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Need help with clanboss team. Experience with Lanakis the Chosen?

Need help with clanboss team. Experience with Lanakis the Chosen?

28 май 2020, 12:1528.05.20

Need help with clanboss team. Experience with Lanakis the Chosen?

Hi all!

I just got Lanakis from a clanboss sacred shard :-). After 4 months my first good champ i get

So maybe u have experience with her in clanboss or other oareas of the game.

My problem is, i plkay this game now for a while and i dont get a counter attacker, so maybe lanakis could be good in clanboss for me.

My actual clanboss team is: jareg, bad el kazar, netrhil, rhazin and septimus.

other champs i could fill in my clanbossteam are: rotos, dutchess lilitu, arbiter, apotheker....maybe peydma, maneater, crimson helm, painkeeper....dunno

all other champs i have are not so good at clanboss

so maybe anyone of u have a idea which teamcombo can be good and if lanakis fills a part in my team.

Thx for ur help!

28 май 2020, 13:0328.05.20
28 май 2020, 13:07(отредактировано)

Ok, let me see if i got this right. You have Rotos, Lilitu, Arbiter, Rhazin, Nethril, BEK and some really good epics and you considered Lanakis as your "first good champion"? I bet it something to do with my bad English, maybe i misread that part.

I am sure you will max her anyway, because, yes, she is good, that one is for sure, but about your question can she fits in your CB team, my uneducated answer is... maybe. Depends of the way you set up your team. If you have your team in speed tune set up, she will mess thing up, But my guess is you didn't set them in strict turn order and speed tune, but it is all about max your damage until CB wipe you. In this case Lanakis can take Nethril's place. Why i think so:

1. You can't remove Jareg, he is the one with Atk Debuff and Ally Protection,

2. You can't remove Rhazin, since he is the one with Defense Debuff and Weaken, And eventually for removing CB buff when under 50% HP.

3. You can't remove Septimus, since he adds too much value to your overall damage and he backs up Jareg, because Jareg can't keep up that Attack Debuff all the time by himself. Same for Weaken and Defense Debuff from Rhazin.

4. You probably can't remove BEK, because you rely on him as much as damage dealer as healer.

5. Nethril seems like the one you can replaced without losing important utility.

But can Lanakis  turn meter and Rally skill can make huge difference for you... that one is up to you to test.

28 май 2020, 13:2528.05.20

As I read your post I thought, "What!! "your first good champ?" I have been playing for 6mo now and don't have any of those champs you listed. (probably cause I'm F2P)

Since I never met any of your champs I can't provide much help with your CB team make up, but Daering broke it down nicely. 

I just broke 3M on Normal with the help of my newly acquired Bulwark, and beefing up my O. Brawler.

Had to throw my 2¢ in.......Good Luck to you Gerkules

28 май 2020, 13:4128.05.20

Hi all! U understand me wrong.

All champs i listet here i got before....i play now since nearly one year.....and all champs i got before.....the last 4 months i geth nothing...no good epic no legandary (except fusions)...thats what i mean

i was so bored that i was thinking about quitting.....i have all missions, my dungeons teams are good.

bur now i have a champ i can play a bit with it

nightmare i need 2 keys

ultra nightmare 4 keys

to my clanbossteam: Jareg i cant replace only options i have are peydma, maneater or stagg knight, but i think they are not so good as jareg and they are not at 60

bad el is also fix....i need his heal because i have noone except him in  a lifesteal set

netrhil is my poisoner and one of best...he makes 1/2 or more of my clanbossdamage

maybe i can replace rhazin or septimus...dunno

or i replace jareg and make the first  rounds mass damage i dunno

i tried it nightmare without a att down champ ...other champs with good damage and i made more than 30 mille damage....so i dunno, but i think lanakis could fit my team....maybe in combo with dutchess