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I need help making a good team for dungeons

I need help making a good team for dungeons

4 июнь 2020, 21:0404.06.20

I need help making a good team for dungeons

Hey guys,

I've been playing this game for some time now and I need help to progress in dungeons so I can get better artifacts.

Could you help me build a decent teams out of the champions I've got. I struggle the most on Fire Knight and Spider's den but feel free to suggest teams for the other 2 dungeons aswell :) Also what artifact sets should I build on them and who to 6-star.


I know it's not the best collection, I haven't had luck with the shards :) but it's all I got for now.

4 июнь 2020, 22:2504.06.20

You don't mention how far you are currently with the dungeons, I'm guessing something 12-14 like on most, bit less for FK and 8-10 for spider? 

For FK, there are three main criteria (besides simply enough survivability and ability to clear the waves): multiple hit attacks to take down the shield, heal reduction and turn meter reduction to keep him from healing back up and delaying the return of the shield. Lightsworn will help, you could also consider developing Athel or Coffin Smasher - the latter is also very good for Clan Boss. Armiger (yes, the uncommon) could possibly help with turn meter reduction - also on spider. Juliana maybe, with a 2-hit A1 and poison/hp burn on the others. You lack good heal reduction options though - only an unreliable one on Kallia's A2 which probably isn't enough reason to bring her. 

For spider, at least at low-mid levels, it's all about AOEs on the spiderlings and if possible turn meter reduction on the spider. Bellower would be good here since all his attacks are AOEs. Kael and Warmaiden obviously, HK for aura, maybe Dark Elhain or Athel. 

For dragon you should have better champions - poison works well there, so I'd suggest FB or Juliana in addition to Kael, Warmaiden, HK and somebody for support - not sure if Roshcard, Mistress of Hymns, Spirithost or Doompriest is better for that, they all have their advantages.

Royal Guard will be great on higher stages because of his attack based on enemy max HP, but probably won't do you much good yet now. 

4 июнь 2020, 23:1104.06.20

Hey there,

I'm actually lower than that. I'm on Stage 11 on Dragon and Ice Golem, 7 on FK and 6 on Spider.
Yeah, I'm working on leveling Athel and Coffin Smasher, i just recently got them.

Anyway Thank you for your advices, it means alot.

7 июнь 2020, 16:2207.06.20
I would stop working on athel. I actually think doompriest will help you in dungeons most. And she does not require books
7 июнь 2020, 16:2507.06.20

Kael is your only 60. Which is a good Choice. Do not invest in the other starters. You need support. 


1. Farm brutal 12.3 with kael. If you can't fix his gear and do masteries w 800 gems

2. Farm food. You can't progress far in dungeons or arena without more 60s

3. Farm dragon for better gear

4. Work on arena team

5. Clan boss team
7 июнь 2020, 16:3007.06.20

An interesting arena team would be HK doompriest warmaiden kael

I would 6star tower first. Doompriest should be helpful in dungeons even at 5star

7 июнь 2020, 23:3707.06.20
Trips said:

An interesting arena team would be HK doompriest warmaiden kael

I would 6star tower first. Doompriest should be helpful in dungeons even at 5star

Is warmaiden worth 6 stars? 
7 июнь 2020, 23:5407.06.20
Warmaiden is depending on who else u have