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Team Building Indecision

Team Building Indecision

20 июнь 2020, 14:1720.06.20

Team Building Indecision

So, I'm kind of stuck and really I'm indecisive right now and could use some input. I can 6 star another champ but I'm not sure whom I should pick. I was thinking about coldheart for dungeons and stuff but I keep reading that making a clan boss team is important, but I also don't have a clan. I'd really like the ability to farm for gear effeciently  in the later dungeons because most of my gear is 5 star commons from campaign. Can someone help me with some advice? 


20 июнь 2020, 15:1820.06.20

What level arena/CB/dragon?

1. Doompriest & Alure are great. DO NOT USE BOOKS on them

2. How is Kael geared (lifesteal but ATK oriented to farm I assume?)

3. A better poisoner than Kael for CB eventually (Frozen Banshee)

4. Coffinsmasher for Attack down on CB. He will do well in dragon if built well too.

5. Is allured geared for support (CR 100% High ACC; DEF or ATK)?

6. STOP leveling dupe FBs. I think they are better used as books. Unless you have a ton of rare books. She needs like 15...
20 июнь 2020, 15:2420.06.20

What do you mean you don't have a clan? Join one immediately then. :P Doesn't even matter which one - clans don't have much to offer except for their Clan Bosses. But that's very important, Clan Boss is a source of daily rewards - not necessarily good rewards, some days it won't be more than some gems and a few gear pieces that you instantly sell, but still, it adds up, and at times you'll also get skill books / shards. 

And if you see that your CB team is ready for a higher difficulty CB than the one your clan is attacking, move to another clan where you can attack the right difficulty. Also, poison is extremely important on Clan Boss, so you'll want to develop your Frozen Banshee. 

I wouldn't bother 6 starring Coldheart just yet. She's super powerful in endgame, but you're not in endgame yet, at your current stage you have other priorities. I would say Rearguard Sergeant or Nazana, both offer debuffing as well as more survivability for the whole team. Thenasil is also an option. 

In the meantime, your Zargala needs more accuracy. II guess if you add Rearguard, she can take over the responsibility of keeping bosses' defense decreased, but she's single target so on the waves in dungeons, it will still help if Zargala's nuke also decreases defense on all enemies - plus, Zargala has a weaken, if you can get both on the boss at the same time you'll put a ton more damage. 

20 июнь 2020, 16:2920.06.20

Trips said:

What level arena/CB/dragon?

1. Doompriest & Alure are great. DO NOT USE BOOKS on them

2. How is Kael geared (lifesteal but ATK oriented to farm I assume?)

3. A better poisoner than Kael for CB eventually (Frozen Banshee)

4. Coffinsmasher for Attack down on CB. He will do well in dragon if built well too.

5. Is allured geared for support (CR 100% High ACC; DEF or ATK)?

6. STOP leveling dupe FBs. I think they are better used as books. Unless you have a ton of rare books. She needs like 15...

Hey, Thanks for the reply. Currently I cant seem to get out of bronze league like low bronze 4, don't have a clan so not sure on CB, and I can do stage 14 on just about every dungeon except spider (10). 

1. I like both alure and doompriest, just found out how good alure is locking down those dungeon bosses

2. Kael has lifesteal and offense but his gear is garbage, a mixed bag of epic 4 and 5 star stuff. He is my 12-3 brutal farmer. does it in 20 something seconds

3. I was leaning towards investing in FB

4. I can invest in Coffinsmasher, I've not actually used him yet really. 

5. My alure is poorly geared as well, can't get her past 89% crit and she has 76 ACC

6. Lol, I know it looks weird, I only leveled some dupes to try and get some quick points needed during last champion leveling tournament, was running out of time.

20 июнь 2020, 16:3520.06.20
L9753 said:

What do you mean you don't have a clan? Join one immediately then. :P Doesn't even matter which one - clans don't have much to offer except for their Clan Bosses. But that's very important, Clan Boss is a source of daily rewards - not necessarily good rewards, some days it won't be more than some gems and a few gear pieces that you instantly sell, but still, it adds up, and at times you'll also get skill books / shards. 

And if you see that your CB team is ready for a higher difficulty CB than the one your clan is attacking, move to another clan where you can attack the right difficulty. Also, poison is extremely important on Clan Boss, so you'll want to develop your Frozen Banshee. 

I wouldn't bother 6 starring Coldheart just yet. She's super powerful in endgame, but you're not in endgame yet, at your current stage you have other priorities. I would say Rearguard Sergeant or Nazana, both offer debuffing as well as more survivability for the whole team. Thenasil is also an option. 

In the meantime, your Zargala needs more accuracy. II guess if you add Rearguard, she can take over the responsibility of keeping bosses' defense decreased, but she's single target so on the waves in dungeons, it will still help if Zargala's nuke also decreases defense on all enemies - plus, Zargala has a weaken, if you can get both on the boss at the same time you'll put a ton more damage. 

I seem to have trouble even finding a clan, dunno what thats about lol. Based on what you and trips said, I should probably focus on my frozen banshee for now and kind of just pick between RS, nazana or thenasil. Even though I nearly pulled the trigger on coldheart, I'm glad you mentioned her being more for endgame because I was hesitant based on what I was reading about her. And thank you for the feedback on zargala, I like her a lot, she hits like a truck right now and I'd like to develop her further. I have two offense sets on her and a speed set, would you suggest I turn one of those offense sets into an ACC set?