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Energy and Bronze Arena

Energy and Bronze Arena

25 май 2020, 23:2725.05.20

Energy and Bronze Arena

I can't seem to post under the "Suggestion" page on the forums and I have posted on the Discord suggestion section but i think it should be somewhere on the forums i feel that its really important to talk about.

2 major issues first being Energy.

Now I don't mind putting money into a game here and there on a game I enjoy, and I absolutely love this game and am addicted I'll admit it.

But I'm at the point where I'm level 39 and I can literally only do 8-9 campaign or dungeon levels before running out of energy and having to wait a few hours or pay for more energy so I can keep playing. 

I don't mind it sometimes but it's getting to a point where it's kind of ridiculous I don't have THAT much disposable income to throw £30 so i  can play the game for 4-5hours a day.

They base Energy NEEDS a increase. Something that's sufficient but not game breaking and still gives people reason to purchase energy and gems etc.

Such as : level 20 has 200 base energy.

Level 30 has 300 base energy.

Level 50 has 500 base energy. And so on. All the way up to 100 having 1000 base energy.

They levelled hard, grinded hard to get the higher levels they earned the higher energy cap for sure.

They could even add some sort of spot like the Gem mine but for Energy that doubles it's recharge speed and then triples it? 500gems per upgrade. I'd be happy with that. Just something that helps me play a game I really enjoy more without sacrifing gems every 10-15min or waiting hours.

This is a huge issue for me and I feel it needs some discussion and rework.

Secondly the Arena.

I love the Arena I enjoy it, but man the Bronze Tier in Arena is terrible.

Its full of 100k 4man legendary power teams.

It's mainly people's defence of those who have quit the game.

And I think that every weekly reset on the Arena should wipe everyone's defence.

That way people have a chance to push rank and not be stuck in bronze for weeks and weeks.

I really need that Silver I rank for mission/challenge and it is a struggle I have 50k power team and I can't get out of the very early part of Bronze 4.

I really hope these things could be addressed and I hope it doesn't seem like I'm having on the game.

I understand the product model and understand how it supposed to work.

But a massive game like this with such a huge following should be doing some improvements on these aspects of the game.

They have a lot on there plate but these 2 things are a must In my opinion.

Hopefully some of you have views and thoughts on this and don't think I'm just complaining.

Thank you for reading.

26 май 2020, 00:0626.05.20
Wow you energy request is so huge :D

How many days/months are you playing? 

26 май 2020, 00:1026.05.20

2weeks but I've already 3star all of brutal and I've done majority of dungeons stage 10 or higher. 

And I'm trapped behind the silver 1 arena challenge.

I just feel it needs to be addressed. Maybe it's fine for most people and that's okay.

Was just venting for the most part and thought I'd post something.

Maybe I'm asking too much.

How do you stay on top of your energy consistently without paying cash? 

(I have spent money on energy mix packs a few times already).
26 май 2020, 00:4226.05.20

To progress in arena, you need speed and synergy in your team. Dont look at the power levels and champion levels.

I myself run 80k team defense and offense in gold4 before. I can have 95%+ in my win/loss record after arena ends. I also have, I can say around 50% victories in my defense. That team consist of level 50 gorgorab, level 40 doomscreech, plus 2 nukers. How this team win? Because of speed and a little ai manipulation. My gorgorab and doomscreech are the weakest in my team so enemy ai tends to attack them before my nukers.

If you can't pass the rank on where you at in your arena rank, try farming for more speed in your gear first. If you say "hey I run tank team, I dont want speed", sorry to say, you still need 200+ speed in your champions or else they will be like punching bags vs speed teams.

As for your energy issue, I also think thay they need to increase energy cap but not by a thousand. Imagine, 1 refill a thousand energy :) whales on bronze arena will be happy and f2p players will suffer
26 май 2020, 02:1326.05.20

Yeah the energy thing was just examples of what they could do, to an extent. 

I'd personally really prefer the Gem Mine version but for Energy. even if it's just x1.5 rate first x2.0 second and finally x2.5 recharge speed.