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3 Changes to make Gurptuk Moss-Beard better!

3 Changes to make Gurptuk Moss-Beard better!

14 май 2020, 22:5814.05.20

3 Changes to make Gurptuk Moss-Beard better!

Change #1 = Places three 2.5% [Poison]….Rest stays the same

Change #2 = Removes all debuffs from all allies except Poison, then heals them all by 30% of this Champion's MAX HP and places a [Shield] buff on all allies equal to 20% of this Champion's MAX HP for 2 turns.

Change #3 = Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 2 turns on all allies under [Poison] debuffs.

14 май 2020, 23:0314.05.20
14 май 2020, 23:03(отредактировано)
wow u are pretty good at the game lol big fan 
15 май 2020, 00:1815.05.20
15 май 2020, 12:5715.05.20

First attack skill  = op

2nd skill = aoe cleanse aoe shield for 2 turns with 2 turn cd = too op unless cd is 4 turns after skill up

3rd skill = okay
15 май 2020, 13:3915.05.20
what the hell are u smoking?  your A1 literally means 100% heal to all allies EVERY turn when you have counter atk and good speed on him.  Fused lego will never get this kind of OP, real OP lego comes after every new batch of champions and only from pulling to keep $$ floating, shut up and open your wallet not your mouth. 
15 май 2020, 16:2715.05.20
4. Increases damage boost from 7,5% to 12,5%. 
15 май 2020, 21:2115.05.20
15 май 2020, 22:00(отредактировано)

Nothing I am saying is overpowered.

You people simply don't understand the champion is functioning poorly.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard is a Support hero.

Support heroes take up a slot on your team.

Support heroes do crap damage, but are often used to help the team stay alive longer to do more damage 

Gurptuk Moss-Beard isn't helping your team stay alive - He is killing them off faster.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard does damage to your team with poison ticks.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard doesn't do enough healing to heal your team back from the poisons.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard doesn't do enough healing to heal your team from the Enemy's Incoming Attacks.

Mathematically, It makes no sense at all

Gurptuk Moss-Beard A3 puts 3x 5% Poisons for 3 turns.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard A1 puts 1x 15% C.Heal for 1 turn.

Round 1:

Your hero takes 3x 5% Poisons total of 15% 2 turns remaining

Your hero heals 1x 15% C.Heal total of 15% 0 turns remaining

Round 2: 

Your hero takes 3x 5% Poisons total of 15% 1 turns remaining 

Round 3: 

Your hero takes 3x 5% Poisons total of 15% 0 turns remaining 

The Length of the C.Heals are not equal to the Length of the Poison turn ticks.

And the A2 will trigger in between your hero casing the A1.

And the A1 is restricted to only being applied if you have Poison.

So even if your hero is damaged - They can't get C.heals unless they have poison ticks on them.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard should be healing your champion past the poison tick damage & past the enemy damage.

When I use a Healing Support Champion, The reason I use it is to Heal off the damage the enemy has done to me.

Look at Zelotah - Thenasil - Vrask - Warlord - Bad El Kazar as all examples

Your team takes damage from enemy - You try to heal back the damage.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard puts poison damage on you + enemy puts damage on you

Gurptuk Moss-Beard heals don't do jack to recover from any of the damage.

Gurptuk Moss-Beard is killing your team off.

The only people finding Gurptuk Moss-Beard viable are Super End Game players who are killing runs so fast that the Poison damage doesn't have enough time to kill them off.

Which is rather dumb because it makes Gurptuk Moss-Beard unuseable for the rest of the player base

And players who are Super End Game killing runs so fast don't even need Gurptuk Moss-Beard.

He shaves 1 second off there 11 second run?

You people need to realize this hero needs to be changed.

The change which needs to happen is the amount of healing for this champion needs to increase or the poison tick damage on this champion need to decrease or both!

Gurptuk Moss-Beard passive helps your team do more damage, BUT IT IS USELESS IF YOUR TEAM IS DEAD!

I gave the game my suggestions on how to make Gurptuk Moss-Beard better.

They can do as they wish.

I'm not going to lose sleep over this matter.

I gave Gurptuk a ranking of 2 on another thread.

The only place I could think of Gurptuk being viable on was Dragon or Faction Wars.

Players seem to agree.

Look at that 2 score for everything except 4 locations.

I knew he would be above 2 for Dragon & Faction Wars.

Could I have been wrong about Spider & Clan Boss? Ha - Not really

They give Gurptuk a better score because of the Septimius Spider Speed run. Which isn't really exciting at all.

I think the Clan Boss score is wrong and will decrease downward over time to a 2.

15 май 2020, 22:4215.05.20

His kit just doesnt work.  it probably looks OK on paper as a designer but something was definitely lost in translation. This dude is supposed to be a brand new legendary and I would be more excited to pull a Royal Guard than him.  What's the point of having a guy who kills your team and brings basically nothing to the table besides a fairly medicore damage increase that you cant even notice unless using MAX HP DMG champions.  Even if his damage increase was 100% he would still be fairly meh due to the burden of having to insert him onto a team where he brings basically nothing else.

Very disapointing that his damage sucks and his support sucks.  Compare anything about this guy to Bad El Kazar (who he is probably most like but also is nothing like) and it becomes clear he is so subpar its not even funny.  I get not every champion can be Dracomorph and BEK but cmon Plarium, give us something more
16 май 2020, 00:0916.05.20

"Nothing I am saying is overpowered."

Sure! I believe you! 
16 май 2020, 04:0916.05.20
16 май 2020, 04:11(отредактировано)

badsad said:

what the hell are u smoking?  your A1 literally means 100% heal to all allies EVERY turn when you have counter atk and good speed on him.  Fused lego will never get this kind of OP, real OP lego comes after every new batch of champions and only from pulling to keep $$ floating, shut up and open your wallet not your mouth. 

I love how people are coming to my thread saying the changes I am recommending are Overpowered.

The most hilarious thing I have ever seen.

Gurptuk Moss Beard is so trash Hell Hades would rather keep the 2 Epic Heroes vs. Fusion the Leggo.


Gurptuk Moss Beard is so trash Stewgaming says he is bad.

Stewgaming tried Gurptuk Moss Beard in every Clan Boss team Composition.


Stewgaming has renamed Gurptuk to Durp Tuk.

Meme Fusion Champion!

I also love the part of BadSad statement where he says Fused Leggos are never OP.

Can you people please remind BadSad were Tormin & Rotos came from?

16 май 2020, 04:2516.05.20
16 май 2020, 04:35(отредактировано)

This picture is worth a Thousand words!


Look at the total frustration on Stews Little Bald Face as his Warmaiden gets wrecked by a Dragon Wave! OMEGALUL

Durptuks inability to heal up his own team caused Stew to lose a Dragon fight.

Dragon Tournment just finished

The Global Leaderboards are up for everyone to see!

StewGaming was ranked 11 in the entire game for the Dragon event.

Screenshot below:

Stew credentials as a player being able to rank 11 in Global just shows you how bad Gurptuk really is.

Stew can't win a Dragon fight due to a wave killing off his team in Dragon because of Gurptuk? OMEGALUL

The player who is ranked 11 in the entire game for the Dragon Dungeon Event is telling you Gurptuk is causing his Dragon team issues because he doesn't heal.


Do nothing? We put him in our Vaults and just complain to you to Buff Gurptuk.

Do something? We might actually use Gurptuk.

16 май 2020, 08:3416.05.20
16 май 2020, 08:42(отредактировано)

I will not argue how bad or good Gurptuk is . I will fuse him anyway, it will cost me to build 4 epics, some of them i already have and i consider this as fair deal. I will put him in Vault for now, just because i have others that are of high priority for me now. And I am not high end player in any means and i prefer to get as many value from my next champion as i can get. Niche champion, useful for like, what, 1% of the player base is not something that i am happy to invest anytime soon.

Also, i wouldn't argue if they decided to buff him. Buff him? Well, why not? Too OP after buff? Hell yeah? I have him, I don't mind having OP champions on my disposal.

But i will argue with the idea that circles around and are focus on some users argument against him. Gurptuk is a bad healer, they said. He can't keep your team alive, they need to buff his healing capabilities, they said. Guys, whoever get the idea that Gurptuk is supposed to be healer is just wrong. Like... how can you get the idea that he can be good healer and this is main focus on his kit?

And here are the content creators with some videos about him, trying to make him fit the healer role in their team. You can imagine they will fail before you even get to the point of the actual test. As much as i respect them and follow some of them, you clearly can see that they can sometime get things wrong. Did you remember when Harvest Jack comes out and everyone focused on the fact that he has worst damage output compared to other damage dealers? Did you remember when Skytouched Shaman was released and everyone was "Meh!"?

Also Stew Global Dragon Rating isn't serious argument of how good or not he read Gurptuk kit and have tested him correctly.

Complaining that Gurptuk is just bad healer is like complaining that F1 car is bad in offroad competition.

Again, I am not saying Gurptuk is good or bad. He is just too niche for like 99% of player base (sure, that do make him bad for not be useful for most of the people, including me) but if you gonna rate him bad for not being good healer that is just not correct.

You can make correct conclusion based on wrong presumption and that's exactly my point here.

17 май 2020, 12:3317.05.20

I do think Daering makes some good points, but I also think he made some bad points. 

I agree with the top of Daering post.

If you can get a Legendary hero with out going in debt, You should go for it. 

Legendary heroes can be buffed in the future at any time. 

It is always worth it to try. 


I agree with the middle of Daering post. 

The youtubers/content creators have been wrong. 

There has been times I have called out the youtubers for being wrong.

The reason why is because I believe they didn't know what they was talking about. 


You have to understand - I am the type of person who sides with the people telling the truth. 

I am quick to call you out when I believe you are lying. 

But I am also quick to defend you if I believe you are telling the truth. 


This time I believe the youtubers are telling the truth. 

This is why I am posting what they are saying. 

Everything they are saying - Is the same thing I am saying - And that is simply what is happening. 

Gurptuk isn't healing 


Now, We reach the part of Daering post I don't agree with. 

The youtubers have been trying to use Gurptuk as a healer. 

Daering believes that perhaps the Youtubers are wrong  

Daering believes that perhaps Gurptuk isn't meant to be a healer. 

BUT if Gurptuk isn't meant to be a healer why does the majority of Gurptuks active skills do healing?

Gurptuk has 5 skills:

1 skill is an Aura --------> Which applies in battle if Gurptuk is the Leader

1 skill is a Passive -----> Which applies in battle if Conditions are met

3 skills are Active ------> Which players can actively use at any time in battle

I can't help, but to agree with the youtubers on this one.

I think Gurptuk is a healer which has a unique ability to provide increased damage as a utility.

The game has dozens of healers in the game.

Every healer offers a different utility which they bring to the table.

DoomPriest does healing with the unique ability of doing 1 random Cleanse from your team.

Steelskull does healing with the unique ability of doing Poisons

 And the list goes on and on

The point is I believe the youtubers have a valid line of reasoning on why they believe Gurptuk is a healer.

Gurptuk Skill Kit has Healing built in it - Yet, It doesn't provide enough healing to sustain any Damage.

And that is why Gurptuk needs to get buffed.

And that is why I created this thread to give the developers 3 change recommendations to help make Gurptuk better.

17 май 2020, 15:4817.05.20
17 май 2020, 16:30(отредактировано)

There is a valid point in your post, @Player J. I started to think that there is a hidden troll among Raid developers and his ideas sometime slips through the developers process and we ended up with heroes that cant do the job they are supposed to do and are presented for.

Like when you presented someone as FK exclusive champion through his kit and then release him as magic affinity.

I think that that bearded guy needs just little push from developers. If he can

1* place the same 3 poisons on all ally AND enemy or

2* place more Heal Buffs on our team,

then we can actually make him work by further neglect his negative effects on our team.

We can then

1* "sacrifice" another slot for healer, because Gurptuk will do some damage to enemy too :)))

2* or we can make it without "full time healer", just with some "off healer".

But just to be clear - I am all in for making him OP!

18 май 2020, 19:5018.05.20

If Guptuk isnt a healer, and Guptuk isnt a damage dealer (There are videos of him with 300% CD and 100% CR and he is hitting like 15k/15k on A1) then WTF is the point of him?

HIs special ability where he kills your team but boosts their damage is ill thought out when you consider you can just take him out of the line up and add in another damage champion who would do MORE damage than what his bonus damage brings and also probably has some other useful skills.

If his unique ability doesnt add more damage than another champion would, and he has no other utility besides block buffs, it starts to become very clear that he fits in literally no where so he isnt even the best champion for placing Block Buffs

I hate to keep comparing him to Bad El Kazaar but thats who he is most like (not like really at all other than on paper).

Bad El Kazaar

AoE A1- Heals All Allies by 20% of damage done

AoE Clense A2 - Debuffs ENEMY with poison and cleanses debuffs of ALL allies

Passive - Flat out 15% damage increase against poisoned enemies - no prerequisites

Durp Tuk

Single target A1 -15% continuous heal for allies who are posioned (1 turn)

Single Target A2 - heals 30% and shields 20% on THEIR HP (would be better if it was HIS)

AoE A3 - Poisons your team - lose 15% life per turn for 3 turns - increases damage 22%

On paper you might think OK this looks alright even though Mossbeard is all single target and BEK is all AoE with basically the same skills.  The fact is after he poisons your team he starts using other abilities than his A1, so he is not healing the damage he is inflicting.  He has all draw backs and very little in the form of advantage when you compare these two kits

Cool idea that needs tweaking - please do something because i really want to like this champion but you are making it difficult.
19 май 2020, 00:4119.05.20

Once, again, Spider73 makes another fantastic comment.

Upvoted again!

Everything Spider73 is saying is the same thing we all have been saying.

I have been saying Gurptuk needs a change.

The youtubers have been saying Gurptuk needs a change.

I have given him a ranking of 2.

If it was only a few people saying Gurptuk needed a change, It would be a different story.

A Small group of people can sometimes be wrong or confused.

In this situation, a Large group of players are experiencing the same exact issues with Gurptuk.

I have my Gurptuk level 50.

I was going to 60 my Gurptuk, but I have changed my mind.

  • I did test runs with my Gurptuk.
  • I have watched YouTube videos of Gurptuk.
  • I have talked with teammates who have Gurptuk level 60.
  • I have talked with teammates who have Gurptuk Max Tome.
  • I have talked with players in Global Chat who have Gurptuk Maxed out.
  • I have talked with players on Discord.
  • I have talked with players on the Forums.

I have talked with every possible person I know who owns this champion.

The problems they have with the hero is the exact same.

27 май 2020, 17:0327.05.20

I maxed my Gurptuk out to level 60.

I was hoping it would make him better. lol

He still suffers from lack of healing.

Its hard to put him on a regular team because it hurts the team to much.

28 май 2020, 05:5928.05.20

Oh hey this is cool, they just buffed Bad El Kazaars passive to do 20% increased damage instead of 15%

Mossbeard desperately needs his Poison AoE to hit enemies as well as allies, needs his A1 buffed to 2 turns, and his A2 should not remove poisons

Please Make Mossbeard Great Again
28 май 2020, 18:4228.05.20
28 май 2020, 18:56(отредактировано)

Player J said:

Change #3 = Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 3 turns on all allies under [Poison] debuf

Hello I have moss beard maxed and I think the next for the changes you propose

Change #1: good

Change #2: ok but I like the removing of the poisons when I'm healing someone at low health

Change #3: now this change you propose is not good, I think is better to change the continuous heal duration from 1 turn to 2 turns and that would be good.
30 май 2020, 02:5430.05.20
30 май 2020, 02:54(отредактировано)
30 май 2020, 13:2530.05.20
30 май 2020, 13:28(отредактировано)

Cirdan.Alcarin said:

Player J said:

Change #3 = Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 3 turns on all allies under [Poison] debuf

Hello I have moss beard maxed and I think the next for the changes you propose

Change #1: good

Change #2: ok but I like the removing of the poisons when I'm healing someone at low health

Change #3: now this change you propose is not good, I think is better to change the continuous heal duration from 1 turn to 2 turns and that would be good.

I don't agree with you about your Change #2.

I think having Moss Beard put poison on than removing it instantly right after isn't ideal.

I would prefer him to remove everything else except the poison he applied.

I do agree with you about Change #3.

I edited my original post.

I changed the buff for 3 turns to 2 turns.