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Which of My Rares are Worth Keeping and Using, or Having for Lunch?

Which of My Rares are Worth Keeping and Using, or Having for Lunch?

27 май 2020, 19:4827.05.20

Which of My Rares are Worth Keeping and Using, or Having for Lunch?

Hello Fellow Raid-ers (Pun Intended)

I have a bunch of Rares at lvl 30, without any gear, and never really used. 

So, I am wondering if you OG's can shed some light on which ones are worth me keeping and building up, or just get them to 4* and use to get more 5* champs. I am sure there are some gems that are useful in certain situations. 

I have read that I should keep all Rares incase there is a fusion I might want in the future, but so far I can't see myself getting them to a certain rank/lvl with full ascension in order to use for the fusion. I'm F2P, so I rather spend those resources on champs I will really use. (Oh, side question...can you do part of the fusion to just get one of the second level champs?)

If you could include what is special about them, and where you would use them. 

I understand the importance of the other champs on the team, so if needed I can add my higher level champs.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

27 май 2020, 20:3027.05.20

Wow, that's a lot of level 30s that you'll never use... to be clear, when people talk about keeping rares for a fusion, they mean at level 1 and unascended, not to be developed until such a fusion actually takes place. There's really no reason to level champions to 30 if you're neither going to use them in battles nor in a fusion (yet) nor as food. Unless maybe it's for a champion training event or something. 

I don't see the really gamechanging rares - Apothecary, Coldheart, Bellower, Frozen Banshee, Paragon (only for a few very specific things in his case) and the uncommon Armiger. Nor other very strong ones like Soulbond Bowyer, Fellhound, Pain Keeper, Reliquary Tender, Seducer. You do have Grappler and Bulwark who are good, but already working on those it seems. 

Assuming you already have epics/legendaries for your main teams, I'm afraid basically all of these, except Bulwark and Grappler, will be of use only in faction wars or for fusions. 
28 май 2020, 05:1728.05.20

@L9753....I have most of these in storage also.  I have been using extra dups to ascend them but not level them up.  Is that OK?

I doubt I will do any fusion because it requires something I dont have and will need to be lucky to get in a shard drop.  I hold onto them because its like with Armiger.  No one mentioned him until a few days ago.  I hate to get rid of something and then find out its a perfect fit for some task.  A few of them have great auras that might be worth using them.     
28 май 2020, 08:4528.05.20
28 май 2020, 09:09(отредактировано)

I hope you leveled them during training event. :)

About your question is there someone that is useful, where and why - Bulwark mostly. He is Void, Defense based champion, he has defense aura (it was 17% or something and for all battles i think), single target damage dealer, can apply [Weaken] debuff (the lesser one), can apply HP Burn and has really good passive, that has chance to extend duration on enemy debuffs for one extra turn when he is hit. That makes him really good for Early/Mid Clan Boss and make him sux everywhere else. He can be good or excellent addition to your team, depends of what you already have. Or may not fit well, it all depends where are you and what you run on CB. Use this info for general purpose and see if he can be of any use to you.

Now, there are couple of things you can do at this point to make some use of that situation about your rares.

Check the Rhazin fusion, get any rare that is part of that fusion and finish them to 4/40. Better do this when there is a training event. If you can fuse some of the epics there, don't do it right away, (unless you really want to use then right away). Wait for summon event to take place (not the Summon Rush, but the other one, that will give you points based on the rarity of the pulled champions). If you don't plan to use them and you can't fuse Rhazin at the moment, there is no point to fuse them outside that Summon Event. At some point you will start to work on those epics (preferably when there is a Training event running) and you will pull Rhazin when there is a Summon Event. You are f2p player as I am, so... "This is the Way".

Do the same for Relic Keeper fusion if you haven't done it already. You will have to do it anyway.

Keep the void rares.

If you have dups rare, one that is already 3/30 and other that is "fresh" and unleveled and they are not part of these permanent fusion, you can do two things.

*You can keep the leveled one and use the other as regular food. It may be taxing to keep leveled rares unused in Vault, especially when you are f2p and relatively early in the game, but this is the only way to give yourself chance to get something from some of the next fusions. It may not be enough for the fusion itself, but you can get good Epic (to answer your question - yes, you can and if you can - you should). When you are not willing to invest money, you have to invest what you have, in this case it will be your time, efforts and in some sense certain inconvenience.

*Or you can keep the fresh one in your Vault and use those already leveled as base for 4^ food. From your current stage perspective this seems better use of that energy already used. I can't get the whole picture where are you in game in term of progress, but seems to me that you really can use that already spent energy to boost our next 6*.

Don't run Mino with random champions unless you are absolutely certain you will use them. This can turn into a big waste of energy if you don't do it right. You don't want to see those red dots all over your roster. :) This is not good. Every red dots means there is a kitty lying dead somewhere.

Keep your wallet safe and you will be fine.

28 май 2020, 15:3928.05.20

If you include a picture of your entire champion pool, that helps us know where some of your rares can fill needed roles. Absolutely keep the heroes you are going to use for fusions. Justicar is a no-brainer for the relic keeper fusion. The rhazin fusion champs also should be kept. Everything else you should use as food (everything that's also 3 stars, level 30, bump to 4 stars, level 1 and use as food for a 4/40). 

If you are a low spender, you can't avoid some losses on borderline use champs, because you need the food for champs you'll use everywhere. I have spent $40 on the game, and about 110 days in, I'm getting my arbiter. I really only have about 8 champs I use. 

Here's what you need to succeed: 

-campaign farmer (5-8 seconds on auto or a1 clicks...i use soulbond, which is annoying because you have to click the enemies to ensure a1 everytime, but it's a 7 second farm)

-cb team (debuffers: atk down, def down, poison... buffers: speed up, def up, shields...) and get masteries on all of these guys...ideally warmaster or giant slayer so you get in the big hits, but you can run def and support trees on one character if he's a damage soaker

-dragon team -- this is the only dungeon that matters for now. Once you get some sick gear, you can expand into the other dungeons...prioritize spider so you can get some decent accessories for your core champs

-arena team -- this is more a function of time than specific heroes. You need a team that is either fast or very survivable. Survivable may actually be just as good for defense, because on offense, you'll be targeting the easy teams only. Get those great hall bonuses!

28 май 2020, 16:0028.05.20
I was going to ask a similar question, but in a more generic way. I have several rares that are considered "good" but not great that i used to use and no longer use and i was thinking about using for rank up food. I am trying to make my first 6 start and already have a group of 4s and 5s, but i have some 3s such as warpriest that are lv 30 that I'm thinking about using to get a 6 star. 
28 май 2020, 18:2228.05.20
28 май 2020, 18:24(отредактировано)

Go for your first 6* and feel no regret. Just keep the void affinity and those, that are part of Rhazin fusion.

 One of the first rare I used as food was the one that I missed months later for Rhazin fusion. It cost me around two extra months to finish it and I did it because I pulled the epic above that damn rare. It was that guy from lizardfolks that can steal buffs, I think Not the best experience I had with the game.