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Champion boost? Where is the sesam opening key?

Champion boost? Where is the sesam opening key?

11 июнь 2020, 10:0911.06.20

Champion boost? Where is the sesam opening key?

I‘ve tried hard, but didn‘t succeed in gaining my first leggy after four months of playing. And I always read: „ Now you get the improved chance for the next 24 hours to get your new legendary champion...,“ Are you kiddin‘? Is there a trick, I haven‘t realized before? Have I to say a special prayer while tapping on the screen? Or is ot working only during a fullmoonsession? Or should I spent some money for an organisation who is caring for leggyless raidgamblers? Honestly, the percentage for a serious champ is ridiculous low. I regard with suspect, where all the leggies come from who sleep in the cave of some raidaddicted bots and trolls...
11 июнь 2020, 16:4411.06.20
I didn't pull a lego for 4 or 5 months. Finally got one and it was terrible, grohark the bloodied. A month later my luck turned immensely. It was a blessing in disguise. I had 30+ lego books saved and progressed far without. You learn to play the game better. Hope u saved books and your luck changes as mine finally did.
11 июнь 2020, 17:5011.06.20

I have two accounts (my son quit within week or two later), so they are both close to year old.

On my main account I have like 12 or 13 legos (3 from fusions) and my second - exactly 4 (the last one is that Drake Lady from daily login).

Both accounts have progress mission done, both accounts have similar dungeon times, easy time in G4, better GH upgrades on main and unfinished NM 12 map for full 3* on second one.

They both has similar CB results prior two weeks ago, when i pulled Martyr on my main. 

I am fully f2p also. 

My point is - this game can be sourse of many frustrations, but you can do just well if you are willing to invest time and effords and set your expectations right. Because investing money doesn't always translate to progress. 

11 июнь 2020, 17:5311.06.20

lord said:

I‘ve tried hard, but didn‘t succeed in gaining my first leggy after four months of playing. And I always read: „ Now you get the improved chance for the next 24 hours to get your new legendary champion...,“ Are you kiddin‘? Is there a trick, I haven‘t realized before? Have I to say a special prayer while tapping on the screen? Or is ot working only during a fullmoonsession? Or should I spent some money for an organisation who is caring for leggyless raidgamblers? Honestly, the percentage for a serious champ is ridiculous low. I regard with suspect, where all the leggies come from who sleep in the cave of some raidaddicted bots and trolls...

See the thing is most rares and epics are far better then lego champs.

You have Apothacrey who is use at extreme end game and is one of the best champs in the entire game.

You have Bellower who is one of the best farmers in the game, and can go for 5-7 second farming runs.

Just because they are gold and shiny doesn't make then the best game out there.

Hell some games let you upgrade the quality of characters making it so that no champ is better the another, and its just about your skills and knowing what works together and what doesn't
11 июнь 2020, 21:0011.06.20

Agree with all the replies here. I'm also F2P and it's normal to go for months without pulling legendaries.

If you have the most basic roles filled already (like speed booster, decrease def, poisoner, nuke, farmer, etc.), it'd be wise to save shards for the double rate events like the one that'll be on a little later.