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New player hitting the wall. Is this for real?

New player hitting the wall. Is this for real?

3 июнь 2020, 03:5403.06.20

New player hitting the wall. Is this for real?

Hey everyone!

I don't want this to be just another person complaining about the game, but I want to makes sure I'm not missing something. The way forward just seems crazy. 

I'm 42 days and roughly $100 into the game. Not much, relative to many, but I've put enough time in that I don't want to just quit. At level 54, the only legendary I've pulled is Queen Eva, but outside of farming and low-mid spiders, she doesn't seem to help. I've pulled two epics that are very good, in Skullcrown and Sepulcher Sentinel, but I have 11 in the vault that aren't useful. Arena is awful, and missions tied to it are a real chore. 

I'm just about to hit the "Upgrade 2 Great Hall Bonuses to Level 4" mission, as I'm stuck in Silver II and surrounded by teams that far outclass mine. I'm running Skullcrown (L), Kael, Warmaiden, and Diabolist. Damn near all the teams around me are sporting multiple legendaries and epics, and it takes multiple free refreshes to find a team I'm sure to beat. Upgrading a single bonus from 3 to 4 was a slog, and upgrading my two other level two 2's to 4 will be terrible. Roughly 1085 silver medals, earning about 20 per day? Nearly two months of consistent gameplay to accomplish that? Really? I'm aware that there are much harder missions later on, too.

In any of the dungeons, level 12 or 13 is the farthest I can make it, so farming is a real grind. I put insane amounts of time into Diablo II, running tens of thousands of Mephisto, Diablo, and Baal runs, so the grind isn't unwelcome or unexpected. But, I'm at a place where the good drops are so infrequent I can usually only count on 1 or 2 gear improvements per day. But, if I grind for gear, I'm not farming to boost champs.

Long story short, I really enjoyed the game until now, but I'm stuck with a relatively barren champion collection, can't move forward in the missions for a couple months, can't effectively farm valuable/worthwhile dungeons for gear, and don't have much to offer any clan that would get me access to better CB drops. 

If I can't gain additional shards or gear, what do I do? Just sit around waiting for daily login shards to come around? Is pouring significant $$$ into the game the only real option? That's not going to happen, because I'd probably just pull more junk with any shards I bought. 

I'd love some advice! 

I'll just be over here trying to boost Frozen Banshee, Armiger, and Coffin Smasher, because they're basically the only champions I have left that aren't food quality. 

3 июнь 2020, 04:0303.06.20
This is my 31st day.  The only advice I can offer you is to post pics of all your players and some of the more experienced players will offer advice how to gear them and team them so you get better results.  There are a lot of experienced players here who are willing to help. 
3 июнь 2020, 04:0903.06.20

Thank you for the post!

I've followed Hell Hades and his gearing tips religiously, so while there are probably tweaks I can make, I think I'm on solid footing. I haven't had an overabundance of champions that are even worth gearing, so I guess that helps, too. 

But, we'll see if there are any other tips given, before I do that. I appreciate it!

3 июнь 2020, 08:5803.06.20

Try working on your CB team for now imo, that's where you'd be getting your early resources (gear, potions, sometimes some shards and books).

As for arena, running the usual speed nuke comp would be the easiest to work on. You got Skullcrown, so getting to Gold shouldn't be a problem. If you post your roster here we can suggest comps.

3 июнь 2020, 17:1203.06.20
3 июнь 2020, 17:12(отредактировано)

First of all, I have good news for you: when the mission says upgrade 2 GH bonuses to level 4, it means 2 total, including the one you already have. You should see once you actually access the mission that it immediately registers 1 of the 2 as done. Of course, you will later reach far more demanding progress missions requiring several thousand gold medals, so progress in arena remains imperative regardless. 

I would also add, to progress in arena you need to take some risks and also attack teams that, at first sight, look quite tough to beat. You probably shouldn't be like me and attack even ultra-powerful teams just for fun and to see how they work, but try some for which you see a small chance to win. You'll certainly lose some of those fights but you'll also win some and in some of the losses, you may be able to spot an alternative tactic that could grant you victory in a rematch (assuming you have some back-up options for your arena team, which if you don't, you should). And in any case it will help your tactical skill and your ability to assess opponent teams. 

Regarding farming, I wouldn't recommend large-scale farming of dungeons at stage 12-13, except maybe during events. You should still be farming food to bring additional champions to level 60 - once you have enough level 60s to work with, you should be able to run dungeons a coupe of stages further (generally stage 16 is where farming starts to be good, partially because from then onwards you can no longer get lame XP brews as reward). You say you have 11 epics in the vault doing nothing - almost certainly, at least some of them could make a difference in at least some dungeons, and possibly some of your rares could too. Also important is getting to the point where you can reliably run minotaur 15, to farm masteries for your main champions, which can make a big difference especially for Clan Boss. 

Because as LXZY said, CB is very, very important and you should always be going for the best chest you can obtain every single day. If you're stuck in a clan where the boss you need isn't open, or open but not getting killed, change clans. 

3 июнь 2020, 19:0103.06.20
Banshee coffinsmasher and armiger are all 60 worthy for f2p. 
3 июнь 2020, 19:0203.06.20
Actually I'd say 60 worthy for anyone. 
3 июнь 2020, 19:0903.06.20
Also I would think queen eva would work well for you in arena?