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Why Plarium will not be getting any real money from me

Why Plarium will not be getting any real money from me

4 июнь 2020, 19:2004.06.20

Why Plarium will not be getting any real money from me

Today I had an issue where an epic shield was destroyed instead of being moved to storage.  I sent a message to technical support.  I received two automated replies.  The second one contained this little tidbit:

We also don't give compensations on a case-by-case basis. 

I find this offensive. I realize that the game is mostly free and I'm not out any real money.  But, the company loses absolutely NOTHING by restoring the destroyed shield...except my willingness to purchase anything from them.   Other companies do restore lost items, especially when the loss is not the player's fault.  This is a bad decision on the company's part.

I'm posting this here as a warning to all - this company obviously does not care about customer satisfaction, game issues, bugs, or anything of the like.  They apparently just want your money.

4 июнь 2020, 22:4204.06.20

Hi. Thank you for your feedback. I will forward it to CMs.

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