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Defense based champion hit by decrease attack..?

Defense based champion hit by decrease attack..?

10 май 2020, 18:3910.05.20

Defense based champion hit by decrease attack..?

So here's my question,

what happens when you apply an attack debuff on a defense based champion, will he hit less even if the debuff its "atack"? Or he will still hit same as without the debuff since his attacks are def based?

On a similar topic, if you score a "defense decrease" debuff on a defense based champion.. will he not only take more damage from attackers.... but also hit less when attacking?

10 май 2020, 19:1010.05.20
10 май 2020, 19:19(отредактировано)

Dragonslump said:

So here's my question,

what happens when you apply an attack debuff on a defense based champion, will he hit less even if the debuff its "atack"? Or he will still hit same as without the debuff since his attacks are def based?

On a similar topic, if you score a "defense decrease" debuff on a defense based champion.. will he not only take more damage from attackers.... but also hit less when attacking?

You should read every skill description carefully, not rely solely on champion being labeled as Defense/Attack/Support.

To your question - champion with Decrease Attack debuff on them will do less damage with these skills which scales off (ATK). If this champion have another skill which scales with, say... HP od DEF, that debuff will not affect the damage output of this specific skill.

Champion being Defense, or Attack, or Support doesn't matter here. What matters is the actual skill and of which attribute/stat he scales. If you have debuff that decrease this stat, the damage of that skill will be reduced.