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Discord Censorship

Discord Censorship

3 июль 2020, 22:4503.07.20

Discord Censorship

I don't know what kind of Commie BS the developers over at Raid are used to, but there's such thing as freedom of speech. Removing the emojis - as petty as you think they might be and how little you like them - are a way for the players to react in a fashion that they deem fit.

Don't like them giving you middle fingers? Don't make moves that make people unhappy.

Don't like the poop emojis? Figure out why the game is going down and has to be reloaded multiple times a day.

Making it so players can only react with hearts is also incredibly petty and tantamount to rubbing in our faces that we're powerless... on Discord.

This also further reinforces the notion that Raid caters to new players only, to get them to download and spend $20 or $40 before they move on, and not to the dolphins or casual spenders who enjoy the game for what it is.

There is a list a few miles long of things that need to be addressed and fixed: I'm not sure where emojis rank on the list.

Between Dracogate, the hacking, Arena, the lies, Darth Micro, and everything else, removing emojis is simply going to exacerbate the problem. I'm not sure what you were expecting but I can only see the game further dropping below its now 4* status.

Please wrangle in your Community Managers.

P.S. If ya'll aren't familiar with it, I would highly recommend looking up the Streisand Effect. It might help to explain why what you and the Community Managers are doing is having the opposite effect.

4 июль 2020, 16:3004.07.20

I don't think you understand anything at all about the freedoms you are crying about.

Freedom of speech only applies to public platforms. 

Freedom of speech does not apply to any privately owned platforms, like YouTube, Twitch, Discord. They all have Terms of Service that you agreed to and that includes that you can get in trouble for the things you say and do on their platforms.

4 июль 2020, 17:4404.07.20

LordVika said:

I don't think you understand anything at all about the freedoms you are crying about.

Freedom of speech only applies to public platforms. 

Freedom of speech does not apply to any privately owned platforms, like YouTube, Twitch, Discord. They all have Terms of Service that you agreed to and that includes that you can get in trouble for the things you say and do on their platforms.

Yep, looks like my point just whizzed right on over your head.

5 июль 2020, 04:1005.07.20

Don't sweat these guys or the community managers. There's one freedom they can never take away from you: freedom to choose. Choose never to give them your money. Choose to give them a 1-star review and thumbs up all other 1-star review. Choose to quit this game if you want. They can choose to provide poor customer service, and you can choose to show them the results of their choices.

1337bobbarker said:

LordVika said:

I don't think you understand anything at all about the freedoms you are crying about.

Freedom of speech only applies to public platforms. 

Freedom of speech does not apply to any privately owned platforms, like YouTube, Twitch, Discord. They all have Terms of Service that you agreed to and that includes that you can get in trouble for the things you say and do on their platforms.

Yep, looks like my point just whizzed right on over your head.

5 июль 2020, 04:3205.07.20
You are lucky because it's still freedom, only censor, in some countries, police sent you to prison without trials, newspaper never write about you, no one know your exist anymore.