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Inbox full - lost my items

Inbox full - lost my items

14 май 2020, 19:1814.05.20

Inbox full - lost my items

The events are hard, so I was farming campaign all day, invested tons of diamonds so I can run again and again today.

Yesterday evening I cleaned my inbox down to approx 40 items. xP-Doublers, good Reflex-Items from icegolem and so on.

Now they are all gone! No warning, nothing.

I „paid“ my time an diamonds to erase my own stuff... because inbox was full now.

This is not okay!

(Month before plarium told, they are aware of this problem - but as you can see nothing happens...)

14 май 2020, 23:2714.05.20
14 май 2020, 23:28(отредактировано)

Sounds like a personal issue to me.

Stop filling up your inbox and you will no longer lose gear.

17 май 2020, 18:3417.05.20

Skar72 said:

The events are hard, so I was farming campaign all day, invested tons of diamonds so I can run again and again today.

Yesterday evening I cleaned my inbox down to approx 40 items. xP-Doublers, good Reflex-Items from icegolem and so on.

Now they are all gone! No warning, nothing.

I „paid“ my time an diamonds to erase my own stuff... because inbox was full now.

This is not okay!

(Month before plarium told, they are aware of this problem - but as you can see nothing happens...)

I have the same issue. There is no information about how the Inbox works with overflow so the first time i accidentally overflowed it, i found out the hard way. BUT! The absolute worst thing is that it doesn't delete new items trying to be stored. No, it Pushes Out your existing items you have first in the Inbox! I had loads of full Arena Refills first in my Inbox and they all got pushed out!

I submitted a support request for it but Plarium just closed it without even responding!!

This is an epic fail to have an Inbox work this way but also horrible of Plarium to just ignore support requests and close them when they don't want to handle them!