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New Roster - Thoughts for Main Arena Team

New Roster - Thoughts for Main Arena Team

23 май 2020, 21:0023.05.20

New Roster - Thoughts for Main Arena Team

After a few lucky pulls I think i have some of the better Arena legends...but I can't seem to get the best results so far.

Any thoughts on a main 4 man rotation (obviously i can mix and match a bit depending on the opponent) My mains are:

Tayrel - Level 60 Rank 6

Martyr Legendary - Level 50 Rank 1, working on trying to level up

Miscreated Monster - Level 50 Rank 5

High Katun - Level 50 Rank 5

Kael - Level 50 Rank 5

Lua - Level 50 Rank 3

Aothar - Level 60 Rank 6

Skartorsis Legendary - Level 50 Rank 5

I've got a bunch of other top guys, but these are the main ones I've leveled up and figured I should be able to form a solid group. Assuming Tayrel should be in any 4some I put together since he's fully leveled up.

24 май 2020, 09:3424.05.20

You can run High Khatun lead- Tayrel- Martyr- Lua/Kael. 

Get HK to at least north of 220 speed, get some accuracy and def for Tayrel and Martyr, stack crit rate/crit damage for your nuke. That should be enough to get you to Gold 4.
25 май 2020, 19:4625.05.20
25 май 2020, 19:47(отредактировано)

Thanks, just pulled Skull Crown, should I invest and use instead of Kael/Lua? 

Or should I use something like SkullCrown Tayrel Martyr and Shatterbones?
26 май 2020, 09:0326.05.20
26 май 2020, 10:20(отредактировано)

Speed/offense Arena set up:

1. High Khatun - 19% Speed aura, turn meter boost, speed buff, some turn meter reduction 

2. Skartorsis - attack and crit. rate buff, cleans debuff, slight turn meter boost, AoE A1 with steal buff chance

3. Tayrel - AoE defense debuff, turn meter reduction, possible one target CC

4. Skullcrown - high AoE damage dealer, extra survivability

Works well on auto, reliable in defense too. Core idea is "one hit nuke", but they all have extra build in survivability - Khatun, Skartorsis and Tayrel have good based defense stat that can and must be further extended with proper gear. Skullcrown [Unkilable] can be lifesaver. *edit - hehe, well, this wasn't intentional :)

1. High Khatun - first > party turn meter boost + 30% [Increase SPD].

Must be build for full speed, good accuracy is not bad idea. Boost her defense and don't bother with any offensive capabilities. Both Skartorsis two buffs benefits her and she can help with some extra damage with her second AoE and third A1 hits, but this is just extra, she is not there to do damage. Defense + Support tree work best for her Arena build. Her turn meter boost is only 15%, so that alone can`t do miracles by itself. All other team members must have some good speed too. No need to have her 6/60 and even booked, but will help.

2. Skartorsis - second > 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 30% [Increase C.RATE] to all party.

Can be build very tanky and probably will be your last man standing. Good Provoke or maybe Stun Set is not bad idea. With good stats can do some extra damage, but he is more useful as supporter that second damage dealer. Good accuracy can help his A1 [Steal Buff] move and high resistance is verry important. Defense + Offense + Support tree can work well in any combinations, depends of how you want to build him. I will definitely go for Offense + Defense for him, but that`s my approach and the way I use him. Depends of your general idea, you may find some other mastery combination more useful to you. No need for heavy book investment, but it will help, especially for that extra steal buff chance.

3. Tayrel - third > AoE 60% [Decrease DEF] AoE.

Full defense build, enough accuracy to make sure that DD debuff will not be resisted. He can`t benefit from Skartorsis attack buff, but he can pull respectful damage anyway. Heavy Force affinity teams can be problematic for you, if you land weak hit and fail to place that DD debuff. I don`t use him in Arena and can`t recommend mastery path for him, but maybe Support + Defense seems more useful for him. Greatly benefit from any book and maxing A2 is just must.

4. Skullcrown - forth > AoE nuke.

If build correctly and Tayrel manage to place that debuff, this may end the fight. Embodiment of glass cannon meaning. Full damage "one hit build". 100% crit. rate, good attack, stack Crit. Damage. Both buffs from Skartorsis benefit her greatly, she has high  base Attack stat, good damage modifiers and if you don`t use her as farmer, you can aim to hit only 70% Crit Rate. That will give you extra room to focus on further boosting her Attack and Crit. Damage. Don`t bother with any other stat, except for that speed threshold you need to achieve. Offense + Defense mastery is the best choice for her and Retribution and Deterrence has no real alternative in Support three. If you happen to land that [Weaken] debuff from her A2, consider this as bonus. Maxing A2 for CD reduction helps a lot, but her passive CD reduction usually can`t make a difference in Arena, where fight ends within 2 to 5, 6 turns.

If the battle didn't end here, the enemy will start to buff themselves and debuff your team at this point. Your team second move will consist of High Khatun AoE (she will have attack and crit. rate buff) - which AoE have chance to reduce enemy turn meter by 15% and maybe even finish some very low on health enemy.

If there are debuffs on your team at that point, Scartorsis will clean them and heal and boost the turn meter of those, that has debuff cleaned. It will not be huge heal and boost, but it may stack to noticeable point with Khatun previous turn meter reduction. On Arena, every little move can make a difference.

Tayrel will do his single target hit, that can do good amount of damage, possibly finish someone of his misery :) and if not, will reduce his turn meter. Maybe even stun him if stars and planets are perfectly lined for him.

Skullcrown... well, she has only one job in your team really - to hit people, so let her hit them, if that will make her happy. 

This set up can be further improved by replacing some or almost every every one with similar, but better version champion. It is all about the concept behind the speed/offense set up, not about the key champion aroun which you build your team.

High Khatun  can be replaced with better Arena Leader - Gorgorab, Lyssandra, Prince Kymar,  Arbiter. They all will fit in this set up. Tayrel can be replaced with Stag Knight or Draco and so on.

The moment you start to lose your battles mostly because your team didn't act first is the moment you will have to return to the starting point to improve your gear and overall stats.

26 май 2020, 10:5726.05.20
26 май 2020, 10:59(отредактировано)

There is an possible option for more defense/sustain/CC approach, that can work for you too, but it will not be reliable enough and you still have to rely on speed to set up your buffs.

Martyr, Mistreated Monster and Skartorsis can form some type of core team, where they can build initial self defense by Provoke enemy team, building good Shield by MM`s A3 (and even from additional Shield set) . MM with Shield Set and Scartorsis with Provoke or Stun set can add to that core idea.

Further on, they can extend that to team CA, when all of them can benefit from their useful A1 - Martyr to land Defense Debuff, MM for Stun and Skartorsis for AoE and possible steal buff. Add Skullcrown to the mix and you can clearly see how that can be painful for the enemy team.

The problem is that the speed will still be decisive factor to you to set up your defense, buffs and debuffs and champion like High Khatun wouldn't add much to that team except for the speed aura and turn meter. And if you choose to use Skullcrown instead of High Khatun, you will have to be sure you can take the enemy first hit and to survive. Imagine you will face the team like that from my first post. That may not end well for you.

So... this may seems like an option, but overall the Speed/Offense approach is better in this case. Which is sad, because champions like Martyr, Mistreated Monster and Skartorsis are really good and i almost feel like they have to be included somehow. :) Hence the reason for my second post. :)

26 май 2020, 13:0926.05.20

Thanks all!

Going to have to decide between the last two options. I think the speed/offense idea will get me up the ranks faster, but tough to pass on using my best overall legend in Martyr.
26 май 2020, 14:0026.05.20
26 май 2020, 14:02(отредактировано)

ryanharris1507 said:

Thanks all!

Going to have to decide between the last two options. I think the speed/offense idea will get me up the ranks faster, but tough to pass on using my best overall legend in Martyr.

You will max Martyr anyway, because... she is Martyr, you just have to. And you will use her almost everywhere. You will test her in arena for sure. But at this point she can't make it there by herself.

If I was you,I will max Scartorsis too on some point, that guy is like King of the Jung... I mean, King of the Dungeons. 33% ally speed aura in Dungeons is like going on steroids there. I have hard time replacing my Skartorsis in Dungeons until recently, when i started to work on lowering my farm time, working with enough end game champions and equipment. But for the last half an year Skartorsis was my leader and it was part of my every set up.

Mistreated Monster is, in my opinion, legendary champion, that use epic books. He just miss that yellow frame over his portrait. But his kit and stats are of Legendary quality. Probably your best bet along with Martyr to get you 3* NM Campaign up to the last map, or probably up to the last stage.

You mentioned Shatterbones. That one is a bit tricky to get solid recommendation for heavy investment. He has better turn meter manipulation over High Khatun, he is a Force affinity, which may be considered as advantage over mainly magic early/mid game Arena, he has some other trick too, but... i can't see enough value that can justify any investment.

And as a side note - in your first post you didn't mentioned any other 6* except for Tayrel. If that is the case, then Skullcrown must be your next 6*. Part of the reason is that if you are going to use her as your main damage dealer in Arena, she must be 6/60 and pretty much maxed out with masteries and your best equipment; and the second reason is - she will be your main farmer or you will risk getting into some really painful process of slowly making food for your next 6*  with champion, that isn't good at farming. And this is something you wouldn't want to experience.
26 май 2020, 15:0326.05.20
Daering said:

ryanharris1507 said:

Thanks all!

Going to have to decide between the last two options. I think the speed/offense idea will get me up the ranks faster, but tough to pass on using my best overall legend in Martyr.

You will max Martyr anyway, because... she is Martyr, you just have to. And you will use her almost everywhere. You will test her in arena for sure. But at this point she can't make it there by herself.

If I was you,I will max Scartorsis too on some point, that guy is like King of the Jung... I mean, King of the Dungeons. 33% ally speed aura in Dungeons is like going on steroids there. I have hard time replacing my Skartorsis in Dungeons until recently, when i started to work on lowering my farm time, working with enough end game champions and equipment. But for the last half an year Skartorsis was my leader and it was part of my every set up.

Mistreated Monster is, in my opinion, legendary champion, that use epic books. He just miss that yellow frame over his portrait. But his kit and stats are of Legendary quality. Probably your best bet along with Martyr to get you 3* NM Campaign up to the last map, or probably up to the last stage.

You mentioned Shatterbones. That one is a bit tricky to get solid recommendation for heavy investment. He has better turn meter manipulation over High Khatun, he is a Force affinity, which may be considered as advantage over mainly magic early/mid game Arena, he has some other trick too, but... i can't see enough value that can justify any investment.

And as a side note - in your first post you didn't mentioned any other 6* except for Tayrel. If that is the case, then Skullcrown must be your next 6*. Part of the reason is that if you are going to use her as your main damage dealer in Arena, she must be 6/60 and pretty much maxed out with masteries and your best equipment; and the second reason is - she will be your main farmer or you will risk getting into some really painful process of slowly making food for your next 6*  with champion, that isn't good at farming. And this is something you wouldn't want to experience.
Thanks - I had a lot of 5 stars laying around that I've farmed over the last few weeks and some 5* Chickens. I used them to level up Martyr and I have enough to level up Skartorsis or Skullcrown/Kael/Lua. Skullcrown has no books at the moment, but Kael is fully booked. Still planning to use Skullcrown, then move on to Skartorsis after or MM.