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22 июнь 2020, 20:1122.06.20


Since the last update it knocked me down from level 4 to 3 to 2 and now to level 1. Now I can’t get out of level 1. Teams I was able to beat now have 1/2 -3/4  less power than I have And are constantly beating me. This is really screwed up! What’s up?
22 июнь 2020, 22:3722.06.20
22 июнь 2020, 22:44(отредактировано)

radstersam said:

Since the last update it knocked me down from level 4 to 3 to 2 and now to level 1. Now I can’t get out of level 1. Teams I was able to beat now have 1/2 -3/4  less power than I have And are constantly beating me. This is really screwed up! What’s up?

Team power means squat. Look for specific champions in the teams, learn whether they work in synergy, learn how the auras work, unless your speed is really high or you are really really tanky, avoid teams with Arena/all battles speed aura.

Work on your own team. Make sure your team activates in the most effective sequence by tailoring your champions' speed. As soon as you can, use a speed aura champion as the team lead.

Edit: As for the team power being a valid indicator of the outcome:

23 июнь 2020, 01:4423.06.20
23 июнь 2020, 02:06(отредактировано)

Watchdogcz is right. Don't look at team power. Team synergy and strategy is more important and most of the time, speed. Whoever goes first have a very big advantage, not only on the first round of turns but also on the succeeding turns. I can also give example on when not going first turn can win instead of trying to outspeed your opponent.

Here is an example of team power first. In the image below, my team power is way lower than my opponent. If I remember it correctly, I lost in my first battle with him because his Duchess is too tanky because I used Zargala instead of Serris. When I use Serris and everything works fine even if it took a minute to finish the battle.


Another example here, this is a battle where you don't need too much speed. Again, I believe I lost my first battle with this guy because of its thick shield and some resist in his team plus two revivers. I use Arbiter Lyssandra Zargala Skullcrown and did not kill anyone. So I switch my strategy to be a little slower than my opponent. My Arbiter is only 229 speed here. I remove Lyssandra and put Serris. The strategy is, since I already estimated his champion's speed in my first fight, I want her Duchess to go first to waste her buffs. After her Duchess moves, my Arbiter cuts in between his team. I was right, his Duchess is fast but his Siphi is not fast enough to outspeed my 229 speed Arbiter. When my Arbiter moves, it is game over for him. The battle lasted 17s.


And here is my team in 3v3. As you can see, my Team 1 has lower Team Power compare with my other two teams. But I can tell you that it has more kill potential than my Team 2 and 3


TLDR: Look at opponent's team synergy. Also improve your team's synergy. If you lose in your first battle with him, find a way to outsmart your opponent. If everything you did still fails, improve your artifacts.

23 июнь 2020, 03:3623.06.20

Basically arena is jow filled with end game players, even bronze is littered with fully upgraded legendaries and epics and people who knows all of those min/max thing.

It's a mess, so unless you are an endgame player or at the very least a mid game player  who knows what you're doing or a whale, arena is really NOT WORTH DOING
23 июнь 2020, 05:2323.06.20

Except the game FORCES you to do it to progress. It's part of the daily quests and embedded in the mission chain.

Its horribly broken. 

You shouldn't have to have end game champs and gear to have a fair shot in the low end arena, but that's how it is.

They should have put their resources towards fixing that rather than the stupid tag team arena. It's just more of the same.

23 июнь 2020, 09:1923.06.20

A few more tips.

You do not need to have a team of legendaries on the lower Arena tiers. There are some easily obtainable (farmable even) rares that can form a very good team with a lot of synergy. I would wholeheartedly recommend using Athel (and/or Kael) and Warmaiden. If Warmaiden goes first, she can lower the Denfence of all enemies by 60%, then your nuker can blast off, such as Athel or Kael. Even Elhain would do with her A3, she is not worth *6 in my opinion, though, and not the best choice for the Arena.

As soon as you get your free High Khatun from your daily login rewards, your Arena team will get a significant boost. She does not need to reach *6/60 at all. Mine is still *5/50 and I see no reason to *6 her. Actually, Warmaiden doesn't either, mine is at *5/50 too.

Do your daily, weekly, monthly quests. Do the campaign on higher difficulties for the *3 results. Do whatever drops shards. You will eventually get some free Ancient, Void and even Sacred shards. You may not get the best champions on each shard pop, but you should get something useful and stronger eventually, especially if you save your shards for the 2x chance events, or targetted 10x chance if you really want a certain champion from the lowest chance tier of that shard type.