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Champs that need buffs - Basilisk!

Champs that need buffs - Basilisk!

1 июнь 2020, 07:3201.06.20

Champs that need buffs - Basilisk!

Hi All,

I think one of the champs that could really do with a buff is Basilisk. 

He is good to compare against Skullcrown as their abilities are similar, AoE A1, block death/self res on A3. Skullcrown is so much more powerful it is ridiculous. I appreciate she is void affinity and therefore rarer but still the difference is huge. Her A1 multiplies better, she has the AoE on her A2 and she block death while Basilisk is revived resetting his turn meter. Not to mention her base attack is much better too.

Even comparing Basilisk to a rare champ like Bellower he is out performed in my opinion. Basilisk has better base stats but Bellower has better mulitpliers across his 3 AoE attacks than Basilisk does on his only AoE. Bellower also has good (not great) debuffs linked to his attacks. 

I was thinking about what could make him better, rather than increasing his attack power or multipliers it would be good to see a passive skill like block buffs that activates each turn on a 1 turn col down. Or even a block buffs for 2-3 turns on his A3. 

What do people think, any thoughts on how to make Basilisk better or other champs that you would like to see buffed?
2 июнь 2020, 11:2102.06.20


Thank you for your suggestion. :)