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Assembling my Dark Elves team for Faction Crypts and other content

Assembling my Dark Elves team for Faction Crypts and other content

21 май 2020, 22:0521.05.20

Assembling my Dark Elves team for Faction Crypts and other content

Hello everyone, I would like to ask for suggestions as to whatshould I focus my resources on while building up my Dark Elves team, mostly with Faction Crypts in mind, but also with using some of the champions in other content teams, including Arena. In dungeons I am generally somewhere between stages 11-14 (Fireknight at 7), my current Arena tier is Silver II, around 1500 points.

Which of these characters (if any) should I consider for *6, eventually, resources permitting, please? My current main farmer for Brutal 12/6 is Athel at *6/60, which is why Kael is at *5 only, but I am thinking of eventually ranking him up for Clan Boss, though I may be sleeping on another useful character for that role (Bellower or Infernal Baroness maybe?). One of my long term goals is to get at least one *6 for each faction to use in Faction Crypts.

I read somewhere that Paragon may be quite useful at Nightmare Campaign 12/7. Is he worth spending resources on? I have only begun clearing Nightmare Campaign, and, well, yes, the difficulty is a tiny bit nightmarish. It is going to take me a while to even get to 12/7 there.

A funny idea I had was assembling a "harem team" to accompany Kael to Faction Crypts, since I have so many jaw-droppingly good looking Dark Elf ladies. I know, I know, I should concentrate more on the team being effective, rather than being eye-candy, but still, that idea is tempting. Maybe even a full ladies team, eventually. Hmmm...

My Dark Elves champion roster:


Crimson Helm (*4/40)

Luria (*4/40)

Psylar (*5/50)

Spider (*4/40)




Hexweaver (*3/30)


Kael (*5/50)

Mystic Hand 

Paragon (*3/30)

Retainer (*3/30)



Sniper (*3/30)

I would be grateful for any advice.

21 май 2020, 22:2421.05.20
21 май 2020, 22:38(отредактировано)

In my opinion you should focus on building champions that help you progress in other content than faction wars at your current stage.

Faction wars get really hard really fast, so you will have to use alot of ressources to put a good team together.

Instead you shoud focus on.

1. Farming effectively (I reckon you already do that on brutal 12.3)

2. Progress in dragon so you can do level 20 with 100% win-rate)

3. Get a arena team for easy farm of medals. It should be good enough so you can use all you tokens every day - for great hall progress)

4. Get a decent clan boss team, so you can get an epic books or a shard once in awhile.

If you in this progress get a good faction war team great. If not wait.

With that said. A good team migth be.

1. Psylar - again cc, A stun set might not be bad on her. (Speed aura in faction wars 22%)

2.Luria (use her primarily for cc - secondary damage-dealer, dont neglect surviability). 

3. Crimsom helm for provoke

4. Kael for damage. Remember the hp% chest and vampire gear.

5. spider (defense down to help the damage output and great at removing buffs and also offers decrease attack)

Be sure to be fast, because there is some squishy champions here and no revive nor healing. And do not forget about accuracy. in faction wars you face really high levels with alot of resist. So as you progress notice when debuffs starts to get resisted and improve accuracy by then.

Edit: Im not sure if aura in dungeons works in factions wars. If it does spider has better speed aura.

21 май 2020, 22:3421.05.20
21 май 2020, 22:35(отредактировано)

@DRONE - Thank you for the tips.

My current content teams are as follows (yes, I was damn lucky and pulled Siphi during the Void double chance event):


Athel *6/60

ARENA TEAM (in order of activation):

High Khatun *5/50 (Team Leader)

Siphi the Lost Bride *6/60

Soulbound Bowyer *6/60

Athel *6/60

CLAN BOSS TEAM (Hard stage unlocked):

Drexthar Bloodtwin *6/60

Siphi the Lost Bride *6/60

Apothecary *6/60

Athel *6/60

Kael *5/50


Drexthar Bloodtwin *6/60

Siphi the Lost Bride *6/60

Apothecary *6/60

Athel *6/60

Warmaiden *5/50


Drexthar Bloodtwin *6/60

Siphi the Lost Bride *6/60

Apothecary *6/60

Athel *6/60

Soulbound Bowyer *6/60

21 май 2020, 23:3121.05.20
21 май 2020, 23:33(отредактировано)

1. Don't worry about faction wars at all. Do them daily for the glyphs, but I would not base any decisions on faction wars where you currently stand.

2. You should spend 0 energy in NM campaign until you can 3*
21 май 2020, 23:4721.05.20
The Dark Elves have quite a lot of strong rares and epics, so they seem more f2p friendly than many other factions for FW... Coldheart, Pain Keeper and of course Spirithost can also be useful in FW. But I do agree with Trips, it's a bit early for you and for me to be making many decisions based on FW, except for decisions about which rares/epics, if any, to use as food. 
23 май 2020, 18:0123.05.20

Thank you for your replies everyone.

23 май 2020, 20:1623.05.20
WatchdogCZ said:

Hello everyone, I would like to ask for suggestions as to whatshould I focus my resources on while building up my Dark Elves team, mostly with Faction Crypts in mind, but also with using some of the champions in other content teams, including Arena. In dungeons I am generally somewhere between stages 11-14 (Fireknight at 7), my current Arena tier is Silver II, around 1500 points.

Which of these characters (if any) should I consider for *6, eventually, resources permitting, please? My current main farmer for Brutal 12/6 is Athel at *6/60, which is why Kael is at *5 only, but I am thinking of eventually ranking him up for Clan Boss, though I may be sleeping on another useful character for that role (Bellower or Infernal Baroness maybe?). One of my long term goals is to get at least one *6 for each faction to use in Faction Crypts.

I read somewhere that Paragon may be quite useful at Nightmare Campaign 12/7. Is he worth spending resources on? I have only begun clearing Nightmare Campaign, and, well, yes, the difficulty is a tiny bit nightmarish. It is going to take me a while to even get to 12/7 there.

A funny idea I had was assembling a "harem team" to accompany Kael to Faction Crypts, since I have so many jaw-droppingly good looking Dark Elf ladies. I know, I know, I should concentrate more on the team being effective, rather than being eye-candy, but still, that idea is tempting. Maybe even a full ladies team, eventually. Hmmm...

My Dark Elves champion roster:


Crimson Helm (*4/40)

Luria (*4/40)

Psylar (*5/50)

Spider (*4/40)




Hexweaver (*3/30)


Kael (*5/50)

Mystic Hand 

Paragon (*3/30)

Retainer (*3/30)



Sniper (*3/30)

I would be grateful for any advice.

What about running 2 farmers in nightmare until you can build up resources for only one?  You can only drag 2 chickens but you harvest better XP and gear.  I am thinking about running Kael and WarPriest as tandem farmers until I can get out of hard. 
23 май 2020, 21:1923.05.20

ClosedPoly said:

What about running 2 farmers in nightmare until you can build up resources for only one?  You can only drag 2 chickens but you harvest better XP and gear.  I am thinking about running Kael and WarPriest as tandem farmers until I can get out of hard.  

I think I am going to find which two champions would be the best for the Nightmare Campaign and try to advance with 3* results, as @Trips suggested above. Doing the campaign with 1-2* results is a waste of energy, since I would have to redo all those stages again anyway.

23 май 2020, 23:4723.05.20
Do not farm 4 gear in campaign 
24 май 2020, 09:2024.05.20

Trips said:

Do not farm 4 gear in campaign 

I am not trying to do that at all, apart from the Challenges, as those require specific item to be farmed from a specific stage. Campaign drops are trash.

What I meant was I was going to find two champions who can get the best results (*3) in Campaign stages, and go through the Nightmare Campaign with them, so that I don't have to do that again. I may be able to get to the end of the Campaign with a full team, but that would only give me *1 as result, meaning I would have to go through all those stages again.
24 май 2020, 10:1424.05.20
24 май 2020, 10:14(отредактировано)

About Paragon and NM campaign question from your first post. Don't invest in Paragon if you only plan to try him for NM 12.7 (and I didn't know where you can use him beside there,  his AI is damn unconsistend (pretty sure I mess this word). He can be usefull only on manual and only for specific content. 

I beat NM 12.7 with him and Ma'Shalled and he wasn't even 4* I think. Or something like fresh 4*, can't remember. Just some speed gear and lowered unkilkable CD, that's all. He is there only to soak that one hit kill skill of the boss. But your second champ need to do all the damage and to survive. 

So, don't overinvest in Paragon if NM 12.7 is where you want to try him. And you probably can't  make him to work elsewere. 

Damn English. 😂 😂