something doesn't change soon.

I've noticed it. You don't just drop out from G4 down to Silver 2...in just over a week...& not that I wasn't trying. But the one saying, "nothing to see here, all's well" are also probably the ones feeding Plarium with bad info. If you don't have the right champions, you're just going to struggle, if it's "working as intended"... advising players to only play speed based teams in defence & for attacks, was never how the game was intended...it wasn't like this before. It also doesn't help, creating new op-ed speed based champions that make it so difficult to deal with them...also doesn't help, boosting older legendaries, of late, to add to the op-ed roster of legendary champions...it totally busts up the game. It wouldn't matter, if players weren't working on arbiter missions....& we shouldn't have to ignore the missions, just because things are harder now than they were before, moving the goldposts, just because you can doesn't make it right.  

On another note...please don't bother "contributing" to this discussion, if arena is working fine for you...it just means, you've got some op-ed champions working out for you, at helter skelter speed... probably...& I should know, since my game has changed since acquiring Siphi. Summons s rng based, most players are not lucky, most of the time. 
10 июль 2020, 16:3610.07.20

Unknown_Ranger said:

Rauthma said:

I started playing after the patch that people say changed arena, so I can't speak to drastic changes.

My perspective is just one of frustration. I can steadily progress in every other area of the game while arena is getting harder and harder by the day. 

Even last week I was able to hit Silver 1 and even got a few medals on lucky matchups. Now I'm treading water just staying in Bronze 4. Most of the time I can't find a single match in a refresh that isn't massively overpowered compared to me.

I even encountered a team today that I would have slaughtered had I gotten a single turn. Whoever put that team together MUST have had higher level champs that could farm some awesome gear and fully upgrade it because even though the champs were mostly 5* and not ascended, they had SO much speed and accuracy that I never even got a turn. That doesn't happen organically. Kudos to them for taking advantage of what I consider a very broken mechanic in terms of speed massively outweighing everything else.

Personally I think the speed meta is terrible gameplay. It really isn't dynamic or fun, but the power level disparity in matchmaking is the biggest problem, regardless of the reasons behind it. 

Maybe if it was somewhat static it wouldn't be as frustrating. Sure, it takes time and planning to build a competitive team, but at least the path forward to progress would be fairly clear. Unfortunately it is a moving goal post. I get better, my opponent choices get MUCH better at a lower and lower rank. 

This IS broken, even if the mechanics are working properly. 

It WILL drive players away if something doesn't change soon.

I've noticed it. You don't just drop out from G4 down to Silver 2...in just over a week...& not that I wasn't trying. But the one saying, "nothing to see here, all's well" are also probably the ones feeding Plarium with bad info. If you don't have the right champions, you're just going to struggle, if it's "working as intended"... advising players to only play speed based teams in defence & for attacks, was never how the game was intended...it wasn't like this before. It also doesn't help, creating new op-ed speed based champions that make it so difficult to deal with them...also doesn't help, boosting older legendaries, of late, to add to the op-ed roster of legendary champions...it totally busts up the game. It wouldn't matter, if players weren't working on arbiter missions....& we shouldn't have to ignore the missions, just because things are harder now than they were before, moving the goldposts, just because you can doesn't make it right.  

On another note...please don't bother "contributing" to this discussion, if arena is working fine for you...it just means, you've got some op-ed champions working out for you, at helter skelter speed... probably...& I should know, since my game has changed since acquiring Siphi. Summons s rng based, most players are not lucky, most of the time. 

Nobody is saying all is well. I think all perspectives should be allowed to "contribute" to the discussion.  Otherwise we would have 90% whiners who just have bad teams. TBH even after they adjust arena (assuming they ever do because they are slow AF at doing anything), these 90% won't sniff arbiter. 

1. The glitch (in the players favor) artificially pushed people (myself included) up higher than we would have been.  For whatever this went way after a month or so.  No more easy full page wins -- YES this happened for at least a month where you would get a refresh of automatic wins.

2. Without the automatic page of wins and food defenses, in 2 weeks a gold4 account will easily drop to silver.

3. The inflation in the game will not be accounted for 100%, just not possible IMO. So arena will still be harder than in the beginning, but hopefully more manageable for newer accounts.  Will it be more of a paywall then before. YES. Should this be a surprise to anyone? NO. Plarium, community managers, mods won't acknowledge this but it is the CORRECT business decision.  They don't want 90% F2P, paywalls are good for business.  But they didn't expect the wall to start affecting P2P as it is now.  This is why they will change it.  They don't care about 100% F2P, nor should they other than lip service lol.  This is a "gambling" game, they want to get you addicted in 30-60 days.  Then they want you to PAY or LEAVE. 

I have the perspective of my G4 main account and a f2p S2/3 alt account.  I can tell you the following from my perspective:

1. Plarium absolutely has SHIT the bed at developing the game over the 7 months I have played.  I would give 1* only for BP Season 1.  No new content (3v3 is a copy/paste), not addressing basic AI issues for most heroes, event/tournaments are just repeats (1 epic fail attempt with rare dragon tournament -- HEY how about a mino tourney or potion event, at least it would be different).  Terrible development, horrid analytics group I would guess, tells me it is an upper management issue.

2. Community managers and mods are doing the best they can with the info they have, we should not berate them. Mostly they are either passing along info or just giving their best advice.

3. Arena got way too hard relative to the mission progression.  Plarium, slow to react as always lol, is just realizing this.  It is NOT any of the conspiracy theories.  INACTIVES are a small part of the problem.  All the accounts are just better now -- INFLATION.  And most are smarter.  6 months ago, 2 of 10 had good comps now it is 5-7 of 10.

4. The reset to the bottom of division is also problem IMO.

5. SPEED.  I understand everyone complaining about this, but speed is not just the meta for arena it is for the entire game. I'm not saying you need 300 speed, I never had anyone over 230.  But the Legendary teams in S2/3 are usually stuck there because they are 150 speed.  I win by getting at least 2 turns (usually 3) before they get any.  This same strategy helps in dungeons, clan boss and campaign farming.  

Lastly, if you haven't changed your team in a month you shouldn't expect to be in a higher division... this is directed at myself as I still have 4* Spirithost on arena team.  If I took my own advice I might be a step closer to Gold, lol.
10 июль 2020, 18:2610.07.20
Trips said:

Unknown_Ranger said:

Rauthma said:

I started playing after the patch that people say changed arena, so I can't speak to drastic changes.

My perspective is just one of frustration. I can steadily progress in every other area of the game while arena is getting harder and harder by the day. 

Even last week I was able to hit Silver 1 and even got a few medals on lucky matchups. Now I'm treading water just staying in Bronze 4. Most of the time I can't find a single match in a refresh that isn't massively overpowered compared to me.

I even encountered a team today that I would have slaughtered had I gotten a single turn. Whoever put that team together MUST have had higher level champs that could farm some awesome gear and fully upgrade it because even though the champs were mostly 5* and not ascended, they had SO much speed and accuracy that I never even got a turn. That doesn't happen organically. Kudos to them for taking advantage of what I consider a very broken mechanic in terms of speed massively outweighing everything else.

Personally I think the speed meta is terrible gameplay. It really isn't dynamic or fun, but the power level disparity in matchmaking is the biggest problem, regardless of the reasons behind it. 

Maybe if it was somewhat static it wouldn't be as frustrating. Sure, it takes time and planning to build a competitive team, but at least the path forward to progress would be fairly clear. Unfortunately it is a moving goal post. I get better, my opponent choices get MUCH better at a lower and lower rank. 

This IS broken, even if the mechanics are working properly. 

It WILL drive players away if something doesn't change soon.

I've noticed it. You don't just drop out from G4 down to Silver 2...in just over a week...& not that I wasn't trying. But the one saying, "nothing to see here, all's well" are also probably the ones feeding Plarium with bad info. If you don't have the right champions, you're just going to struggle, if it's "working as intended"... advising players to only play speed based teams in defence & for attacks, was never how the game was intended...it wasn't like this before. It also doesn't help, creating new op-ed speed based champions that make it so difficult to deal with them...also doesn't help, boosting older legendaries, of late, to add to the op-ed roster of legendary champions...it totally busts up the game. It wouldn't matter, if players weren't working on arbiter missions....& we shouldn't have to ignore the missions, just because things are harder now than they were before, moving the goldposts, just because you can doesn't make it right.  

On another note...please don't bother "contributing" to this discussion, if arena is working fine for you...it just means, you've got some op-ed champions working out for you, at helter skelter speed... probably...& I should know, since my game has changed since acquiring Siphi. Summons s rng based, most players are not lucky, most of the time. 

Nobody is saying all is well. I think all perspectives should be allowed to "contribute" to the discussion.  Otherwise we would have 90% whiners who just have bad teams. TBH even after they adjust arena (assuming they ever do because they are slow AF at doing anything), these 90% won't sniff arbiter. 

1. The glitch (in the players favor) artificially pushed people (myself included) up higher than we would have been.  For whatever this went way after a month or so.  No more easy full page wins -- YES this happened for at least a month where you would get a refresh of automatic wins.

2. Without the automatic page of wins and food defenses, in 2 weeks a gold4 account will easily drop to silver.

3. The inflation in the game will not be accounted for 100%, just not possible IMO. So arena will still be harder than in the beginning, but hopefully more manageable for newer accounts.  Will it be more of a paywall then before. YES. Should this be a surprise to anyone? NO. Plarium, community managers, mods won't acknowledge this but it is the CORRECT business decision.  They don't want 90% F2P, paywalls are good for business.  But they didn't expect the wall to start affecting P2P as it is now.  This is why they will change it.  They don't care about 100% F2P, nor should they other than lip service lol.  This is a "gambling" game, they want to get you addicted in 30-60 days.  Then they want you to PAY or LEAVE. 

I have the perspective of my G4 main account and a f2p S2/3 alt account.  I can tell you the following from my perspective:

1. Plarium absolutely has SHIT the bed at developing the game over the 7 months I have played.  I would give 1* only for BP Season 1.  No new content (3v3 is a copy/paste), not addressing basic AI issues for most heroes, event/tournaments are just repeats (1 epic fail attempt with rare dragon tournament -- HEY how about a mino tourney or potion event, at least it would be different).  Terrible development, horrid analytics group I would guess, tells me it is an upper management issue.

2. Community managers and mods are doing the best they can with the info they have, we should not berate them. Mostly they are either passing along info or just giving their best advice.

3. Arena got way too hard relative to the mission progression.  Plarium, slow to react as always lol, is just realizing this.  It is NOT any of the conspiracy theories.  INACTIVES are a small part of the problem.  All the accounts are just better now -- INFLATION.  And most are smarter.  6 months ago, 2 of 10 had good comps now it is 5-7 of 10.

4. The reset to the bottom of division is also problem IMO.

5. SPEED.  I understand everyone complaining about this, but speed is not just the meta for arena it is for the entire game. I'm not saying you need 300 speed, I never had anyone over 230.  But the Legendary teams in S2/3 are usually stuck there because they are 150 speed.  I win by getting at least 2 turns (usually 3) before they get any.  This same strategy helps in dungeons, clan boss and campaign farming.  

Lastly, if you haven't changed your team in a month you shouldn't expect to be in a higher division... this is directed at myself as I still have 4* Spirithost on arena team.  If I took my own advice I might be a step closer to Gold, lol.
"Conspiracy theories"...only 2 of you discussed them...most of us were only recounting our experiences. & there are a few of you who are downright cocky & rude to the rest of us. Please don't assume findings about my arena defence or attack teams...neither of which you know off. But thanks, for posting, posting & posting about how good you are! & Nope, the speed teams in Silver 2 & 3 are the same as the ones in G1 & G2...over 230...please don't feed the wrong info to Plarium. Thanks, anyway & have a nice day 🙂.
10 июль 2020, 18:3810.07.20

Cocky and rude?  Not in the same post,  LOL.

And yes with Siphi (I avoid fighting siphi teams like the plague), you should have no problems staying in Gold right? 

I hope you have a nice day as well. Really, I have only tried to help people and have shared my experience as well.  Where have I fed the wrong info to plarium? 

10 июль 2020, 22:3510.07.20

Hey guys, I'm a F2P guy, I've played for months now, and I think the game is great, overall.

In regards to the arena glitch, yeah, it's bad. 

But I think the main sticking point for many people, including me, is the progress missions. I am supposed to upgrade a Great Hall bonus to level 4, which requires 200 silver to accomplish. My team, which used to easily compete in silver, now can barely get out of bronze, and so my progress missions are completely screwed.

So... if you are working on the arena bugs, that's great, but why not a simply way to demonstrate that you are hearing people... just eliminate the Great Hall bonus mission. I can get at most r to 4 silver medals a day if I'm lucky enough to even break into silver. I need 200. So that progress mission will take me at least 2 months, while others took 10 minutes. 

Just eliminate it. 

Take the Great Hall missions out in acknowledgement that your arena glitch is making them literally impossible. 

It's not hard to do.

10 июль 2020, 22:4010.07.20
TimmerRC said:

Hey guys, I'm a F2P guy, I've played for months now, and I think the game is great, overall.

In regards to the arena glitch, yeah, it's bad. 

But I think the main sticking point for many people, including me, is the progress missions. I am supposed to upgrade a Great Hall bonus to level 4, which requires 200 silver to accomplish. My team, which used to easily compete in silver, now can barely get out of bronze, and so my progress missions are completely screwed.

So... if you are working on the arena bugs, that's great, but why not a simply way to demonstrate that you are hearing people... just eliminate the Great Hall bonus mission. I can get at most r to 4 silver medals a day if I'm lucky enough to even break into silver. I need 200. So that progress mission will take me at least 2 months, while others took 10 minutes. 

Just eliminate it. 

Take the Great Hall missions out in acknowledgement that your arena glitch is making them literally impossible. 

It's not hard to do.

Not just great hall missions, but arena missions overall
10 июль 2020, 22:4610.07.20
Trips said:

Cocky and rude?  Not in the same post,  LOL.

And yes with Siphi (I avoid fighting siphi teams like the plague), you should have no problems staying in Gold right? 

I hope you have a nice day as well. Really, I have only tried to help people and have shared my experience as well.  Where have I fed the wrong info to plarium? 

You haven't, he just didn't bother to actually read what you wrote. 
11 июль 2020, 00:5011.07.20

UpRauthma said:

My team is built to basically counter your team (since that's so common). I actually get happy when I see those Kael combo teams pop up because if they aren't fast enough I'll have Kael out of the fight before he can nuke. If they are faster but Kael isn't strong enough to get through my shield then I get rid of him and the rest are too weak to finish me off. If they have apocethary instead of HK I have a harder time. Just depends how geared up they are.

But those aren't the teams I'm seeing very often these days. It's mostly combos of fully decked out legendaries and niche epics that I can't hope to compete with.

And it gets worse every day. I have made it to Silver 1  a few times. Never for long. I've managed to get 4 silver medals from lucky refreshes of de-rankers or mid Bronze 4 teams. 

Over the last two days I'm struggling just to stay in Bronze 4.

It's not just inactive accounts. It's account inflation too. Because there is no relationship between power level and bracket, someone essentially has to lose rank for you to gain anything. At this point there is just too much power competing for the low brackets.

They should set the brackets as a combination of defense power level and wins, so if your account has X amount of power, once you cross the threshold for a particular bracket set, you can't go back down unless your account gets removed for inactivity. Then if you come back it's easy to rank back up. They should also skew the points ratio of win/loss so you don't get hurt so bad my superior breaks hammering your defense.

Lots of things they can do to remedy the situation.

I am just curious, to anyone that is in this thread, what is your arena team, and where in arena are you now? Just wanted to see what kind of team are in what tier now

I'll go first

I am at the middle of Bronze 4, have broken to Silver 1 a couple of times, only got 2 silver medals to show for it, usually hanging at 1250 points

My team 87k power

Leader Doompriest lvl 50, 5* ascended T2 masteries

Skullcrusher, lvl 50, 5* ascended no masteries

Athel, lvl 60, 60* ascended, full masteries

Jizoh lvl 60, 6* ascended, full masteries

11 июль 2020, 03:0411.07.20

Main gold4, my attack varies but for defense:

Warlord (lead)



Miscreated monster 

Alt s2/3 in speed order:

Spirithost 40

Warmaiden 60

Kael 60

Jinglehunter 60 (lead aura)

11 июль 2020, 03:0811.07.20
Ozz- who else do you have.  Skullcrusher is great to build an arena team around. I just don't think you have great synergy with that 4.