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Arena suggestion

Arena suggestion

7 июнь 2020, 03:4107.06.20

Arena suggestion

This suggestion is basically to stop (I hope) the whiners in arena this forum :D

This is basically an idea that I got from playing CNC Rivals before. 

Make a cap on every tiers in arena on champion levels and ascension. Let's say:

Bronze: Level 30 and 3 star ascension max.

Silver: level 40 and 4 star ascension max. 

Gold 1 to 3: level 50 and 5 ascension max. 

Gold 4 to Platinum: no cap

This means, if you have 4 max level and asencion champion on defense or offense, or you are downgraded or stuck in bronze, all your champions on offense and defense will be downgraded as per tier cap (only in arena) 

I am also thinking of STATS cap, but not sure if this is fair for everyone

This is just one of my ideas during my toilet time this morning. Any comments and violent reactions are welcome :D

7 июнь 2020, 08:3107.06.20

I don't think restricting in any way active players is the right thing to fix this.

The best and probably the easiest way, in my opinion, is to introduce an activity requirement. 

If you haven't had any activity at Arena in the last two weeks, your defence team should be automatically reduced to just one champion. 

And this should be pretty easy for Plarium to achieve it within a day of work. 

7 июнь 2020, 09:0607.06.20

The thing is, is it really the problem? What if they are actively playing, doing arena missions daily but that's it. They don't want to go up in the higher arena ranks? 

No one can really tell if one is active in arena or not. Do they? 

I believe the problem is psychological. When they see full level and ascencion, they easily think that these teams don't belong to bronze or silver. Without thinking of team synergy and, think that one of them might have no gear. Those who don't have problems with arena right now are the ones who really understands how arena works. 

If you have f2p alt acct, say less than a month old. You will get easily discourage when you see players that are way ahead on progression than you. I don't. But there are players that get easily get frustrated by this. 

Now by having some cap on specific tiers, I think it will make new players feel, "It has cap so I should have a chance to win" 

Daering said:

I don't think restricting in any way active players is the right thing to fix this.

The best and probably the easiest way, in my opinion, is to introduce an activity requirement. 

If you haven't had any activity at Arena in the last two weeks, your defence team should be automatically reduced to just one champion. 

And this should be pretty easy for Plarium to achieve it within a day of work. 

7 июнь 2020, 09:5507.06.20
7 июнь 2020, 10:53(отредактировано)

I think if that's the case as you mentioned - an active player who just doesn't participate in the Arena for any reason, then the "rule of in activity" will apply with the same logic - if you don't care about the arena as a whole, it won't matter to you whether you have one champion in defence or full team.

 And if you still don't want to be active there, but for some reason you want to make it harder for others, then a random battle once a week is all you have to do to make the game count you as active player.

I do not even think that the problem of those who complain is psychological. For me, this is more of a reflection of modern consumer thinking  - I want it easy and I want it fast. 

And I would very much like to emphasize what you said in the middle of your post - those who progress in Arena (and in the game in general), are those who tend to devote time and effort to understanding how Arena works and how to take advantage of it. 

7 июнь 2020, 10:3207.06.20

Your suggested tiers seem pretty far off from the current reality... a team of fully ascended level 50s is currently what you'd face in bronze 2, not in silver and certainly not in gold. Which is the problem obviously. 

And - at least according to the in-game info - there is a system that removes inactive players. But only after a month of zero arena battles. If you do fight a few battles per week, you are counted as inactive enough that you'll get demoted to a lower tier each week, but not inactive enough to ever be removed from the arena entirely. Meaning that you'll drop lower and lower and increasingly get in the way of new players. 

I don't know what either of you are on about with the 'psychological problem' or the 'modern consumer thinking'. The reality is that there is both a temporary problem with a lot of inactive high level accounts dropping into silver and bronze, and a fundamental permanent problem where the average arena team keeps getting stronger as time goes by but new players keep being required to reach the same benchmarks, even if arena isn't exactly their main focus in the game and they don't have the ambition to reach plat. 

Adjusting the rules for inactive players could help but in the end the changes will need to go further than that if they want to keep attracting new players. Basically the great hall updates and progress missions need to become more accessible again, even to people who don't have what it takes to get to gold 4 as it currently exists.
7 июнь 2020, 10:4007.06.20

I want to add here, that this suggestion "can lessen" the p2w aspect in low tier arena. Imagine a new player / new account, will buy gems, brews, chickens, shards, so easy 6 star and ascension for them. And they will be matched with players in low tier arena with non ascended 3-4 star only champions because they still can not do high stages of dungeon keeps. 

If they want to fully maximize the stats/skills of their champions in arena, they have to climb up in the rankings. 

Again, I want to emphasize that my suggestion on affects arena. They still can utilize the full advatages of being p2w in pve. 

7 июнь 2020, 11:5607.06.20

L9753 said:

  The reality is that there is both a temporary problem with a lot of inactive high level accounts dropping into silver and bronze, and a fundamental permanent problem where the average arena team keeps getting stronger as time goes by but new players keep being required to reach the same benchmarks, even if arena isn't exactly their main focus in the game and they don't have the ambition to reach plat. 

Yes, both mentioned problems exist and they will deepen more and more if no measures are taken. I think that's a common opinion among the players and no one is denying it. 

This is also the reason why there are so many posts with complaints and so many suggestions on how to fix this. 

In the meantime, the game continues, with or without our participation. 

7 июнь 2020, 23:5507.06.20

For now, I cannot get past bronze 3.  Since, I cant change the game I am going with the flow.  I collect as many bronze rewards as I can and use them in the great hall.  Worst case, I will collect 12,000 reward points and have every affinity and skill up to level 3.  Until Plarium changes the arena take a long term view and make the best of it.  But dont give up complaining.  Plarium will listen, sooner or later. 

The adversity is making me better at choosing which opponents I can beat and which to avoid.  My team is about 45k and I can beat some teams at 60k.  But a single 6* full ascended at 20k or less is usually a trap and I lose. 

If you spend 3-4 hours a day playing, set a timer for every 15 mins.  Check arena and you can often find a weak team you can beat. 
9 июнь 2020, 00:4409.06.20
9 июнь 2020, 15:20(отредактировано)

I have played CNC Rivals for a long while.

I will say from a PVP stand point - What JoinMe is saying can help in Arena.

In the game CNC Rivals, They have 13 different Arena Tiers.

Each Unit in that game can only go as high as level 15.

Level 1 is the lowest unit amount.

Level 15 is the highest unit amount.

The game made set limits to stop PVP Abuse.

The game made set limits to prevent player Bullying.

Let me give you an example.

A player would play the game for 1 year + spend couple hundred dollars on the game.

They would make there units level 15 (Max Level).

They would than drop all the way down to beginner tier mode.

All the beginners - Newly Joining Players - Would start the game with level 1 units.

These players with level 15 units would begin trying to stomp on new players to make them quit.

They are not inactive players.

They are active players with evil intentions to abuse & bully beginners into quitting.

There bullying makes them feel powerful & happy.

This is why the game made max set limits.

The set limit for beginner tier mode would be lets say level 2.

This means if a player decided to drop down to bully on a beginner with level 15 units.

The level 15 units wouldn't show up in the fight!

In the fight, The unit would turn into its level 2 form.

It would have the stats a level 2 unit would have.

This gives the Beginner a chance to win.

A beginner starts off with level 1 units.

A beginner could getting there units to level 2.

This would allow the fight to be more of a skillful battle vs. overpowered/ over leveled battled

Now in Raid - People are complaining because they say they are fighting against teams with level 60 max out legendries.

They don't have a team fully level 60.

They are upset - They think something is wrong.

If the game made a set limit, A player with a level 60 team.

They wouldn't go into the fight fully level 60.

They would show up as level 35 or something.

There gear could only be +10.

The point is Raid has done nothing to stop players from being Evil.

A player in Platinum with a team 300k power.

Can De-level themselves to Bronze to fight vs. players with 30k power.

Nothing is stopping them from doing it.

The only reason most players from higher Arena Tiers don't go to lower Arena Tiers is because of Medals.

A Bronze medal isn't as good as a Gold medal.

Gold medals will help you upgrade your Great Hall better.

BUT a bully doesn't care about medals.

They only care about there ego.

They only care about how powerful they are at destroying weaker players in arena