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Arene 3v3

Arene 3v3

29 июнь 2020, 08:3529.06.20

Arene 3v3


Seriously what do you do on the MM in arena 3v3, in bronze 1 I come across teams (in defense, NOT THE CHOICE) with the majority of legendary players, either you are defending the defense of the points obtained or lost when we hire a fight CAR WANTED, be OTHER THINGS, but in the state I stop the arenas 3v3, because to fight even with a désanvatageje I am rather for, but TO BE USED WITH CANON or TO MAKE VALUE, ok yes but NO

And as in addition I can not turn the defense, well I'll stick some good gray from gray, thank you for this NO POSSIBILITER.

Edit after reset:

team def = 3 lvl1, 1 star, after reset rank 1000, now 630 e when I look at who is attacking this, the vast majority are people who are afraid of losing with their 12 leggings in the face of these three monsters of war and bizarrely c is the majority 85% the remaining 15% is blue / purple team, really pure MM management, or NOT.

29 июнь 2020, 09:2229.06.20

We will all get some minor presents for playing 3v3 the first week.  Once I get that, I am gone from 3v3. 

They claim they will reset us after the first scoring period.   But, I have heard that before.  As a 2 month player, I cannot assemble 3 teams that are competitive.  Its a waste of my time.