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Help a fellow raider!

Help a fellow raider!

18 май 2020, 12:3218.05.20

Help a fellow raider!

Good day all Raiders,

This is my first scroll and I am on a quest to gain more knowledge. I rely on your kind advice and expertise to help me in my quandary. 

Currently i am level 43 and have been playing for more than 40 days. I have three 6 star champions - Elhain (Farmer), Madame Serris and Apothecary who are pretty close to being maxed out (albeit with four star gear). 

My current roster for CB, dungeons is :

Elhain, Apoth, Madame Serris, Longbeard (Pulled him from an ancient) and Galek (My starter champ - level 50).

My Arena team is 

Apoth (Turn meter), Elhain (nuke), Madame Serris (Decrease DEF), Galek (Nuke). I am not able to gear Madame Serris effectively to go before Elhain since Elhain has my best gear and is maxed out in masteries. Still this is turning very effective as long as Galek does not fall in my opponents first wave.

So here is where I need your suggestions and desperate help - tell me whom do you think should I work on for 6 starring as my 4th and 5th 6 star. Also any suggestions on team compositions would be great!!!!

I know I have some good champs, but are they really suitable for my 4th and 5th - 6 Star champs? Currently I am working on Coldheart as my next level 50. My entire focus so far has been grinding the campaign Brutal 12-3 to 6 star my first 3. Hence haven't spent much time on grinding dungeons - only enough to ascend the champs whom i thought best - to 3 star ascension. 

I am providing screenshots of my rosters. 

Here is my Vault. My thought process - the warmaiden, Spirithost and Shaman are ones I do not want to sacrifice. I have copies of warmaiden and spirithost which I am reserving for the fusion of Relickeeper mission. I like Sinesha's skills but not sure where to use her at my current progress. The 5 champions in the vault who are level 40 starting with Skullsworn are just food to 6 star my 4th champion.

I like collecting good champs for the faction wars (I like the concept very much)

Also, i have spent around 100 USD on the game buying the 1 month pass and the 2140 diamond pack and other basic stuff i thought i got a good value for, before going F2P.

thanks all for your feedback!!!! 

18 май 2020, 16:0918.05.20


18 май 2020, 18:0618.05.20

A few comments/suggestions: 

- Agree with Trips that probably Skullcrusher is first priority, that counterattack skill is very powerful in a lot of situations. 

- You should get a speed aura lead for arena - even if it's not for all battles, then at least to have the option to swap them in against particularly fast opponent teams. Either High Khatun or Battlesage, both also offer some other useful things for arena. 

- Sinesha in particular but also Vrask, HK, Battlesage, Coffin Smasher, Soulbond Bowyer, Bulwark, Reliquary Tender and Doomscreech are all good or even excellent champions who you should develop. 

- On your CB team, not sure what Galek is offering. And you have neither poison nor HP burn - great ways to increase damage on the CB. Some good options to replace Galek: Bulwark (HP burn and his aura), Coffin Smasher (HP burn and another decrease attack), Steelskull (heals and a little poison), Maneater (unkillable buff), Skullcrusher (counterattack). 
18 май 2020, 18:2118.05.20
Thanks @Trips!
18 май 2020, 18:2618.05.20


Thanks for the insight. Really helpful.

Actually Galek was my starter and other than him I have put all effort in Apoth, Elhain and Madame Serris. I opened pretty much all shards I have got so far in hope for a stronger poisoner like Kael but no luck. 

18 май 2020, 18:4218.05.20

But you have better poisoner than Kael already. See that green beauty on the third row under Belower? That's your man! Pig... Something... 

One of the better poisoner, combined with good utility kit. He sure can take good amount of books to shine (also quote picky when it comes to masteries), but he is one of you best choice currently for CB poisoner role. 

18 май 2020, 18:5418.05.20
@Daering, yup SteelSkull.. Actually since he needs Epic books and thats why was waiting on a rare poisoner
19 май 2020, 14:5919.05.20
Bellower is awesome Campaign Farmer