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Serris, Miscreated Monster, Sinesha, Khatun, Skullcrusher, Maulie or Lightsworn ??

Serris, Miscreated Monster, Sinesha, Khatun, Skullcrusher, Maulie or Lightsworn ??

3 июнь 2020, 08:1603.06.20

Serris, Miscreated Monster, Sinesha, Khatun, Skullcrusher, Maulie or Lightsworn ??

Hi Guys,

It's time for me to up my 4th 60 Champion.

The 3 fisrt ones are: Dracomorph, Apothecary and Kael (each of them fully ascended and with all masteries).

For the 4th lvl 60 I was initially thinking about High Khatun for her Aura speed that would help in Arena.

However her skills would be close than Apothecary who has healing but who is less interesting in terms of speed control.

My other options, as indicated in the title, are:

  • Mme Serris: Incredible Debuff abilities
  • Miscreated Monster:
  • Sinesha:
  • Skullcrusher: Usefull CA
  • Maulie: Top Provoke and Revive
  • Lightsworn: 

Among the other useful champions I have: Coldheart, Frozen Banshee (could be good for clan boss), Exemplar, RelickKeeper, Lua, Towering Titan, Yaga, Warmaiden, DoomScreech, Coffin smasher ...

My objectives are to reach Silver I Arena, to improve my clan boss damage and get higher levels in dungeons ( Right now Dragon 16, Spider 10, Fire Knight 9, Ice Golem 14 and Minotaur 14 ...)

What order would you chose?

Thank you for your help

3 июнь 2020, 09:0103.06.20

Skullcrusher would be the easiest answer if you want to progress in CB.

If you want to work on dungeons, work on Miscreated Monster or Maulie.

3 июнь 2020, 09:2703.06.20
3 июнь 2020, 09:36(отредактировано)

Man, one thing is for sure - you have good roster and multiple good choices. You probably will get many suggestions here and they all will be viable.

Serris is a beast, maybe one of your better choice here. but you already have AoE Decrease Defense and Weaken, so if you want some extra CC in dungeons... may be. But it wouldn't be my personal choice at that moment. 

Sinesha can be either good damage dealer or off healer support, but you have good flash heal and speed buff from Apo and you have strong damage from Draco and Kael (poison and raw damage).

Lightsworn offers some good utilities and can be good choice, but i doubt he can boost your overall progress much. He will help, sure, but can't do it by large margin.

Coldheart - you need some serious babysitting before you can rely on her. You will get her to 6/60 for sure at some point, but now she will give you not much of a boost by herself.

Yaga, Warmaiden, RelickKeeper, DoomScreech - pretend they don't exist. They are either mediocre, too situational or you have better substitute of them.

Coffin smasher - good addition to your CB team and FK dungeon, cheap to build, but since you want someone that will add to your overall progress, he can't be your default choice just now. If CB is your high priority area, then you can consider him, but.. i don't know, not enough overall value.

Maulie - will bring valuable utilities for dungeons and Arena. Good choice, but maybe not the best here.

Skullcrusher - it my seem strange i will not suggest him as CA champion right away, but i think you have better option at this stage. Still, he is your second best choice i think. You can't go wrong with him, but i think there is one champ here, who is slightly better than him in terms of most overall progress value. 

My personal choice here would be MM. You already have AoE Decrease Defense and Weaken, Speed buff and Heal support, very good damage output (poison and pure damage) and MM will be that one guy that will carry you through the Dungeon content and NM campaign like a Boss! Maybe he can be viable option in your Arena too, for extra protection and CC, so the other can survive longer and deal with the enemy. But in dungeons he will bring so much value and you will see significant progress there. And higher stage Dungeons will give you better equipment to boost your Arena and CB performance until you start to work specifically for that content.

If that was my account and overall progress is my current goal, he will be my default choice.

3 июнь 2020, 10:1403.06.20


Thank you for your fast and detailed answer!

So you would chose MM over Khatun too?

3 июнь 2020, 11:1103.06.20
3 июнь 2020, 11:25(отредактировано)

Yothope said:


Thank you for your fast and detailed answer!

So you would chose MM over Khatun too?


Definately. I havn't got MM but I would like to. He is really a great carrier through almost all of the game content if not all content. Get him right equipped and your opponents will flee. ;-)

If you want to push your CB dmg at first prio then Skullcrusher would imho be the best choice, but user Dearing told you already everything necessary.

Remember that your champs need to get booked to release all their power and best skills, though not every champ needs to get booked. Skullcrushers ca skill needs to get booked to decrease the cd to 3.
3 июнь 2020, 12:2903.06.20
3 июнь 2020, 12:43(отредактировано)

Yothope said:


Thank you for your fast and detailed answer!

So you would chose MM over Khatun too?


Khatun is somehow underrated among player base for some reason, but she can be good choice for the content she is supposed to be used. I still can't replace her in my second account CB speed team as leader, no matter with whom i tried to replace her. Maybe its just my roster and my set up, but no matter how good damage dealer or support champ i have tried to introduce there, they can't beat that speed aura and speed buff. Don't take that as set in stone, that is just my personal subjective experience, just wanted to share it to reinforce my point that she has value despite her users score.

And she is still leader for my Arena team for several months in G4 (I am about two keys from getting Arbiter. Damn that Spider 19 Force Affinity :)) Oh, btw, MM is the sole reason i was able to beat that Spider 19 and then run through 20 like piece of cake. I have got that ugly guy some weeks ago and i was like: "Nice, at last! Here is my second Lego for that account!" As i used to say, i consider him of legendary quality kit and stats wise, he just use epic books instead :)

The thing is - for you at this point Khatun can be good choice (as Maule and Skullcrusher), but MM for your dungeon progression and overall account value will be your "best bang for the bucks" (i thing this is how they put that in English).

3 июнь 2020, 15:1303.06.20

1. MM

2. SC

4 июнь 2020, 20:4904.06.20

I just realized that this will make my four 60 champions to be blue only ... not very  good :/

5 июнь 2020, 05:2605.06.20

You will have so much fun with Spider 19  :)

And still MM is your best bet there. 
5 июнь 2020, 06:5605.06.20
Skullcrusher. Then next Miscreated Monster. 
7 июнь 2020, 05:5507.06.20

Hi there,

MM is indeed a great champion.

I added him in my Arena Team: Apothecary, Dracomorph, MM and Kael.

The funny thing is that after a while I changed Dracomorph by Madam Serris.

Her remove adversaries buff ability is just priceless and I have got Kael for AoE.

It is a shame to have Dracomorph and not use him in the Arena.

He is great though in many other battles and in particular the clan boss.

So for the next 60 it will be either Skullcrusher or Mme Serris
7 июнь 2020, 13:2907.06.20
All blue can be good. Magic resistance in GH will help arena