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Why veil and perfect can be target with counter attack

Why veil and perfect can be target with counter attack

19 май 2020, 13:2319.05.20

Why veil and perfect can be target with counter attack

How is it possible to counter attack a hero with veil or perfect veil?

Really stupid! 

So counter attack is overpowered but u can do a nice re work with veil or perfect veil to counter counter attack! 

But maybe devs of RSL don't play the game! 

Hope u fixe it soon, really stupid to let that thing happen! 

Also u need to change Mission arena upgrade one skill of ur great hall to lvl 4! 

Maybe it was really easy to grab the arena mission on the start of the game but now, we are really blocked on that stupid quest! Fighting lot of a full legendary team.... Really boring 

How it s possible to upgrade 

-a team clan boss

-a team arena 

-a team campagne 

I really think quit that game... 

Is it really a game? Or just a pay to win? Yea I know it's a gatcha.... 
19 май 2020, 14:3219.05.20
19 май 2020, 14:34(отредактировано)

Lotail said:

How is it possible to counter attack a hero with veil or perfect veil?

Really stupid! 

If champion with [Veil] attacks, he drops that buff, so he can be CA`ed. There is no contradiction here.

The [Perfect Veil] casus is not that simple

1. If the champion with [Perfect Veil] attacks and he drops that buff the same turn, he can be CA`ed by the same principle mentioned above.

2. If the champion with [Perfect Vail] attacks and that buff persist (still have some turns until expire) and:

a. he is the only one still alive from his entire team, he can be CA`ed

b. all other party members alive are with [Perfect Veil] buff, he can be CA`ed

c. his attack triggers AoE, then he can be CA`ed. (I am almost positive that this rule apply for multiple random hit too, but can`t bet my life on it)

If your situation (well, actually...wouldn't it be easier for everyone, instead of taking time to shit on every possible thing you don`t like about the game to actually take your time to explain your [Veil] [Perfect Veil] situation in details? Not that your other thoughts about the game don`t hold some valid points, but still...) Anyway.

So, if your situation is different that any of those mentioned above, there may be some unintentional behavior involved. Still, it would have been better, if you explain it in depth if you are actually interested of getting some answers, instead of using it as reason to let some steam off. And, btw, i can agree with most of the things you have said, but that is not the point.

21 май 2020, 13:4521.05.20

Hi i try to explain my situation

When Vizir ovelis strikes , he put perfect veil on him

So in arena , lot of time he have 2 stacks of Pveil  and attack an hero with Counter attack and he takes the counter ...

it s when i have full team alive so wtf

it s just a useless buff ? or was nerf ?

Perfect Veil

Any Champion with this buff remains hidden from being targeted even after damaging an enemy. It can be targeted if it’s the only remaining champion in the team or if all champions in the team has Veil buff.

so change the decripiton of the P veil ?

Thx daering i try a lot of situatuon when P veil really doesnt work ...

21 май 2020, 14:1221.05.20

If the situation is as you described it, then maybe in that case the CA rule is taken into account over the PV rule. But then we still need clear answer from the devs about that, or atleast responce from Mods that can retrace their answer to us. 

If that's intentional, then the description sure needs clarification. Atleast we need some sort of rule sets (ingame or here), that covers specific cases like this. Clear answer from someone with inside knowledge will do too. 

21 май 2020, 16:2621.05.20
I dont know what is the intended mechaninc. But counter attack to me is not a targeted ability. It always happens on the champion that attacked the champion with counter attack. So to me the wording is fine.
21 май 2020, 16:4521.05.20
21 май 2020, 16:47(отредактировано)

My presumption is the same, I think that it works as intended for that same reason - it's not that PV isn't working, it's that CA is working as it should.

As a side note about CA - I encountered (possible) bug, that  if you equip Souldrinker with Ret. Set and he CA someone, the bombs go lower their CD, they may even explode, but they didn't produce damage. That was whitin my first mount of play time, I wrote ticket, but aside some generic responce I didn't get meaningful answer.

Haven't use Ret. Set till now , so I don't know how it works now. Just as a side note.