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Sacred packs.

Sacred packs.

27 июнь 2020, 09:1227.06.20

Sacred packs.

Now I don't know if you're  gauging on people's stupidity or their incessant need for "Leggos" but these packs are rediculous. 30 dollars for 1 sacred and 100 gems, now you toss another one up for 3 sacred and 1500 gems for 100? Yet the current void pack is 17 shards, brews,  1300 gems and 5 legendary tomes for 70? You do see the difference in value, right? 

Your legendary event is not something that is giving people a certainty for the legendaries and trying to make more money off more cost is absolutely stupid. You'd make more off less cost as it is more accessible to the masses not just a random person here or there. I've been waiting for a decent pack during this event and the only one that got me was the void, which is a damn shame because the sacred event is nice for the most part, but dear lord  are you lot greedy.