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Sudden arena rank sliding.

Sudden arena rank sliding.

25 июнь 2020, 09:0025.06.20

Sudden arena rank sliding.

Is anyone else curious if the sudden arena rank sliding is being fabricated to knock us way down the reward tiers as well? I was in Gold IV forever until right before this new system started and then the "fabricated sudden falling" has so far taken me to the bottom of Gold II within a few weeks. Plarium please stop being so shady.  
25 июнь 2020, 14:4925.06.20

I'm having a related but opposite end of the scale issue. As a new player, only one month in, I was happily working my way through the progression missions and quests until I hit the "Get to Silver I" mission. WTF??? Looking at the missions that come after, I've completed most of those, but how am I supposed to get into Silver I when Bronze III is stacked with 100K+ opponents and Bronze IV is worse?!?!?!

I've given up. Damn shame, because I was loving the game until I hit this brick wall. I presume I'm facing a lot of "dead" opponents, old accounts of players that have fallen down the ranks through inactivity? Whatever the reason, it's taken much of the fun out of the game for me.

Of course, the other reason could be that Plarium want me to drop £100s on the game to progress.

It's definitely felt like I've hit a brick wall in terms of progress after the first month. :-(

25 июнь 2020, 15:2125.06.20

Green Hermit said:

I'm having a related but opposite end of the scale issue. As a new player, only one month in, I was happily working my way through the progression missions and quests until I hit the "Get to Silver I" mission. WTF??? Looking at the missions that come after, I've completed most of those, but how am I supposed to get into Silver I when Bronze III is stacked with 100K+ opponents and Bronze IV is worse?!?!?!

I've given up. Damn shame, because I was loving the game until I hit this brick wall. I presume I'm facing a lot of "dead" opponents, old accounts of players that have fallen down the ranks through inactivity? Whatever the reason, it's taken much of the fun out of the game for me.

Of course, the other reason could be that Plarium want me to drop £100s on the game to progress.

It's definitely felt like I've hit a brick wall in terms of progress after the first month. :-(

"Pay up, sucka!"


Seriously...part of me thinks it may be intentional, as you suggest. The other part of me realizes that it's just because Plarium coders aren't smart enough to write a few lines of code that says: 

"arena tier: inactive;"

"if last login > 30 days, arena tier == inactive;"

25 июнь 2020, 15:3625.06.20

Unfortunately it is a combination of many issues, none of which Plarium is likely to address in a timely fashion if it all.  So yes, as a new F2P you are basically screwed. Silver is possible, gold no chance.  The problems:

1. Aging Player base: Gold 4 is now all player level 65+, many 70+, some 80+.  The trickle down affect pushes everyone down.  Solution: Make Gold & Silver brackets bigger

2. Inflation (correlated with Aging): I'd guess 75%-90% started pre BP1. These accounts all have Stag Knight, months of farming better gear, and all the free stuff in BP.  Plus anyone 6+ months (yes there are tons) now has Scyl as well. I see more and more in Silver & Gold arena.  Yes also, all 60s ascended probably with Masteries. Again Silver is now almost entirely Player 60+ or close to it.  This was not silver 6 months ago, and it will get worse every day.

3. Alot of players pay to play, we can't complain about that as this is not entirely F2P. It is an uphill battle that gets steeper.

My suggestion, ignore the missions for a while. Build a CB team and dungeon teams. IF they modify arena in someway, a big IF, you will be well progressed in all other areas. CB gives books (more important than shards)/shards, dungeon gives you better gear. Make 60s, not 50s. Do try and get to Silver but do it as part of making your team better. You need more speed & ACC in arena, that means better gear. But that helps you in dungeons & CB as well. The missions as a whole will take 6+ months as F2P anyways, there will be many other blocks (not just Arena related ahead). It just so happens the 1st couple impasses are PvP.