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Spike Armor - A Suggestion to Diversify Speed Meta in Arena

Spike Armor - A Suggestion to Diversify Speed Meta in Arena

28 июнь 2020, 07:1728.06.20

Spike Armor - A Suggestion to Diversify Speed Meta in Arena

So we know that speed meta trumps everything. It's basically who moves first, debuff enemy, buff allies and nuke.

Little can be done to counter it, basically the winner in Arena usually just who can cramp the most speed into their team.

So I'm proposing a way to counter that meta, but the counter won't just be a new meta (hopefully), because in a good PvP system, it should be like rock-paper-scissor, there's always a counter for each play style.

So here's the idea: A NEW SET OF ARMOR, for this idea I call it SPIKE ARMOR SET

> It's a set of 6 peace armor, so to get the bonus you have to equip the armor on all 6 slot, weapon, helmet, shield, gauntlet, chess plate, and boots.

> The bonus: if an attacker have 121 or more speed block 40% damage and reflect 80% the damage done to this champion; for each 10 speed above 121 in the attacker stat add 5% to the reflected damage

The bonus is always active without any turn limit.

> The downside: the basic stat of the armor (besides weapon, helmet, and shield) are only HP, Hp%, Def, Def% and Resistance

For an explanation of the effect of the bonus:

It means that anyone who equip this set will always block damage and reflect the damage coming from the attacker IF the attacker have 121+ speed, if the attacker have speed bellow 121 then the reflect damage and the block damage effect does not get activated

Another addition is that the reflected damage get higher, the higher the speed of the attacker, for basic the reflected damage is 80% but for each 10 addition to speed above 121, it gets 5% higher. Meaning if the attacker have 141 speed 100% of the damage will be reflected to the attacker

But remember the reflected damage is the damage DONE to the champion, which is if the effect is activated has already been reduced by 40% (the other effect of this armor set)

The speed counted here is basic speed + all bonuses including skill and aura effect of allies

How to counter this armor set then? Since the armor occupy all 6 slots it leaves little stat bonus, so anyone who stacks stats like attack and/or crit rate and/or crit damage can hopefully easily counter this armor, and those people in turn will be easily countered by the speed stackers.

So that's my rough suggestion.

Feedback would be very much appreciated.

28 июнь 2020, 07:3628.06.20
I don't want anymore new things, till Plarium fixes existing issues...at the moment, it seems Plarium's way of fixing anything in arena, is...t wish it away. I'm so sick of the silence that I will probably delete my game this week... it's pointless, apparently, there are also new hacks being used, & Plarium is using the same method... ignoring it & wishing it away. I will try this method myself & see if I can wish Plarium's lackadaisical attitude away too.
28 июнь 2020, 09:4328.06.20
Unknown_Ranger said:

I don't want anymore new things, till Plarium fixes existing issues...at the moment, it seems Plarium's way of fixing anything in arena, is...t wish it away. I'm so sick of the silence that I will probably delete my game this week... it's pointless, apparently, there are also new hacks being used, & Plarium is using the same method... ignoring it & wishing it away. I will try this method myself & see if I can wish Plarium's lackadaisical attitude away too.
True, but for arena problems, I honestly think this idea is the balanced thing to fix rather than to nerf the speed stat