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5 июнь 2020, 10:3905.06.20


I have done research and Shieldguard is supposed to be able to become a good farmer.  Does he have to be 5* or 6*.  What gear?  Are any masteries necessary.  If he can farm brutal 12.3 in a minute or less, I am very happy. 

I am having problems with Kael as a farmer.  He can only get to 8.5 in brutal.  So I am going to rebuild him for dragon's.  That way he can farm 6* gear for me. 
5 июнь 2020, 10:5805.06.20
5 июнь 2020, 11:00(отредактировано)


Kael should be able to farm on 12-3, i never got him past 5* but still he should be doing it in under a minute.

Shieldguard doesn't have the affinity bonus but should still be okay to farm, my Shieldguard is only 5* (~1700 def, 85%CR, 90%CD, 140+ spd & 23k hp), he has half masteries in offense & support, and i have him in reflex and he just made it through solo in 45 seconds (but only tiny hp left). So at 6* it should be easy.

Hope this helps.

5 июнь 2020, 15:5105.06.20
You might be having affinity problems on 8. Or your gear is just wrong. Or masteries. Or both. Post screenshot of both. Kael at 60 can do 12.3 under 30 seconds with average gear.
5 июнь 2020, 18:2505.06.20

Shieldguard can be a good farmer IF you got the gear to make him one. If your Kael can't do it now, it'd be much more difficult for you to get Shieldguard to do better.

Trips is right, if you can show us your gear and masteries we can help you find out what to improve. :)
5 июнь 2020, 21:4005.06.20
Imho, Kael is too squishy for an early game farmer.  In my first few months of this game, I always have problems keeping Kael alive even with life steal gear. I build Shieldguard as a farmer and it worked for me better than Kael. He is a lot easier to build as a farmer than Kael. 
6 июнь 2020, 02:2806.06.20

Trips said:

You might be having affinity problems on 8. Or your gear is just wrong. Or masteries. Or both. Post screenshot of both. Kael at 60 can do 12.3 under 30 seconds with average gear.

I am having affinity problems on 8. 

Do you want me to write out details on the gear?  I have % gear for the last three. 
6 июнь 2020, 04:0206.06.20

1. Way too slow

2. You have no attack? 

3. The masteries don't look ideal either. I will have to get on pc tomorrow and post mine

I am not trying to be rude but the stats are horrible. 
6 июнь 2020, 04:4206.06.20
You are not being rude.  The only way that I learn is for others to critque what I have done.  I have a problem with gear.  I choose the main stat but whatever shows up in the sub stats is RNG.  I dont have enough silver to go through several similar pieces of gear looking for ideal sub stats. 
6 июнь 2020, 09:0106.06.20

I'd have to agree with Trips, the main issues are speed and low base attack. Accuracy is also low but not sure how high it really needs to be for campaign, probably not very.  

Of course, part of the problem is you don't have an amulet nor a banner. You might want to do some runs on spider, even if it's only stage 6-7 or so, until you get at least one amulet. Doesn't even matter for now if it's a good one, anything will be better than nothing. 

Secondly, a lot of your pieces are common - honestly, 4 star epic pieces like the ones from login rewards might be better than 5 star common, on the whole, you'd have to compare case by case. If you have crit rate gloves, you should be able to get enough crit rate without needing a set bonus, so you can get a speed set bonus instead. 

And last but not least, yes, chapter 8 is bad affinity for Kael - so skip it and try farming higher stages with better affinity. 12.3 has a perfect affinity matchup for Kael and the other starter champions. Though you will indeed need higher speed and attack for it. 

6 июнь 2020, 10:4106.06.20

I agree with what everyone has said. 

Are your boots, chestplate and gauntlets flat values on their main stat? If they are you should definitely change to % stats. 

I checked with my Kael and I have just under 2000 attack, 156 speed, 1500 def and the same hp as you. I only have 28% crit rate but managed to get through in 1m5s. So your stats are not too far from being able to do this. 

If you don't have any other life steal gear you can get some decent gear from dragon dungeon. Or if you can get an amulet or banner from spider that would help too. 

Honestly though you are not too far from being able to farm 12-3. 

Good luck pal

6 июнь 2020, 21:5306.06.20

Boots, chestplate and gauntlets are all %.  I will keep farming the stages of brutal that I can win to get 5* gear.  I will try spider and dragon.  I recently changed to lifesteal.  It made a big difference. 

Can I get comments on Kael masteries.  I dont understand masteries and set them up based on info from a gaming website. 

Thanks everyone. 

7 июнь 2020, 02:5407.06.20
7 июнь 2020, 03:03(отредактировано)

Do not farm for gear in campaign. Farm dragon or golem. 

Masteries actually look fine for farming 

7 июнь 2020, 03:0907.06.20
4* rare or epic gear will better with good substats then the uncommon gear 
8 июнь 2020, 00:1408.06.20

Thanks for all the suggestions.  I am stuck at dragon 9 and spiders 6.  I have problems with affinity and still working on my team synergy. 

Thats why I will build Shieldguard as my farmer.  I will take him to 6* with the best gear I can find.  I wont ascend or book him.  Worst case, I will team him with another player than overcomes his weaknesses.  I can only drag 2 feeders at a time but I can do brutal 12.3 that way. 

Then I can build Kael for dungeons which allows me to get to quality 6* gear.  I have Apo, HK, Warpriest, Warmaiden, Athel.  I should be able to build a team out of that core that can get me to 13-14 in dungeons. 

I love a challenge and this is a good way to learn the game.  Plus the forums are great with experienced people willing to share their knowledge.     

8 июнь 2020, 00:2908.06.20
8 июнь 2020, 00:31(отредактировано)

I think building shieldguard is a horrible idea

You are building a bigger hole

8 июнь 2020, 00:4408.06.20
All of the suggestions are to NOT build shieldguard lol. I would upgrade apothecary. It is an easy choice for you. He will improve every team. 
8 июнь 2020, 02:4608.06.20

Good news.  I got my first 2 million against CB in normal. 

I three starred brutal.  Kael can run 12.3 alone in 26 seconds.  I upgraded his attack and speed like you suggested.  I increased his resist in the great hall to overcome his affinity issues.  I teamed him with Apo or HK.  HK speed aura got us thru a few places.  Apo helped get us thru others.  I switched leaders if we had a loss.  It reminds me of Johnny Cash and his 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 automobile.  Its bailing wire and duct tape but it worked. 

I could not have done it without the help from all of you.  If I had video you could have seen a 72 year old man happy dance.   lol

Next project dragons 13. 

8 июнь 2020, 07:0008.06.20

I cleared dragon 12 but got stopped at 13.  Will HK and Athel have enough continuing value to merit taking them to 6*.  They are at 5-50 now.  I think I need a little extra power to beat dragon 13.  Comments? 

Using Apo, Kael, Warpriest, HK, Athel. 
8 июнь 2020, 07:0508.06.20

With all the complains resently, seeing how someone actually makes an effort with what they have at their disposal without seeking justification for their failures is refreshing. 

GL man, you have long way ahead, but you make your first steps. 

8 июнь 2020, 07:1108.06.20
ClosedPoly said:

I cleared dragon 12 but got stopped at 13.  Will HK and Athel have enough continuing value to merit taking them to 6*.  They are at 5-50 now.  I think I need a little extra power to beat dragon 13.  Comments? 

Using Apo, Kael, Warpriest, HK, Athel. 
If you can show us screenshot of your roster this may prevent us from giving wrong suggestions based on that limited info we have.