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2x Ancients shard event bugged ?

2x Ancients shard event bugged ?

12 июнь 2020, 10:5112.06.20

2x Ancients shard event bugged ?

What the hell is wrong with this game, seriously ? I have opened about 200 ancient shards and got only 1 useless legendary , are you fukking serious, if it is right what i see from 200 shards the chance is to have atleast 2 legos, not just 1 and totaly useless ? I saw many people from my clan faced the same stupid thing ... some of them didn`t get any legendary even from 120 shards pull.

Are you Plarium developers joking with us or what ? This was my last payment for your game , and what is wrong with you , you give us nothing and why the hell we would buy books or gear in offers if we can`t get anything worth working on it ... I hope and other people will post what they got from how many shards and the new players can see that this game doesn`t worth investing any money or time !

This game was fun and interesting but no more, good luck vampires !
12 июнь 2020, 12:0512.06.20

I think you have too high expections. I just did 10000 simulations on shard pull simulator with 100 pulls each.

37% of the times I got 0 legendaries. I think that is quite average. The lesson is 100 ancient shard is way too low to expect to get a legendary. And yet we are not even talking about getting a good legendary.

I do agree that it is quite frustrating to hit the legendary wall, but you should have known getting something useful is not good beforehand.
12 июнь 2020, 13:1412.06.20

I did 30 ancients and got Jingle Hunter and 29 rare for food.

My mate did 20 and 8 epics, still no legos and to be fair the epics were average at best. 

RNG is crap, worst part of the game unfortunately. Sometimes you win, mostly though you lose. It is like roulette, the house always wins. 
12 июнь 2020, 15:0212.06.20

lol. I expect 20 threads like this today. Mostly from the mathematically challenged group... I guess it's better than whiners being stuck in bronze. lmao

I think daering predicted this yesterday, or maybe J.  A real longshot prediction...
12 июнь 2020, 15:4312.06.20

Pulling 60+ shard and no legendary. But i got some good epic. 

They should add features likes summoning point. For every 100 summoning with blue shard players will get random legendary.  

12 июнь 2020, 16:1412.06.20

Agree with drone- you can actually do some tests on summon simulators online and you'll see that opening 100 shards wouldn't guarantee a legendary. 

You didn't mention what epics you pulled, or which legendary? Specific legendaries help tremendously with account progression but often times it'll be some epics and rares you'll need- not the shiny legendaries. I'd rather have a Miscreated Monster and an Apothecary than say, an Errol. 

I understand it is frustrating, I probably would too tbh- but my point is it would be a lot healthier if you actually manage your expectations (test summon sims to see), and work with what you have. 
12 июнь 2020, 17:3512.06.20
12 июнь 2020, 17:47(отредактировано)

The same thing happened to me. 105 blues and a legendary solo, Rhazin, who was already going to get by fusion, is the same as not having left legendary. And only 14 epics !!!!!!! I am indignant with the rng of this game, it sucks, it seems that it does not have rng and it goes according to what account you have.By the way, also pull 1 void shard and 1 orange

12 июнь 2020, 18:3112.06.20
Zhakrin said:

The same thing happened to me. 105 blues and a legendary solo, Rhazin, who was already going to get by fusion, is the same as not having left legendary. And only 14 epics !!!!!!! I am indignant with the rng of this game, it sucks, it seems that it does not have rng and it goes according to what account you have.By the way, also pull 1 void shard and 1 orange

Now aside from pulling the fusable leggo part, i really don't understand the frustration with RNG here. You literally almost got what you'd statistically expect from pulling 105 ancient shards on a double rate event. 
12 июнь 2020, 19:2712.06.20

I would love to pull rhazin. 

My issue is not that I am not getting the expected drop rates, it is that the drop rates are just poor to start with.

And while i agree apothecary and miscreated monster are way better than Errol you have so many OP legendaries in siphi, rotos, krisk, tormin, venus, nethril, valkyrie, martyr, I mean the list is enormous of these champs that i would love to have.

If one thing could be changed though, it would be the energy cap rather than the RNG of legendaries. The higher I get the more difficult it is to level my champs, the longer i play the more champs i want to get to level 60 so i can use them and it would take the sting out of not getting legendaries because I would not mind spending the time on rares. 

12 июнь 2020, 22:0312.06.20

In my state of the game I also find it frustrating that legendaries are so hard to summon. But given I know the odds I know not to expect much from 100 or even 200 ancient shards.

To me the problem is I have all rares and most of the epics. So for those who have played long there really aint much excitement in pulling.

So I will use this post to repropose an earlier suggestion. 

Introduce something that are better than epics with half of epic dropchance from ancients and sacreds. either by devaluating legendaires and introduce the next stage or by introducing a new stage between epics and legendaries.

People need to continue to have something to go for and at the moment its just a longshot to get anything new.
12 июнь 2020, 22:3212.06.20
12 июнь 2020, 22:34(отредактировано)

I play 3 accounts because I have different champs on each one and Im buying time till Cyberpunk and WOW shadowlands comes out.   My main account my leggos are Skartorsis, Longbeard, Cillian, Robar all pulled at non 2x times and Frostking from BP.  During 2x I have only pulled all rare with a few crap epic like Bushi.  

2nd account no leggos but epics are worth a darn MM Seer Brawler Seeker and Sinesha

3rd account clearing normal I got Coldheart, 3star normal I got Sir Nich  Hard 3 star I got Rhazin, 3 star burtal I got Steelskull

non 2x I also got Vergis, MM, Alure and Doompriest and ultimate galex this 2x event I got all rares plus a Missionary

Basically RNG is a bitch.   I'm a die hard wow player and I've attempted to get a mount from Firelands roughly 800 times via my 12 max toons

and nada then I've seen players get it from ther first few attempts.

 If your looking for Leggos in this game 2x events with Ancients and Voids are only a .5% more chance I feel its their way of you spending more money, now if your looking for epics as I am  ie. Skullcrusher, Gorgorab, then 2x is worth it.  

if you want your best chances at a Leggo then get as many Sacred shards as you can for a 2x event  

12 июнь 2020, 22:5012.06.20

Lxzy said:

Agree with drone- you can actually do some tests on summon simulators online and you'll see that opening 100 shards wouldn't guarantee a legendary. 

You didn't mention what epics you pulled, or which legendary? Specific legendaries help tremendously with account progression but often times it'll be some epics and rares you'll need- not the shiny legendaries. I'd rather have a Miscreated Monster and an Apothecary than say, an Errol. 

I understand it is frustrating, I probably would too tbh- but my point is it would be a lot healthier if you actually manage your expectations (test summon sims to see), and work with what you have. 

I had 32 ancients and pulled 12 last night.  I got 3 that I already had.  The best I got were Relickeeper, Runic Warden, Grappler.  The rest will upgrade faction wars.  I beat the odds on epics. 

I got very lucky and pulled Apo out of a mystery shard early in the game. 
13 июнь 2020, 03:2613.06.20
Trips said:

lol. I expect 20 threads like this today. Mostly from the mathematically challenged group... I guess it's better than whiners being stuck in bronze. lmao

I think daering predicted this yesterday, or maybe J.  A real longshot prediction...
LOL, o Fck.  I hear you man!  i think you are spot on.
13 июнь 2020, 14:1713.06.20

Pulled my 4 sacred today.  Got Lord Champfort, a lego.  He may become my lead in dungeons.  Also got Zelotah (should help my arena defense a lot) plus 2 not great epics. 

I pulled 4 void and got all rare with 3 dups

Got a few epics from the last of my ancient. 

I did better than I expected. 

13 июнь 2020, 18:0713.06.20

I hate to post this... but... 

I did 2 ancient shards and pulled 2 legos, skartosis and lord champfort. Did a third and pulled a rare, elder (I dont blame you if you hate me).

Unfortunately RNG is a bitch most the time and now I cannot complain about it for a while now.

Whilst they are not s class legos, still something new to play around with... and more need for energy to get them upgraded. 
13 июнь 2020, 18:3613.06.20
47 blue shards. 4 epics and the rest rates. From the epics 3 were duplicate of what I had before. Same with most or the rates. I got two triplets. What is interesting is they when I went to the index there were only 6 new dots. The RNG really love some rears and not so much others if it sends then to become food.
14 июнь 2020, 05:2514.06.20
14 июнь 2020, 05:35(отредактировано)

I pulled about 75 ancients... and my results were... beyond what I ever hoped.

I got three legendaries, two of which are top tier - Dracomorph and Sethalia. The third was Mountain King.

While I got mostly blue dupes from the rest, I did nab a few really good epics, among them Miscreated Monster, Skullcrusher and Zargala! Three champions on my wishlist! Also nabbed Crimson Helm as well.

And just to add to my joy, thanks to the recent log in reward Scyl of the Drakes, I was finally able to auto-clear Spider 20 ten times and finish my missions to obtain Arbiter!

It's both amazing how the acquisition of the right champions can be transformative to your progression... and also highlights a glaring flaw in the game imo.

Scyl and Miscreated Monster (when properly geared) are cheatmode when together.
14 июнь 2020, 13:0914.06.20
14 июнь 2020, 13:09(отредактировано)

ehm. Im pretty sure alot consider Mountain King top-tier.

Gz by the way seems you beat the game aswell.
14 июнь 2020, 14:1014.06.20
drone said:

ehm. Im pretty sure alot consider Mountain King top-tier.

Gz by the way seems you beat the game aswell.
Thanks! I was honestly shocked. I'm usually not someone the rng takes much pity on in... just about anything. And all I was really hoping for was Miscreated Monster to make Spider20 auto more of a guaranteed win. The chances of getting any specific champion are astronomically low so getting him (among the rest) made me extremely happy.
14 июнь 2020, 16:0914.06.20
nicmercy said:

I pulled about 75 ancients... and my results were... beyond what I ever hoped.

I got three legendaries, two of which are top tier - Dracomorph and Sethalia. The third was Mountain King.

While I got mostly blue dupes from the rest, I did nab a few really good epics, among them Miscreated Monster, Skullcrusher and Zargala! Three champions on my wishlist! Also nabbed Crimson Helm as well.

And just to add to my joy, thanks to the recent log in reward Scyl of the Drakes, I was finally able to auto-clear Spider 20 ten times and finish my missions to obtain Arbiter!

It's both amazing how the acquisition of the right champions can be transformative to your progression... and also highlights a glaring flaw in the game imo.

Scyl and Miscreated Monster (when properly geared) are cheatmode when together.
That is possibly the best RNG lol. Congrats. Everyone else want to kick u in the nuts I bet lol.
14 июнь 2020, 17:0214.06.20

Bossev said:

What the hell is wrong with this game, seriously ? I have opened about 200 ancient shards and got only 1 useless legendary , are you fukking serious, if it is right what i see from 200 shards the chance is to have atleast 2 legos, not just 1 and totaly useless ? I saw many people from my clan faced the same stupid thing ... some of them didn`t get any legendary even from 120 shards pull.

Are you Plarium developers joking with us or what ? This was my last payment for your game , and what is wrong with you , you give us nothing and why the hell we would buy books or gear in offers if we can`t get anything worth working on it ... I hope and other people will post what they got from how many shards and the new players can see that this game doesn`t worth investing any money or time !

This game was fun and interesting but no more, good luck vampires !

You are crying about not getting something with a 1% change to get?  Seriously it's a 1% change with the 2x event.........you have a better chance of hitting the lottery then pulling a lego. As for the lego you got......just be happy you got a lego at all. As for others getting things, maybe they opened a lot more shards then you.

But reguardless of what others pulled.........IT'S A 1% CHANCE WITH 2X EVENT.........get real will you