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Tag Team Arena AKA Blubber watch

Tag Team Arena AKA Blubber watch

23 июнь 2020, 14:5023.06.20

Tag Team Arena AKA Blubber watch

Thanks for this amazing mode where i can only advance if i spend gems!!  I didn't know where to spend my spare gems until now..

Unlike regular arena where i advanced to Gold 4 without spending much of anything over a couple of months, this gives me a place to unload all of those extra gems if i actually want to accomplish something.

Seriously, this is the biggest ripoff i think you've ever done.Then you broke it this morning and i lost all of my points.

I only spent 30 gems, but i regret even that much.

Thanks again.
24 июнь 2020, 10:2724.06.20


Thank you for your feedback! Since this is a new content, we really need feedbacks, so we can pass them to CMs and they do the same with the devs. 

Btw you haven't lost your points, it was a bug and it has been fixed a few hours later. :)
24 июнь 2020, 16:4524.06.20
24 июнь 2020, 16:47(отредактировано)
Valdys said:


Btw you haven't lost your points, it was a bug and it has been fixed a few hours later. :)
Well, yes, but actually no. Tag team points are currently "restarted" so to say. All  progress points you have earned are missing atm. 
24 июнь 2020, 22:1624.06.20

Paid too much, got too many points, overflowed register starting at 0 again :p.

Not really but it would be so plarium if it turned out to be true ...

paying them only reinforces their idea that the game is good.

The only way for players to see change is accountants seeing red numbers.

They are postponing season 2 just for when they dip in red - they know when they release it it is harvest time.
25 июнь 2020, 05:0625.06.20
Daering said:

Valdys said:


Btw you haven't lost your points, it was a bug and it has been fixed a few hours later. :)
Well, yes, but actually no. Tag team points are currently "restarted" so to say. All  progress points you have earned are missing atm. 
Great to hear.  I played a set of battles, won them all and gained points.  I played another set of battles and lost only 1 but that made me lose points to a level below where the game started.  I may not even go back.  Don't even get me started how super teams go after me and win repeatedly.   
25 июнь 2020, 11:0125.06.20
25 июнь 2020, 11:02(отредактировано)

ClosedPoly said:

Daering said:

Valdys said:

Btw you haven't lost your points, it was a bug and it has been fixed a few hours later. :)
Well, yes, but actually no. Tag team points are currently "restarted" so to say. All  progress points you have earned are missing atm. 
Great to hear.  I played a set of battles, won them all and gained points.  I played another set of battles and lost only 1 but that made me lose points to a level below where the game started.  I may not even go back.  Don't even get me started how super teams go after me and win repeatedly.   

The best what you can do set your defence to 1lvl champs and totally ignore this mode. 

This is what I did right now got 1400 points but even if I got promoted to next tear will end up around people who spend money without chance to go anywhere. I guess if all of as do the same. Spenders give up on 6hiss mode too coz in the end of the day it will be only few of them who are in platinum arena already just fighting with each other..... 
25 июнь 2020, 11:4825.06.20
25 июнь 2020, 12:05(отредактировано)

Why there is a limit on offence plays and not Defense. I played 5 games daily without spending gems and reached 1195 just need one more game to reach next level. But when I woke up next day my points are at 950 and battle log shows more than 20 games Lost in Defense. I might never reach level 2 bronze. I understand this is new content but the game is old to understand what players want and this only beneficial for legends who maxed all their legendary champions as the game tag line “shadow legends

Wouldn’t it be better to get tokens regenerated faster similar to Classic arena.
25 июнь 2020, 13:5225.06.20

Running two accounts for almost an year now. The second one is month younger than my main account. Completely FTP.

Get my Tag arena defense when it become alive, wined all my offense battle around 3x10 points from day one, never got attacked on my main, got two defeats and one victory on my alt account defense, Run my 5 daily tokens and just pretend Tag arena didn't exist.

The same is with classic Arena. Run it just to finish my daily quest.

Pull 3 green shards, upgrade 1* chicken with brews, make random artifact upgrade, finish the rest of the daily quest, loot the clan and CB chest, spend my two CB keys and close the game.

Recently I pulled  Lanakis on my alt acount, there i have total of 4 Legos (one is Arbiter from the progress mission and one is the bearded guy from the fusion). She is nice addition to that account, i have a lot of accumulate energy and i can max her within days or two with all the masteries too. She just sits there not even ascended.

On my Main there is a reason i don't get attacked in Arena and Tag arena, I have Hegemon, Arbiter, Ma' Shaled and Prince Kymar. I have also Rhazin, Bloodgorged, Tormin, Brakus, Smashlord and 3 or 4 other not bad Legos. I have food for 2x6* champs. I have really good epics and maybe 25 epic books available.

So... why am i not playing then?

I can kick asses in Arena, Arena isn't source of frustration to me, i have energy to keep me busy. I use emulator and autoclick, so even if I don't feel like playing, i still can be effective. And i don't even bother to run the autoclick in background.

And i think that Tag Arena was that turning point. As i said, i have been around for an year, i followed all good content creators from day one when i first installed the game (it was the way I approach all my activities, i want to know and I want to be good of what I am doing). I was active in that forum on daily basis. So, i have good understanding of the game itself and more importantly - I didn't have any illusions about Plarium, the way they handles their game and the way they run it. There was not a moment when i have been shocked by their decision. I don't like them, but somehow liked their game.

But that stupid Tag Arena at this point is just f@king stupid move of them. Not the Tag Arena itself - it can be some part of the game, where you can find some entertainment. It can be factor when you choose your next 6*, It can be source of some rewards, it can be good filler in game if they have done it right. and if they presented in the right time.

So, that is my "not so short" story. You may tell that I probably got enough of the game, that i need some "days off" or something, so i can rediscovered the game again. But no, i don't need "days off" i can play it full time or i can play it in background depends of what i want or how i feel.

I just fail to see where this game is going. What is it direction. I would like to know where this f@king game is heading, if I am going to stay with it.

As always, just ignore all bad grammar and typos.

25 июнь 2020, 20:3825.06.20

This new "tag team" arena is terrible and a complete and utter waste of time. Plarium is showing their true colors by forcing people to have to buy more tokens if they want any chance to advance. This is on top of the rewards for different tiers that is a blatant attempt by them to get people to whale out for those rewards. The fact that you can't auto all 3 battles with one click is another huge pain. Finally it's really telling that plarium releases the so called content of tag team arena but not the currency or the marketplace to get rewards. Plarium isn't going to give us our earned currency for battles to test their shitty new arena mode but rather keep trying to get more people to whale out. 

25 июнь 2020, 22:3025.06.20

Valdys said:


Thank you for your feedback! Since this is a new content, we really need feedbacks, so we can pass them to CMs and they do the same with the devs. 

Btw you haven't lost your points, it was a bug and it has been fixed a few hours later. :)

Is there any way we can get a minimum reward for an overall victory, say 5-10 points? 

I'm yet to lose and overall battle but lost a couple of rounds here and there and progress feels slower than it should be. Loosing one of three battles either ends in a net loss or very little gain which seems somewhat unfair, especially to newer players that don't have full rosters of champions for every eventuality.

It feels like a deliberate push to make the game even more p2w than it already is.

25 июнь 2020, 22:4325.06.20
25 июнь 2020, 22:46(отредактировано)

I honestly dont see any reason whatsoever to buy tokens currently. If you dont ease your way up to top 33% you will quite likely relegate next week.

I see alot of post stating tag-team is greedy but in the beginning i really dont see any reason why you should buy token refills. Like platinum there might be reason in the last few hours before reset. but I dont see a good reason to refill anytime soon.

We wont get any rewards until week 12 and by that time most team will have found a stable position. All the non whales in bronze and silver and the 2% whales in gold.
25 июнь 2020, 23:0625.06.20

Daering said:

Running two accounts for almost an year now. The second one is month younger than my main account. Completely FTP.

Get my Tag arena defense when it become alive, wined all my offense battle around 3x10 points from day one, never got attacked on my main, got two defeats and one victory on my alt account defense, Run my 5 daily tokens and just pretend Tag arena didn't exist.

The same is with classic Arena. Run it just to finish my daily quest.

Pull 3 green shards, upgrade 1* chicken with brews, make random artifact upgrade, finish the rest of the daily quest, loot the clan and CB chest, spend my two CB keys and close the game.

Recently I pulled  Lanakis on my alt acount, there i have total of 4 Legos (one is Arbiter from the progress mission and one is the bearded guy from the fusion). She is nice addition to that account, i have a lot of accumulate energy and i can max her within days or two with all the masteries too. She just sits there not even ascended.

On my Main there is a reason i don't get attacked in Arena and Tag arena, I have Hegemon, Arbiter, Ma' Shaled and Prince Kymar. I have also Rhazin, Bloodgorged, Tormin, Brakus, Smashlord and 3 or 4 other not bad Legos. I have food for 2x6* champs. I have really good epics and maybe 25 epic books available.

So... why am i not playing then?

I can kick asses in Arena, Arena isn't source of frustration to me, i have energy to keep me busy. I use emulator and autoclick, so even if I don't feel like playing, i still can be effective. And i don't even bother to run the autoclick in background.

And i think that Tag Arena was that turning point. As i said, i have been around for an year, i followed all good content creators from day one when i first installed the game (it was the way I approach all my activities, i want to know and I want to be good of what I am doing). I was active in that forum on daily basis. So, i have good understanding of the game itself and more importantly - I didn't have any illusions about Plarium, the way they handles their game and the way they run it. There was not a moment when i have been shocked by their decision. I don't like them, but somehow liked their game.

But that stupid Tag Arena at this point is just f@king stupid move of them. Not the Tag Arena itself - it can be some part of the game, where you can find some entertainment. It can be factor when you choose your next 6*, It can be source of some rewards, it can be good filler in game if they have done it right. and if they presented in the right time.

So, that is my "not so short" story. You may tell that I probably got enough of the game, that i need some "days off" or something, so i can rediscovered the game again. But no, i don't need "days off" i can play it full time or i can play it in background depends of what i want or how i feel.

I just fail to see where this game is going. What is it direction. I would like to know where this f@king game is heading, if I am going to stay with it.

As always, just ignore all bad grammar and typos.

It surprised me to see that you suffer the same feelings as most newbies. yet you are experienced.  Campaign farming brutal 12.3 gets me silver but the gear isn't good enough to help me progress.  I need better gear which means beating dragon 13.  To do that I am going to take my best players and outfit them for dragon with the best 5* gear I can scrounge.  That means they may not have much value in arena.  But I need to play arena for the daily mission and for my clan.  Expecting my arena score to drop to Bronze MINUS 6.  That means I will never progress to Silver and never get Arbiter. 

26 июнь 2020, 03:5826.06.20
Maybe not the same, more likely feelings most of you are about to face at some point.