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After 145 days shard rng finally in my favor

After 145 days shard rng finally in my favor

14 май 2020, 17:1114.05.20

After 145 days shard rng finally in my favor

Only 1 crappy legendary from any shard until now. A 10 pack of ancient resulted in duchess, with a luria bonus... and a belated drake. Guess I need to reconfigure my arena team.
14 май 2020, 17:2114.05.20
Congrats on pulling Duchesss!
14 май 2020, 18:2514.05.20

Thanks J. What do you think about duchesses, skullcrusher, grizzled karl and...

.....skull lord?
14 май 2020, 19:3714.05.20

Trips said:

Thanks J. What do you think about duchesses, skullcrusher, grizzled karl and...

.....skull lord?

Someone still had to do damage tho. 😂

Congrats, I consider Lilitu as one of the best "trolls" in the game. 

14 май 2020, 23:3114.05.20

Yeah - I think Daering has a point.

You would def want a hero who can be a Damage Dealer in that set up.

Otherwise, It be an all day long type of fight.
15 май 2020, 01:1315.05.20
15 май 2020, 01:16(отредактировано)

I am used to long fights, I run skullcrusher grizz zelotah and monster on offense. Click auto and alt tab to something else, come back and see how I did :) guess I'll just stick with monster

Going to miss that resist aura from zelotah though
16 май 2020, 20:3516.05.20
And today my void shards gave me warlord, I was not familiar with this legendary. But I think I will find a spot to fit him somewhere. 
16 май 2020, 21:2016.05.20
16 май 2020, 21:53(отредактировано)

I have got Bracus yesterday from blue shard pulled by mistake (was on work, doing my daily shard pull, but i was with gloves and seems i was clicked on blue instead of my daily green pull). Today i have got Thormin, but this time i have good feeling before that x2 pull, so actually it was not that big surprise.

Yeah, who am I kidding, it was surprise.  

16 май 2020, 22:5916.05.20
Daering said:

I have got Bracus yesterday from blue shard pulled by mistake (was on work, doing my daily shard pull, but i was with gloves and seems i was clicked on blue instead of my daily green pull). Today i have got Thormin, but this time i have good feeling before that x2 pull, so actually it was not that big surprise.

Yeah, who am I kidding, it was surprise.  

17 май 2020, 07:1117.05.20

Warlord can be amazing in Clan Boss for Debuff Extension.

Warlord is amazing in Arena as well 

I guess it just depends on where you need him at.
17 май 2020, 07:1217.05.20
Congrats Daering
17 май 2020, 10:1217.05.20

Thx, guys.

Hey, what do you think, Tormin or Hegemon will fit better in my current set up: (in that turn order)




Prince Kymar

I am pretty happy whit this set up, but i think that both can replace Rhazin for extra trolling. Prince Kymar`s skill reset will work well with Hegemons AoE CC for (theoretically) double the chance to block enemy skills (maybe even with freeze or provoke set) and Tormin... well, he is useful by just sitting there and look menacing

My Rhazin is part of the my CB team and i want to retire him from Arena, so i can build him more properly for CB. 

I am gonna build both Tormin or Hegemon ofc, because why not, but with whom do you think i should start?

17 май 2020, 12:5117.05.20

I find your set up highly unusual Daering.

I have 2 questions:

1- What is the move order + moves your set up does

2- Do you own a Damage Dealer which is Attack type?

17 май 2020, 15:0917.05.20
18 май 2020, 12:39(отредактировано)

Player J said:

I find your set up highly unusual Daering.

I have 2 questions:

1- What is the move order + moves your set up does

2- Do you own a Damage Dealer which is Attack type?

My turn order is the way i listed them. That's my usual Atack team and my default Defense team.

1. Arbiter

- she is my leader, tho technically hers and Kaymar`s aura gives similar speed bonus. But she is an pretty High Elf, so Kaymar was just acting like real gentlemen here, hehe

- her Speed at the moment is pretty questionable, running her at 278 speed, but for lower/middle Gold 4 this seems most of the time enough. 

- strange thing is - i use her in my CB team. Yeah, that definitely is pretty unusual, i know. But I tested every possible combination i have at the moment and she is part of every team that has better or best result there. I explained that to myself mostly because that turn meter boost. That sux, because i have to run her with Offense/Support masteries for now until i replace her in CB.

- as we know, she starts with A3 with party turn meter boost and Attack Buff

2. Ma`Shalled

- 204 speed (103 base speed) goes second. He boost the party with 30% Speed and 30% Crit Dmg Buff, place Leech and Frue Fear on enemy (I like that one - he just place them if he pass resistance check, no attack and no way to weak hit them and fail to debuff), then he attack with A3 - Steal all buffs from single target (if overcome enemy res) and usually one hit everyone that wasn't build for high defense/HP. If he can't oneshot, target is on dead bed anyway. I often see numbers from 20k to 110k depends of the target and my damn gear is no near endgame. Also place two Heal buffs on himself.

3. Rhazin

- he always go at that stage with AoE turn meter deplete. If things go well for me till that moment, this is what i considered as turning point. I value his turn meter over his damage, but can't complain over his damage too. But if he manage to deplete the enemy turn meter, things snowball from here most of the time

4. Kaymar

- God bless his AI, he always go with his A3 that reset ally skills (even in those cases that no ally has used any skill yet, lol :)), but here i can rely on his consistent AI. That A3 also has slight turn meter boost for my party, that gives me further advantage over enemy lowered turn meter.

From now on there are couple of interesting things that are worth to be mentioned. On auto battles where Arbiter has already used A3, she will go for A4 next instead A2, even there is no dead ally and that lower her usefulness on auto. But now she can use her A3 again and that gives me one turn window on auto, if things got messy for me.

* Ma`Shaled repeats his moves and even if there is no enemy buffs he can steal, at the end of his move he has around 6 buffs, 4 of them Heal Buffs. If he takes damage next turn but doesn't die, those 4 Heal buffs brings him back half of his HP before he attack and take advantage from Leech. I can't see any logic in his single attack skill. He doesn't mind attacking even strong affinity even if there is a enemy with weak affinity to him. Not as smart as you can expect from Vampire. :) but he compensate that with insane damage modifiers. Even his A1 hits most of the time for 20k each. Imagine if i have someone with AoE debuffs like Draco.

* Rhazin here may act differently according to number of enemy alive. If for some strange reason there is still 4 enemy alive, he will use turn metter deplete again. If there a 2, 3 enemy, they are usually with good defense/hp and he place DD and Weaken on someone. That helps.

* This is where enemy usually start to act, going for all sort of buffs, CA and such. But True Fear is a nasty debuff. That`s all can say. Its bad to have all your team with Leech and True Fear.

* But if someone manage to act and go for some sort of buff like CA, Unkillable, Block Damage, this is where Kaymar`s A2 comes to play. He strip all the buffs from all enemy (if there is no weak hit and he overcome enemy res) and this is where Skullcrown usually dies. This skill also place Sleep on enemy, this is one damn OP skill in my oppinion. Also, If things go well till now, at this point, Kaymar has Attack and Crit Dmg buff on him (and main has 100% Crit Rate also) and that guy hits hard for support champion. I mean it, i think that whoever has Kaymar and didn't build him also with damage in mind he don`t use him to full extend.

Of course, this is just the idea behind my approach, tho i build that team exclusively to play it on auto and in reality this is what was happen most of the time. I know, playing Arena on auto is bad idea and i agree, you guys will be totally right to say this is lazy approach and maybe not serious enough, but ,,, yeah, maybe i don`t enjoy Arena as it is, but enjoy the idea to play it on auto. I don`t have plans to go for Platinum for near future and will continue to farm my medals in G2

About that second question - Ma'Shalled is attack based champion in every aspect and I build him as such. He still has over 2k defence, but that because some good rolls  here and there on his equipmen, not because it focus on that. Kaymar although not listed as attack champ deal respectfull potion of my final damage. Strange part in that team turns out to be my Arbiter (for the reasons I mentioned earlier) - she ended up with stats that sometime result in 8k or 9k damage on hit on undebuffed enemy. My aim was speed and Def, but that's what I ended up with. I will gladly respect her masteries and overall concept when i retire her from my CB team. 

My best counter, as you can imagine, is Tormin. That guy wrecks my entire team by just sitting there, smiling at me. :) Can't wait to use him myself.

Sometime i swap Rhazin or Kaymar for Harvest Jack, when i think i can use extra CC over damage. My Harvest Jack wears Provoke set and his kit synergies well with Ma`Salled AoE Frue Fear, tho i get best result if i play it on manual, so i can start with A2 for AoE Block Buff.

Sometime i swap Rhazin and Kaymar for M. Mage and Seer, then i know enemy will start with precasted buffs or huge shields from skills or sets. Those battles are usually fastest and funniest - you can imagine what Seer can do with all those buffs from mine and enemy team combined. But both M. Mage ans Seer don`t have reliable speed for Arena. I use them elsewhere and now i use them in Arena less and less often.

Almost all of those mentioned are booked at least for their important CD and skills except for Rhazin. He needs some books for his A3, tho i started to think do i really need that 1 CD reduction.

And now I am going to build Tormin and Hegemon (that guy sits in my Vault for over a month now, that is just not right)  because i dont have nothing else to do until i pull my CA champion :)

18 май 2020, 09:3818.05.20
18 май 2020, 09:40(отредактировано)

I made a video today as reference to idea of how irrelevant Team Power can be (also, using that as the opportunity to see how that You Tube thing works, lol).

Thou this battle wasn't that good example. It was more likely good example of how bad you can be if you don`t put much thoughts into your team.

This guy has tons of resistance and i was resisted all the time, my main damage dealer has affinity disadvantage, but when you can`t act you can't do much, right? That`s the idea.

18 май 2020, 21:5418.05.20

Yeah - the set up makes sense.

It is unusual, but there is synergy in the team design.

I just don't see how you will be able to use Tormin or Hegemon in that set up.

I think you might have to build a different set up completely for Tormin & Hegemon.

I was thinking of a Speed Nuking set up.

Leader: Abriter - Speed Aura

1st move: Hegemon --------> Lock Skills + Decrease Attack

2nd move: Abriter -----------> Turn Meter + Increase Attack

3rd move: ? ------------------> AOE Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: ? ------------------> AOE Nuke [Damage Scales from Attack]

Yeah - I saw set ups similar to that.

But you said you only have Ma'Shalled as an Attacker.

18 май 2020, 23:3518.05.20

Yeah, i start to thing that Tormin is a guy that need sort of "his own team" approach, not to be forced into random set up for the reason for being THE Tormin :)

But i think that Hegemon can replace Rhazin for the Decrease Attack and good chance to Lock of enemy skill.

Hegemon has advantage to go first, but i will build him still fast enough, so when Kaymar reset the skills of my team Hegemon should start his second turn again with that AoE for another try to Lock enemy skill. He can be respectful damage dealer and i certainly will build him for damage, but the Lock enemy skill is something that i want to get advantage of.

Best part - i still don`t have any AoE DD debuffer (maybe i have Spider somewhere in vault and probably Warmaiden, but i doubt i will work on them) so instead classical nuke set up i have ended up with mix of damage/cc type of team.