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Please change Arena

Please change Arena

19 июнь 2020, 22:1219.06.20

Please change Arena

I'll put it simple: Arena is complete boring. The only way to win is have more speed than your opponent, cause you will not get a turn otherwise. There's a reason 99% of teams now have Arbiter as their lead. Lose on speed, lose the game. No room for any tactics whatsoever. If you care to make so many different abilities, don't make it so that just One actually matters. There must be a more balances approach to this. Right now, there's no fun to be had in the Arena at all. Opponent Goes First? Either at least 2 team members die, or Something like Ma'Shallad throws a completely OP true Fear around and locks up your team. And since the other team is Faster, you'll get locked Forever. Fix this or see everyone leave this game, as there is no Competition or pleasure in it if this continues. 
19 июнь 2020, 22:5419.06.20

I feel ya...its funny every team in the top 100 pretty much has an identical roster...either buff some other people, add new champs or find another way to make certain rosters workable in the arena. 

I was running a nuke team in Silver and it was going OK....i just actually switched to a team where i give up the first turn and made it all defense...im doing substantially better and made it to Gold. Now, i realize that probably won't get me much further than Gold 2 or 3....but reaching Gold in itself was something haha.

19 июнь 2020, 23:4519.06.20

A good way is to learn from other games. a lot of other similar games i play use turn-by-turn mechs.

so even if your top speed hero is at 5000 speed, he is the only one goes first, then it's your opponent's turn. His top speed hero may sit only at 125, and your next top speed has 4999 speed - that doesn't matter as the next round is for your opponent.

i truly believe that will make the whole environment better and people will be using far more different group setups in area hence spend more money - because it gives them literally much more fun as reward!
20 июнь 2020, 00:1120.06.20
rh15 said:

I feel ya...its funny every team in the top 100 pretty much has an identical roster...either buff some other people, add new champs or find another way to make certain rosters workable in the arena. 

I was running a nuke team in Silver and it was going OK....i just actually switched to a team where i give up the first turn and made it all defense...im doing substantially better and made it to Gold. Now, i realize that probably won't get me much further than Gold 2 or 3....but reaching Gold in itself was something haha.

nice. who did you use. i am going to try on my alt to go resist/defense. not sure i have the team though
20 июнь 2020, 00:4920.06.20

killerclone187 said:

yea i can go and got some spit host lol but it wont work all speed auras are 19 or more by me and it still wont go first lol

It's not just the speed aura. You need to gear up as well. Going with spirithost as lead can get you to silver if you have a fast apothecary or seeker

The defense/resist is what I used on main to get to gold4 (Zelotah-Gorg-Jarl-Skullcrusher). No legos but 4 top epics and CA was key. LONG battles.  Zelotah lead stopped the decrease down debuff most times, that was key. And a tanky gorg to revive if needed.  The gear requirements are much higher for the def/res approach which is why the speed route is usually taken.
20 июнь 2020, 01:1320.06.20

Yeah the speed nuke meta doesn't leave much room for dynamic gameplay.

I'm stuck going between Bronze 3 & 4. Not sure what the higher levels look like, but at this bracket damned near every damned team is some combo of Kael, Warmaiden, HK, Spirit Host - sometimes with similar legendary subbed in.

I honestly HATE Kael now because of Arena. So many sheep! But I suppose that's what you get when the options are so limited.

Fortunately it's easy to spot the ones that think just having the combo will get them wins. If they don't have enough speed then I can 1-shot Warmaiden and they are done.

It's so satisfying watching someone's level 60 Kael sheep slump to the ground dead. 

Unfortunately, I'm barely past a month and grinding my butt off to be competitive without following the pack. I'm actually confident that once I get the gear and levels I need that particular combo will be easy wins for me. 

I managed to pull Errol on day 3 from an ancient shard, and Miscreated Monster my first weekend. The consensus is that Errol isn't very good for a leggo, but I think he's seriously underrated. Paired up with MM's surviveability, I have the wiggle room to make Errol very effective at picking off single targets, and that's at level 50 (will rank 6 him tonight) and welfare gear. Of course MM was the first champ I 6-starred. He solo chicken farms all of Brutal.

Currently running Jinglehunter as lead and Seeker next, but neither of them are built up much yet - they are just there for turn meter manipulation. Hopefully improving them helps me out bigly. Seeker is really only useful for that first turn, but in the fights that JH survives for a while he is pretty good. I wish he was strong enough to use his A2 as an opener - that would really be a game changer. I have lots of grinding to do.
21 июнь 2020, 09:0721.06.20

Hi, Guys!

Thank you for your feedback. :)
21 июнь 2020, 16:3921.06.20
Rauthma said:

Currently running Jinglehunter as lead and Seeker next, but neither of them are built up much yet - they are just there for turn meter manipulation. Hopefully improving them helps me out bigly. Seeker is really only useful for that first turn, but in the fights that JH survives for a while he is pretty good. I wish he was strong enough to use his A2 as an opener - that would really be a game changer. I have lots of grinding to do.
Jinglehunter is great on manual when you attack. Use that frost wisely. He needs really high ACC to ensure all get frozen.
22 июнь 2020, 07:5622.06.20
They already changed it, lol. Now you only have 5 arena tokens instead of 10, and the price to buy new tokens goes up every time you buy it. Isn't it great?
22 июнь 2020, 08:3422.06.20
It's great! I can't wait to not spend on another Raid feature! 
23 июнь 2020, 06:2823.06.20
yurec said:

They already changed it, lol. Now you only have 5 arena tokens instead of 10, and the price to buy new tokens goes up every time you buy it. Isn't it great?
Nope, you can still play Classic Arena.
23 июнь 2020, 08:2523.06.20

Oh guys please stop the whining..this is how mobile freemium gaming is..they need to make money to keep their jobs,they have families to feed.

you can just totally ignore tag team arena..the are much more pleasant things to do in the game anyway.

If you want free entertainment come to pc gaming..I'll wait for you in Skyrim with the other daedras to have way more fun than you could ever have

in a mobile aplication.

A little bit off topic..

Please buff my Teela Goremane already!

She's my only legendary and she's guarding the vault since last year.

She's worst than Ma'Shaled before his buff.

Please VALDYS send word to Plarium that the daedric prince Malacath wants Teela to become top tier and wreak havoc in Teleria

And in the end I want to say...you have a good game.many of my family members and friends play

23 июнь 2020, 10:3023.06.20

Malacath said:

Oh guys please stop the whining..this is how mobile freemium gaming is..they need to make money to keep their jobs,they have families to feed.

you can just totally ignore tag team arena..the are much more pleasant things to do in the game anyway.

If you want free entertainment come to pc gaming..I'll wait for you in Skyrim with the other daedras to have way more fun than you could ever have

in a mobile aplication.

A little bit off topic..

Please buff my Teela Goremane already!

She's my only legendary and she's guarding the vault since last year.

She's worst than Ma'Shaled before his buff.

Please VALDYS send word to Plarium that the daedric prince Malacath wants Teela to become top tier and wreak havoc in Teleria

And in the end I want to say...you have a good game.many of my family members and friends play


Teela is already on the "rework" list. :)
23 июнь 2020, 10:4623.06.20
Yes sure, will be changed, Early 2022, now go donate
26 июнь 2020, 14:0226.06.20
26 июнь 2020, 20:47(отредактировано)

My early arena team as a new player consisted of all campaign farmable champions and my starter. The campaign farmable champions give you a great basic starter group and can be "booked" using dupes from the campaign allowing me to save my actual books for my starter.

I had:

Diabolist - She's geared with as much speed as I could so she goes first on my team (maybe not before the enemy team but she'll be the first of my champions to act). The reason for this is she applies a speed buff to the party which makes everyone else faster.

Spirit Host -  She's in the lead for her speed aura. It's not a particularly big buff but it helps a bit. I geared her with enough speed so she would go second among my other champions. This is so that everyone else gets her attack buff before attacking.

Warmaiden - She's geared with speed to go third. This is so she's got Spirit Host's attack buff when she does her aoe attack that puts the defense down debuff on the enemy team.

Kael - I really think Kael is a great starter choice. He carried me through an incredible amount of the game, not just arena. I still use him in faction wars and tag team arena. Kael's speed is at a level where he goes last so that he's buffed and the enemies are debuffed when he brings the smash down on their heads.

In general the speed of all my champions was very close so that they'd all generally go one after the other. Diabolist was replaced with High Khatun from the login rewards once I got her as High Khatun provides a better speed aura than Spirit Host, a better speed buff than Diabolist, and brings both a speed down debuff on her A1 and turn meter reduction on her A3. I think I replaced Spirit Host with Rotos the Lost Groom once I got him from the fusion event. It pained me to lose the attack buff but Rotos hits like such a truck and potentially takes so many extra turns, that he more than made up for it. His A3 really shined against all those annoying Skullcrowns I started seeing as I moved up in rank.

Still that starter team is one anyone can get without spending any money and with only a reasonable investment of time. Speed sets are also farmable so, again, its just a matter of spending some time to get the basics. Obviously such a basic team isn't going to beat everything, but it was enough to move me up and get my missions done until shards finally coughed up those really great champions like Apothecary, Coldheart, Miscreated Monster, etc.

The new login reward champion Scyl of the Drakes is also a GREAT champion imo, especially for a free or low spending player. She's the reason I was able to get Arbiter not too long ago thanks to her aoe stuns letting me get through Spider17-20 on auto.