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What would make you quit Raid Shadow Legends?

What would make you quit Raid Shadow Legends?

8 июнь 2020, 06:2408.06.20

What would make you quit Raid Shadow Legends?

i'm curious about what lines everyone draws when it comes to what would make them quit this game. there isn't anything to do in game so i figured this is as good a time as any for this discussion.

as for me, there are quite a few things that would make me quit this game.

there is a really good chance that i will quit if there isn't a 2x event for ancient shards within the next few days, and if not, if i end up pulling my shards anyway and getting nothing.
i am at the point in the game where the isn't too much that i can do with my current champions, and i need champions that are game changing. stockpiling ancient shards for 4+ months is a completely mindless and useless thing to have to do, yet 2x is necessary if i want a decent chance to progress. so yeah, that might just send me over the edge.

also if there isn't a battle pass next month, that might send me over the edge too. i could not care less about 3v3 arena. i get my ass kicked more than enough in regular arena. not to mention, it's literally the same thing as regular arena. 3v3 arena is the equivalent of if they added a triple dragon dungeon; where it's the same as normal dragon except all three rounds are the dragon.
the battle pass on the other hand, is something that can compliment all of the content in the game. it's something that players can get excited about and progress with.
the template for the battle pass system already exists. all they have to do is input the rewards and release it. we saw months ago that the champions are already ready. so even if they started with just the champions, the rest of the battle pass rewards can be put together within a few days. this is something that they could have started working on when they released the last battle pass, so it's been almost 5 months since they should have started planning battle pass S2. there has been absolutely nothing going on in the game for 5 months, and they still aren't doing anything.
another month of this will likely send me over the edge.

if there is a similar game that is objectively better in most ways. i started playing exos heroes about a week ago. exos heroes is clearly better than raid in some ways, but i'm not sure at the moment if it is overall better. it's obviously too soon to tell. my immediate impression is that there is a lot more to do in exos heroes. if this is the case then that means even though exos heroes launched globally just a week ago, it has more content than raid does after almost 2 years.
but i don't know. i'm currently not sure that it's a raid killer.

if they keep making the game more difficult to play and enjoy. every time a tournament comes out with decent rewards, they make it a 100-200 player group bracket. not to mention you need to have like $1000 worth of resources to be able to get the rewards on the side panel and it's like 1 void shard that will probably yield a stitched beast. yeap, so much fun. i love working hard to get spat on.

8 июнь 2020, 14:2808.06.20

By way of introduction I'm a very low spender - only having purchased the season 1 Battle Pass (seemed like good value over time for me), and playing for roughly 1 year.  Frustrations driving me away from the game (playing less and less, and caring less and less).

  1. Energy - refill rate is slow, and no increase for player levels 61-100 was a kick in the nuts - Plarium says an energy increase would require economy balancing - sigh, this position shows how out of touch they are with "normal" people
  2. No Legendary Duplicate system / option - I have a total of 13 unique legendary heroes (4 from Fusions, 1 from BP season 1, and Scyl the 180-day login reward) - I pulled a couple blue shards out of boredom and saw gold - a duplicate Lugan the Steadfast (yawn / sigh) - 50+ other possible Legos to pull and I get a mediocre one that I already have - This happens WAY TOO OFTEN to be RNG
  3. Sympathy system - I pull over 300 Ancient (blue) shards across three 2x events and didn't get a single Legendary when statistically I should have pulled 3 - bad RNG?  It appears many people suffer that - I'm beginning to suspect that pull-odds for Epics / Legendaries increase based on the amount of money a player spends in-game - I have 73 Ancients saved now, and gems for another 44 - If I don't pull at least 2 NEW, UNIQUE and GAME CHANGING champions in the next 2x event, I'm out
  4. No ability to grind / farm Epic / Legendary books
  5. No release of BP Season 2 or extension of Daily Login rewards makes me wonder how many people will get bored logging in daily - no real reason to
  6. No release of the Void Tower in a year
  7. No release of the Hydra Boss that we've seen for the past 3-5 months
  8. Shop / Bazar doesn't scale well, and isn't organized by champions, shards, dungeon gear, arena gear, low-level glyphs, etc.
  9. Farming food is boring - I have 10-12 heroes I would like to get to level 60 / 6*, but I'm just too tired of the grind to care anymore
  10. Grinding silver to level gear is boring (gear leveling is painful and expensive - swapping gear is also too expensive) and limits creativity, and prevents players from trying out new builds
  11. No 2x Ancient event in almost 2 months, but extremely low change 10x events are on repeat
  12. Counter-Attack is the only true way to be competitive in the meta for NM and UNM - and there are 3 champions with teamwide CA - playing a year and still no Skullcrusher, Martyr or Valkyrie for me - how about a fusion CA champion, or adding more CA champions to other factions?

Your content creators are feeding you player feedback, suggestions, ideas, etc., and all you do is ignore them.

Ping me when BP #2 releases, Void Tower releases, energy increases / refill rate goes up, and you have a duplicates and sympathy system.

8 июнь 2020, 16:4008.06.20

-You all wrote nice and clear and i agree with all of you ! I will just add They should take pvp quest from the daily because its impossible to finish without to loosing and slide down, Pvp already put us down and the daily doesn't make any better!

-I don't know why i wrote because Raid IGNORE everything what "normal" people complane , suggest ect.

-Hope RAID HEAR YOU! GOOD LUCK ! They don't care, all what they care is your money and nothing else!

-(now waiting on some "smart" jokes or comments from people with full butt)

8 июнь 2020, 22:2008.06.20

What makes me leave any game is rude players who attack other players personally.  I have not seen that in this game.  I have encountered experienced players who are willing to help a noob.  Thats great. 

I am here just over a month, so I dont know how things were in the past.  With the virus going around and so many of us doing social distancing we spend more time online.  We feel more stress.  I think it would be a good marketing point for Plarium to offer some special events and benefits even if they temporarily throw the game out of balance.  A lot of businesses are putting public relations ahead of profits for now. 

We dont know the financial situation with Plarium.  Maybe whales are not spending like they did.  Maybe Plarium had to reduce the size of their development team.  If you liked the game in the past but are frustrated now is it worth it to give Plarium another 3 months to see how they treat us? 

8 июнь 2020, 22:4708.06.20
8 июнь 2020, 22:50(отредактировано)

ClosedPoly said:

What makes me leave any game is rude players who attack other players personally.  I have not seen that in this game.  I have encountered experienced players who are willing to help a noob.  Thats great. 

I am here just over a month, so I dont know how things were in the past.  With the virus going around and so many of us doing social distancing we spend more time online.  We feel more stress.  I think it would be a good marketing point for Plarium to offer some special events and benefits even if they temporarily throw the game out of balance.  A lot of businesses are putting public relations ahead of profits for now. 

We dont know the financial situation with Plarium.  Maybe whales are not spending like they did.  Maybe Plarium had to reduce the size of their development team.  If you liked the game in the past but are frustrated now is it worth it to give Plarium another 3 months to see how they treat us? 

not much has changed since august (about 10 months ago), when i started playing raid. there have not been any changes at all in this game due to the lockdown.

it's true that we don't know the financial situation with plarium, but we at least know that raid is profiting immensely. look at the tournament brackets. the top place for the champion chase global tournament bracket is over 100k points. that one dude must have spent at least $1000 for that tournament alone. not to mention all of the other players in lower places, and all of the players in the other tournaments. 
the current leader in the global bracket for the current champion training tournament is already at over 130k with 6 days left. the amount of points they will have by the end of the tournament will probably be unprecedented. i wouldn't be surprised if they are spending thousands of dollars every day on this game.

and that's only like 1% of the player base that we see on the top. imagine how much money thousands of other players are contributing to this game. all that money and dedication from players, and plarium can't even be bothered to release a battle pass? 
not to mention everyone has been doing for the past few months is social distancing and spending more time at home. game developers can work from home. so if they aren't making content, what else are they doing?

9 июнь 2020, 01:0309.06.20
Cyberpunk and WOW shadowlands. 
9 июнь 2020, 10:1309.06.20

There are several bad things about the game that need to be changed to keep it alive in the long run.

1) we need a better "leveling" process.  Running 12-3 brutal for 50%-75% of your playtime once you have beaten the campaign is silly, especially considering that it is not challenging at all as my Big Un clears the whole run in 8 seconds.  We need a leveling dungeon where we can have unlimited waves and encounter rare monsters who drop special loots.  I mean this thing at the heart of it is basically a collection dungeon crawler RPG but we have no dungeon crawl.

2) We need to be able to experiment with gear more freely.  Costing silver to change gear feels really bad, is not fun, and serves no purpose.  Gear is already super expensive to level up, who cares if we swap it around.  I have like 30 level 60 champions, I'm not going to use the same set on all of them, but it would be fun to try them all out without literally draining my account of resources.  Why have so much gear and then put up artificial roadblocks on using it?  It might make sense in the board room but it doesn't make sense when playing.

3) The game is "fun" from getting new champions and using them in various content.  With that said, we desperately need more content.  Even if its just rehashed bull shit like faction wars which is a dumbed-down version on the campaign, or a 3v3 arena which is just basic arena that you fight 3 times in, it at least feels more unique due to the small tweaks.  We need more replayable content like this.

I imagine the hesitation from Plarium is "when players get maxed out they will quit" - this is valid - unless you have a fun game, which you do.  I mean if you guys cant come up with things to do in-game then hire me, I have tons of ideas for content.  The game would be a lot more fun if instead of limiting resources at every possible pain point you treated it more like an actual RPG and less like a gacha (the 2 can live together in harmony and profitability if you do it right)

9 июнь 2020, 18:3409.06.20
I am not a patient person.. so i play this game as an exercise to remain patient because it takes a whole lot for this game . (Playing as F2P)
10 июнь 2020, 14:3910.06.20

Rahul Manandhar said:

I am not a patient person.. so i play this game as an exercise to remain patient because it takes a whole lot for this game . (Playing as F2P)

well i hope you're not being patient for new content, because there is a good chance that will simply never happen.

an exercise in patience for progress will definitely get you a lot of gains. i played the long game a few times myself.
10 июнь 2020, 15:5810.06.20
The fact that ppl havent wuit already baffles me. Must be that you havent played any other gachas. Really the worst gacha out there
10 июнь 2020, 21:0510.06.20

Betel Geuse said:

The fact that ppl havent wuit already baffles me. Must be that you havent played any other gachas. Really the worst gacha out there

Hey, man, just stop saying this is the worst game you've ever played under all the threads. 

Try to give us a constructive feedback, we'd appreciate it. :)
10 июнь 2020, 21:0510.06.20
Thank you for all your feedbacks, guys!
10 июнь 2020, 21:2410.06.20
Valdys said:

Betel Geuse said:

The fact that ppl havent wuit already baffles me. Must be that you havent played any other gachas. Really the worst gacha out there

Hey, man, just stop saying this is the worst game you've ever played under all the threads. 

Try to give us a constructive feedback, we'd appreciate it. :)
Constructive feedback have been given for over a year. Still the biggest cashgrab for the least amount of new content.
11 июнь 2020, 13:4211.06.20

I have been playing this game for 20 days or so, which isn't much, but I really got addicted to both design and mechanism...

I have been playing a lot for the last 20 days, but even so I feel myself wanting to find a replacement game (if someone has any idea...I tested all the games mentioned so far in this thread, none had the same appeal to me) for a few very annoying things:

  • Energy limit - I am currently capped at 114 energy, I've read that the all time cap is 130, this is just ridiculous. 1 energy gets refilled every 3 minutes ? Even more stupid... 8 energies needed just to run one brutal campaign ? Idiotic...don't get me started on the energy cost of the dungeons.
  • Energy cost - 1 refill = 40 gems !!! Either reduce the cost of the gems (their price is insanely ridiculous, and yes I've played many android games in the last couple of years, almost all had cheaper/better ways to handle this !) or reduce how many gems an energy refill cost, because as it is I sincerely think it is not worth it.
  • Free gems - I updated my mine at level 3 (3 x 500 gems to do so, ridiculous) and now gets the enormous gift of 15 "free" gems every day, wow, totally worth it, really..oh yeah...just need to wait 2.67 days before I can buy an energy refill with that, awesome... (?!)
  • Free gems (2) - no advertising to get free gems ? 1 video = 2 gems maybe ? No "free offers by trying other games" ? Nothing... Nothing except the constant popping windows asking me to buy more gems or more energy or more artefact or chances to get awesome champions (which, with my luck with the RNG, would turn out as very bad ones).
  • I opened a ticket a few days after starting playing because on my tablet the game often crashes while trying to start a campaign or dungeon run - of course as the energy is deduced when the run starts loading, once the game crashes and I get back online, I have lost the energy but didn't complete the run. I asked for the bug to be fixed, or for the energy to be deduced once the run is complete, or refunded in case of a failure (like it is for faction crypts). My ticket was simply closed after 2 days, no answer, nothing. It shows how mych plarium likes the players...
  • Silver needed to switch artefacts...really ? So it is not enough that we can fail leveling them (and lose a lot of silvers doing so), and that to find decent pieces of artefact is close to impossible at my level, you also needed to add a cost for just switching armor ? Seriously ?
All those issues are starting to be very frustrating to me and already prevented me from buying more gems (I purchased the daily gem pack a couple of weeks ago, as it was the most interesting price/gems ratio) or let myself be seduced by all the offers I am being spammed with all day long.

In my opinion, if you made some adjustments to most of those points (double or triple the energy cap, give refills for half the gem cost, greatly reduce or remove the cost to switch artefacts) people like myself would be more open to spending money on the game and the experience would be more enjoyable for everyone...

11 июнь 2020, 16:3411.06.20
If you need more NRG in the first 30 days you are doing something wrong. With the level upgrades and daily rewards and weekly rewards there is more energy than time imo. Plus 4 clan boss battles, arena and faction wars... I would ask how many hours you are playing if you are early game and have more time than energy. 
11 июнь 2020, 19:5011.06.20

I need to purposely lose arena matches to complete the daily quest, but the main progression quest is gated by arena victories.

I can't even buy my way out of this roadblock because everyone in the next few tiers complains about the same thing, and why refresh the list for more of the same kind of matches?
11 июнь 2020, 20:2311.06.20
I 100% agree arena is way too hard. But trust me if you are stuck there u r nowhere close to arbiter. Be patient. It took me over 5 months on 1st account. Second account is less than 2 months in and I am stuck needing to reach gold1. I am not close. Mid silver3 is highest I get. I am focusing on farming (hopefully 2x brings me the 4th I need), masteries in mino15 for my CB team (1 member just needs 340 red scrolls for t6) and I need a couple peices of gear to be replaced. Good timing with artifact event. This account is 100% f2p and with a little luck I will be to the relickeeper fusion in a week.
11 июнь 2020, 20:3111.06.20