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Help: Which Champ Should I Rank Up to 5 star?

Help: Which Champ Should I Rank Up to 5 star?

18 май 2020, 18:4218.05.20

Help: Which Champ Should I Rank Up to 5 star?

1) Would like help with which 4* champs I should rank up to 5* next, and reasoning behind your suggestion. I have enough food and chickens to rank 2 champs now. 


2) Then, which 5* champ should I get to 6* next, and reason. I have 3 out of the 5 needed to get one more up to 6*, but have some 4* uncommons that I will farm to get the other 2 soon.


I am F2P, and just recently realized I had enough chickens to get my initial Kael to 6*. 


- In Arena I’m stuck at IV and have only been able to get 16 silver medals. 

Spirithost, Kael, Umbral Enchantress, Elhain 

- Campaign I’m at Nightmare 1-4 

- Dungeons I’m around level 10 for most of them, except Spiders on stage 6 and Fire Knight on 8. 

- Clan boss able to do 2.6M damage on Hard.

18 май 2020, 20:2118.05.20

Man, forget about NM campaign. Just don't. You are no near effective there, That energy you have burned there have way better usage for you now. Later on, when you get some seriously builded champions, with good equipment, masteries and all, you will beat NM and you will get your sacred shard. The only reasonable way to beat NM campaign is by doing it 3 star from the first try. The moment you can beat the stage for 3 stars is the moment you must stop until you get stronger team. If you burn energy now to get some milestone rewards and make 2 stars only, that is just wasted energy. You have to run it again anyway to make it full 3 stars.

I would focus on my next 6 star if i was you, but the choice is yours.

For Arena you can have success with that team, but:

1. You better get High Khatun as leader.

> Speed > Speed > Speed > Speed > Accuracy > Sustain.

2. You have to book Enchantress to get Provoke to 100% chance. She is amassing champion for Arena, i use her for about half an year in similar team, but you have to book her. Your team rely heavily on that Provoke and any lower than 100% chance to success is bad idea and can lead to defeat.

> Speed > Speed > Speed > Accuracy > Resistance

3. Replace Elhain for Warmaiden. AoE defense debuff will be more beneficial to your team instead of second Damage Dealer. Her A3 have to be booked.

> Speed, Speed, Accuracy, some damage

3. Kael, if build properly and enemy has Defense debuff, can finish the battle

> Speed, Attack, Crt. R. Crt. Dmg

 Build the turn order the way i listed them. This core team can get you to G4 if you invest in it.. You can replace anyone of that team with their better version - better speed aura, better damage dealer etc) Your MVP is Enchantress. Your primary goals are:

Your Khatun and Enchantress have to act first, before any enemy. This is crucial for your success. The other two can go on vacation, that doesn`t matter. What matters is Khatun and Enchantres to go before enemy. This is where you win first speed battle.

The next important check is when Enchantres Provoke tries to debuff enemy. If she has enough accuracy she will debuff them. This is when you win your accuracy battle.

Then the other two can get back and join the battle to do their job.

Your counters are (aside from Tormin) those teams, that has high resistance. Another weak spot is your Enchantres when she is attacked by someone that have steal/remove debuff in his A1 skill (Rhazin, Gorgorab, Harvest Jack and such) They can steal or remove Enchantress Unkillable buff and that sux. Thats why you should have reasonable resistance too.

Provoke and Unkillable works for two turns. Your Enchantress will be near dead by the end of that second turn, but your other champions will have two turns at their disposal to deal the enemy. If you can't kill the enemy at the end of Enchantress second turn, her Unkillable will expire and she will be most likely on very lower health. That`s good, because enemy AI will target her with priority over your other champions and that will give your other champions extra time to finish the enemy. If enemy team are not finished by now, you should improve your damage dealers.

And that`s the way to make your great hall to shine in yellow.;)

Speed, Speed, Speed, Accuracy, Resistance, Damage

22 май 2020, 15:4222.05.20

Thank you Daering!!

* Smart advise on NM campaign, the 16 energy was painful

* I am thinking Elhain should be my next 6* champ, don't think getting Enchantress to 6* will help me much in Arena

* I will follow advice for Arena team, I appreciate the detailed explanation!!!!

* Will getting High Khatun and Warmaiden to 5* help in Arena? Seems like those should be the two I get to 5* next. I understand their main purpose is to buff speed and debuff defense, so may not be too helpful to get to 5*???

* I will need to rework gear of HK and WM. KH has 2 speed sets and 1 divine speed at 12ea, but only helmet has a speed subset (5) ...137 total speed. I added gear when I first started and haven't really used her much, as I use Spirithost for her 50% atk buff.

* I have been saving the Epic Tomes... I have 28. Guess this is the right time to start using them on Enchantress.

* Will remove speed boots from Kael to get a little more Dmg, and help him to go last. He is goes third on my team now.

I will be happy to get to silver and win rewards from Progress Mission (1/50) and 2.7 Arena Challenge (16/30)

Again thanks for your help, I know it took some time to type it all out.

22 май 2020, 16:4022.05.20
Enchantress can take good amount of books, so you should be sure you want to invest in her. She is not universal champion as some others and you should put some thoughts before you go that path. I find her very useful for dealing with some nasty dungeon waves (espetially those second fuckers betore Ice Golem 20), but it's just my set up. You may find her usefulness not enough to justify that many books. You just have to be sure you want that, not because of some random guy on Internet, but based on your own perception. 
22 май 2020, 20:0222.05.20

Thanks Random Guy 

Okay, I would feel better about using them on a more universal Epic champs like you say. Enchantress has been doing well with that provoke and her accuracy. 

There is lots involved to figure out which champs work well together and in which area of the game. 

Saving my shards for the next 2X summon event, hope to get more Epics and my first Legendary. 

This is my first post on this forum, so thanks again for the help. I will post another one to see which Rares are worth keeping or using for food. They are filling up my storage and vault

22 май 2020, 20:0622.05.20
Do not invest in elhain, u don't need her at all
22 май 2020, 20:0822.05.20
Brawler for CB
22 май 2020, 21:0222.05.20


About 2 weeks ago I gave him some gear and started using him in CB and he is great. 

Been playing around with my team, but mainly use:

Leader: Kael, O.Brawler, Nazana, Marksman, R.Tender 

Will sometimes trade out Nazana or Marksman, for Warmaiden or Diabolist

I said earlier that I can do about 2.6mil on CB Hard, but it was actually on Normal. 

I have not tried Hard yet, still want to get the higher level chests on Normal. 

Getting him to 5* and up to 50 will definitely help. 

22 май 2020, 22:4822.05.20
Occult Brawler for CB and Ice Golem and maybe even Dragon (he's really good on Clan Boss which will net you some of the better rewards once you get to NM)
25 май 2020, 22:4425.05.20
Spyder73 said:

Occult Brawler for CB and Ice Golem and maybe even Dragon (he's really good on Clan Boss which will net you some of the better rewards once you get to NM)
He is awesome in dragon. I did 20 with 4 support. Get 10 poisons up and let them do the work. I think my original team was brawler with apothecary, gorgorab, zelotah and grizzled jarl. It was slow but 100% success 
27 май 2020, 15:1527.05.20

Thanks again Trips and Spyder,

I started to use OB for Dragon and he works great, but haven't been able to get past L12. I will try adding more support and see if I can get a little farther. Good timing with the Dragon tournament going on now.

I just researched Cardinal and saw she is a better Epic support champ. I never have used her, so I will need to get some gear on her. I also have Reliquary Tender, Nazana, Thenasil, Warmaiden, and will definitely use Kael as he is my strongest champ. Will work on a good combination of these.

Thanks Again!!

27 май 2020, 20:5427.05.20
27 май 2020, 21:06(отредактировано)

Leader: Thenasil - Dungeon Aura - Resist 70

Front Row: Skills

Warmaiden ----------> AOE Def Down

Thenasil --------------> Healing + Increase Defense

Umbral ----------------> AOE Provoke

Back Row: Skills

Kael --------------------> AOE Damage + Poison

Cardinal ---------------> AOE Revive

You should be able to beat Dragon 13 with the above team.

Gear Advice:

Put a Shield Set on Thenasil.

Make sure Thenasil has the Highest Health on the team

HP % Gloves - HP % Chest - HP % Shoes

Put a Frost Set on Umbral.

Make sure Umbral has the Lowest Health on the team + Highest Defense

DEF % Gloves - DEF % Chest - DEF % Shoes

28 май 2020, 21:1328.05.20

Thanks J

I will re-gear my Thenasil, as he has gear from when I first got him and haven't looked at it recently.

I don't have good Frost gear to try on Ubral. currently has 2-Speed, and 1 Accuracy set.

HP: 17K

Def: 2.3K

Sp: 158

Acc: 112

My guess is she will end up with the 4th lowest HP after I re-gear Thenasil and Set up Cardinal.

Any suggestions for Cardinal...I saw HP%, D%, and Resist. May not book her yet, so cooldown will be at 7 for her revive, unfortunately

29 май 2020, 22:5829.05.20
29 май 2020, 23:11(отредактировано)

The AI Computer begins its targeting based on Affinity.

Leader: Thenasil - Dungeon Aura - Resist 70 


Front Row: Skills 

Warmaiden ----------> AOE Def Down 

Thenasil --------------> Healing + Increase Defense 

Umbral ----------------> AOE Provoke 


Back Row: Skills 

Kael --------------------> AOE Damage + Poison 

Cardinal ---------------> AOE Revive

The team I recommended to you has the following Affinity Attributes:

Warmaiden + Thenasil = Force

Kael = Magic

Umbral + Cardinal = Void

Stage 13 Dragon Dungeon is Magic. 

Magic Affinity has an Advantage over Spirit Affinity.

The first target for the AI is against Spirit heroes.

Your team doesn't have any Spirit heroes.

This means it will shift the AI priority.

The AI Computer will begin targeting heroes which are Neutral Affinity - Magic & Void.

The AI Computer will go after 1 of 3 heroes Kael - Umbral - Cardinal

If there is a tie on Neutral Affinity Targets, The AI Computer will begin attacking the one with the lowest HP.

It attacks the one with the lowest HP because it thinks the hero is fixing to die.

You need to make sure Umbral has the lowest HP + highest DEF.

You can't guess that Umbral will be the lowest in HP.

You have to make sure she is the lowest in HP.

Or the waves in the Dungeon will attack your Kael or even worst your Cardinal.

Than your run will be a total bust.

The set up I am telling you is trying to trick the waves in the dungeon to focus on Umbral.

Umbral will be the punching bag.

Umbral will need to have insanely high defense.

You need to make sure your team health is higher vs. Umbral outside of the battle & inside of the battle!

Take heed to when I say outside & inside the battle!

Sometimes, the AI will do a random hit / curious hit is what they call it.

It is usually 1 unit in the mob which has a curious tendency to hit alternative targets.

This curious hit on the surface doesn't do much if you build your team right.

However, If your Kael or Cardinal get hit with this curious hit, You need to make sure you have a health buffer.

If there total health in the fight drops below Umbral health in the fight, The entire mob will shift there target focus.

They will begin seeing Kael or Cardinal as the "lowest in health."

What do I mean when I say health buffer?

Well lets say the curious mob hits for 4k health.

You would want to have over 4k health difference between your Kael + Umbral.

Your Kael could have 25k HP.

You Umbral could have 20k HP.

Now if you get hit for 4k HP.

Your total health would go from 25k HP in the fight to 21k HP in the fight.

BUT notice how 21k HP is still higher vs. Umbral 20k HP.

So even if Umbral was at max health in the fight - The mob would still register her as the lowest health unit.

2 июнь 2020, 16:3902.06.20

Thanks J!

The detailed info is very helpful for someone like me. I tend to overthink things out, so your explanation works out great.